Teenage girls who binge drink have weaker bones for the rest of their lives, study finds 

Teenage girls who binge drink may be damaging the long-term health of their bones, a new study has found. 

Research that looked at 87 female college students in the US showed that those who binged about twice a month had lower bone mass in their spines.

Because peak bone density isn’t reached until about age 25, these women never fully develop several bones in their body, says the team from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California.

This discovery is among one of the first to conclude that binge drinking doesn’t just have short-term consequences for women, but long-term ones that are carried for the rest of their lives.

Teenage girls who binge drink have lower bone mass and never reach peak bone density compared to their peers, a new study has found

The study was conducted on female college students between ages 18 and 20, which is when bone mass is still increasing.

Women generally reach peak bone density between ages 20 and 25, according to lead researcher Dr Joseph LaBrie, a professor of psychology at Loyola Marymount University.

Participants first underwent bone destiny measurements of their lumbar spine in the lower back, where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen.

They were then asked questions about how often they binged in high school, which the researchers defined as having four or more drinks within two hours.  

The team found that women who’d binged frequently since high school had lower bone mass than their peers, with frequently  defined as binging at least 115 times – or an average of twice a month. 

‘We knew that later in life, heavy drinkers are more likely to suffer osteoporosis and brittle bones,’ Dr LaBrie told Daily Mail Online.  

‘But we didn’t know that binge drinking was related to not reaching peak bone mass.’


The more you drink, the less sensitive your body becomes to alcohol and its effects. 

Because it is regularly exposed to alcohol, the liver takes not and prioritizes breaking down the substance by producing more of the enzymes that do this job. 

The brain adapts similarly. 

Receptors in the brain respond to the frequent presence of alcohol by establishing a new baseline. 

The pleasure receptors that respond to alcohol get overexcited, so the brain adjust by switching off the receptors to try to rebalance. 

As a result, the same amount of alcohol that would have produced the feeling of drunkenness no longer does, and a person simply drinks more.  

Past research has shown that heavy drinking may increase the risk of osteoporosis, a disease in which the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both.

Although the mechanisms aren’t fully understood, studies have found that alcohol has an adverse effect on calcium, which is vital for healthy bones.

When you drink too much alcohol, your body cannot absorb calcium sufficiently.

Additionally, alcohol interferes with hormones important to bone health.

Chronic heavy drinkers experience increased levels of cortisol, known as the ‘stress hormone’ and parathyroid hormone, secreted by parathyroid glands in the neck. 

High levels of cortisol have been shown to decrease bone formation and increase bone breakdown while the parathyroid hormone leaches calcium from bones.

Heavy drinkers are also more likely to suffer frequent fractures, particularly in the hip and spine regions, due to brittle bones and nerve damage. 

Dr LaBrie says that there already well-known short term risks when it comes to binge drinking including distorted vision, decreased coordination, memory lapses and impaired judgment. 

But now he says there’s evidence that there are potential lifetime consequences of binge drinking.

‘With binge drinking early on in life, now we have another thing that contributes to not reaching optimal peak bone mass,’ Dr LaBrie said.

‘Also we’re living longer than past generations were. We’re going to need our bones for a long time and especially women, who are more likely to develop osteoporosis.’

 Dr LaBrie says that he hopes the research helps parents who are seeking to warn their children about the dangers of binge drinking.

‘A lot of bone health – 30, 40 even 50 percent – is hereditary. But a lot of is behavioral factors: smoking, nutrition, exercise,’ he said.

‘And now we have this new thing: binge drinking. So it’s important to add that to the conversation when we talk about bone health.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk