Teen who said her ex raped her admits wasting police time

Hannah Sandover, 18, has been fined £200, after she falsely accused her ex of drugging and raping her 

A teenager who got back at her ex by falsely claiming he drugged and raped her has been fined £200 after she admitted wasting police time.

Hannah Sandover, 18, dated her ex-boyfriend, also 18, for a year when they split and then made up the rape when he refused get back together with her, Salisbury Magistrates’ Court heard. 

Sandover later told a friend he had put drugs in the bottle of water she was drinking from and forced himself on her in the back of his car during a trip to the Westbury White Horse in Wiltshire.

Her worried friend went to police and Sandover gave a statement to detectives saying: ‘He became forceful and pinned me down, I kept telling him to stop. I think he had drugged the water I was drinking.’

She claimed she got into the back of car to stretch out in an attempt to ease stomach pains, before her former boyfriend jumped on her.

Sandover, who was from Southwick, Wiltshire, at the time, said a friend was sitting in the front of the car, but was listening to music through headphones.

But when she was taken to a clinic for an intimate examination her story started to change as she admitted she hadn’t been drugged.

And when her family began to question the story, Sandover admitted she made it all up and the pair had engaged in consensual sex.

Sandover's story unravelled after giving a statement to police and later admitted she made it all up but was too scared to admit it initially

Sandover's story unravelled after giving a statement to police and later admitted she made it all up

Sandover’s story unravelled after giving a statement to police and later admitted she made it all up but was too scared to admit it initially

Sandover later told a friend he had put drugs in the bottle of water she was drinking and forced himself on her in the back of his car during a trip to the Westbury White Horse in Wiltshire (pictured)

Sandover later told a friend he had put drugs in the bottle of water she was drinking and forced himself on her in the back of his car during a trip to the Westbury White Horse in Wiltshire (pictured)

She admitted a charge of wasting police time at Salisbury Magistrates’ Court, Wiltshire, and was given a four-month suspended sentence.

The teenager said she was 'too scared to admit she had been lying'

The teenager said she was ‘too scared to admit she had been lying’

Sandover was also given a restraining order stopping her from contacting her former lover for two years, ordered to pay £200 in compensation and complete up to 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirement.

Prosecutor Ryan Seneviratine said: ‘Miss Sandover is extremely lucky that she didn’t get charged with perverting the course of justice, only due to her age and the fact she has no previous convictions.

‘Her ex-boyfriend has said his confidence in approaching girls has been completely ruined.

‘He was kept in custody for five-and-a-half hours and underwent intimate tests.

‘And all because she wanted to get back at him.

‘She had numerous times to say the allegations were lies, but she didn’t.’

Defending, Moses Tawo said: ‘She was too scared to admit she had been lying.

‘The only person she told the story to was her friend, she never meant for it to be taken to the police and couldn’t tell me why she had told lies.

‘She has faced some health issues, and when the only relationship she had with anyone ended, she panicked, which she now shows remorse for.’


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