Teen with two millionaire fathers appears on This Morning

She hit headlines with revelations of her eye-watering £1million wardrobe, £400,000 Fabergé ring and £5,000-a-month ‘pocket money’ allowance.

But now Saffron Drewitt-Barlow, who is the daughter of the first gay men to father children through surrogacy in the UK, has insisted she is ‘really appreciative’ of her extravagant lifestyle.

The self-confessed daddies’ girl, who turned 18 in December, appeared on This Morning alongside her proud parents Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow, who insist Saffron isn’t spoilt and has made ‘millions of pounds in her own right’ through her burgeoning skincare business.

Speaking from their £5 million ($6.9 million) home in Tampa, Florida on Monday, Saffron said: ‘Over the years I have been spoilt, but I’m really appreciative for what I’ve had and I’m more appreciative than people think.’

The privileged teen, who recently launched Barking Mad Cosmetics thanks to a £1 million ($1.4 million) loan from her fathers, also claimed to have sold 100,000 products in the space of just six days. 

Spoilt rotten? Saffron Drewitt-Barlow has insisted she is ‘really appreciative’ of her extravagant lifestyle in a joint appearance with her parents Tony, left, and Barrie, right

Dad Barrie also hit out the ‘haters’ who had criticised Saffron’s lifestyle, adding: ‘She owns her own company, she works 18 hours a day, she owns millions of dollars in her own right.

‘We’re still Barrie and Tony from the block and a lot of our family are still [in Manchester]. Our kids appreciate what they’ve got.’

Barrie and Tony, who have a combined wealth of £40 million ($55 million), also have son Orlando, 13, and twin boys Jasper and Dallas, six.

But they also admitted they get ‘about 30 notifications a day’ informing them of Saffron’s eye-watering spending sprees in luxury stores like Harrods and Selfridges.

And some viewers were far from impressed when the couple, who are currently working on a reality show with a ‘major Hollywood studio’, boasted they had a bigger house than their next-door neighbour, R&B star Rihanna.  

Defensive: Dad Barrie (right) hit out the 'haters' who criticised Saffron's lifestyle, adding: 'She owns her own company, she works 18 hours a day, she owns millions of dollars in her own right'

Defensive: Dad Barrie (right) hit out the ‘haters’ who criticised Saffron’s lifestyle, adding: ‘She owns her own company, she works 18 hours a day, she owns millions of dollars in her own right’

Saffron recently admitted to splashing £30,000 ($41,000) a year on cosmetics and skincare products alone, which she stores in her so-called ‘glam room’ and ‘tanning room’ adjoining her sprawling bedroom and wardrobe. 

The teen, who lives in her own 1,000 sq ft ‘wing’ of her fathers’ house and goes on regular spending sprees with their credit cards, received a white Range Rover and an all-expenses paid trip to England for her 18th birthday.

But she insists her parents, who live in a sprawling ten-bedroom waterfront property in Florida and count baseball manager Joe Maddon as a neighbour, haven’t forgotten their Manchester council estate roots.

Saffron and her twin brother Aspen were conceived in the late 1990s using the donor eggs of one woman, Tracie McCune, and were then carried in the womb of another woman, Rosalind Bellany.  

'It sickens me': Many viewers weren't convinced by Barrie and Tony's insistence that their teenage daughter wasn't spoilt, and accused the family of flaunting their wealth

‘It sickens me’: Many viewers weren’t convinced by Barrie and Tony’s insistence that their teenage daughter wasn’t spoilt, and accused the family of flaunting their wealth

Barrie and Tony – whom they call ‘Daddy’ and ‘Dad’ respectively – have never revealed which of them is the biological father of which twin, as the two men consider themselves to be equal parents. 

Speaking to the Daily Mail earlier this year, Saffron said: ‘I know I am incredibly lucky. Dad and Daddy love the finer things in life, and that’s something they have passed on to me.

‘They have always been incredibly generous and love spoiling my brothers and me.

‘They aren’t afraid to let people see how we live. They’re self-made, and they tell us that if you make your own money then you can choose to spend it how you like.’  

Aspen and Saffron were the first surrogate babies fathered by a British gay couple (pictured here with parents Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow in 1999)

Aspen and Saffron were the first surrogate babies fathered by a British gay couple (pictured here with parents Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow in 1999)

The twins celebrate their first birthday in Sweden in 2000. Barrie and Tony, who have a combined wealth of £40 million, also have son Orlando,  13, and twins Jasper and Dallas, six

The twins celebrate their first birthday in Sweden in 2000. Barrie and Tony, who have a combined wealth of £40 million, also have son Orlando, 13, and twins Jasper and Dallas, six

But while Saffron still receives a £5,000 ($6,900) monthly ‘pocket money’ allowance, she knows she can’t rely on her parents’ cash forever because they expect her to get a job and fund her own lifestyle now that she has come of age. 

‘Daddy (Barrie) sat me down and said that while they love spoiling me, I’m growing up and it’s time for me to get a job,’ Saffron said, adding that they are planning to leave most of their multimillion-pound fortune to charity.

Barrie added: ‘We are incredibly proud of all our children, but we’ve told them we intend to leave a lot of our millions to charity as we want our children to get jobs and make their own way in life, just as we did.

‘While we make no apologies for spoiling them, we have also taught them the value of money and we never let them forget where we came from.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk