Teenager, 17, kills himself after years of bullying

A teenage boy has killed himself after suffering for years at the hands of bullies who ‘tortured’ him because he had scoliosis. 

Angelo Collazo, 17, died last week. The high school student from Hicksville, Long Island, was approaching his 18th birthday. 

His grieving mother has since revealed that he had been tormented by bullies who had picked on him since he was a young boy, mocking a brace he had to wear because of his scoliosis.

Angelo detailed how they tormented him in a journal which his mother found after his death. 


Angelo Collazo, 17, took his own life last week in Hicksbille, Long Island, after years of bullying  

She says teachers at Hicksville High School were aware of the bullying but did nothing to stop it. 

‘He was bullied so bad that he felt his only option was to end his own life. Children used to punch him, kick him. They tortured him.

‘That’s exactly what these children did. They tortured him,’ Angie Collazo said of her son during an emotional interview with NBC on Tuesday.

She said the bullying began when he started wearing a back brace when he was 10 after being diagnosed with scoliosis, sideways curvature of the spine which is known to develop in pre-pubescent children. 

His mother says it carried on into his high school years despite her repeated calls to the school to ask them to do something. 

‘I absolutely blame the school. They should have done more prior to this. My son did not deserve this at all.’ 

Staff at Hicksville High School did not confirm or deny her claim that they knew about the bullying. 

In a statement to DailyMail.com, a spokesman said: ‘The Hicksville Public Schools takes any allegations of bullying very seriously, investigates all claims and follows proper protocols under DASA.

‘Our district is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all of its students and staff. In light of recent news, we thought it important for the community to know that we have a multifaceted program that strives to educate all students socially, emotionally and academically.  

Collazo was teased for wearing a brace from the age of 10 to correct his scoliosis, a condition which causes the spine to curve at the bottom 

Collazo was teased for wearing a brace from the age of 10 to correct his scoliosis, a condition which causes the spine to curve at the bottom 

The boy, seen above with a family friend when he was younger, kept a journal about the abuse he suffered which his mother discovered after his death 

The boy, seen above with a family friend when he was younger, kept a journal about the abuse he suffered which his mother discovered after his death 

Angelo's mother Angie said he was 'tortured' and that he felt there was no other way to stop the pain 

Angelo’s mother Angie said he was ‘tortured’ and that he felt there was no other way to stop the pain 


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown.

Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but some children develop spine deformities that continue to get more severe as they grow. Severe scoliosis can be disabling. An especially severe spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the chest, making it difficult for the lungs to function properly.

Children who have mild scoliosis are monitored closely, usually with X-rays, to see if the curve is getting worse. In many cases, no treatment is necessary. Some children will need to wear a brace to stop the curve from worsening. Others may need surgery to keep the scoliosis from worsening and to straighten severe cases of scoliosis.

Source: The Mayo Clinic  

‘Our staff continuously reinforces positive character development through its numerous districtwide anti-bullying programs and character education initiatives. 

‘Students who feel harassed or bullied, or who witness bullying, are urged to seek assistance from any teacher or staff member at any time.’  

A fundraising page which promises to donate any money it raises to an anti-bullying charity in Angelo’s name has raised more than $18,000.  

Its organizer said he was also teased for his ‘big’ eyes and head. 

They claimed Angelo planned to study robotics and had been accepted into college. 

‘His joyous smile, his sense of humor, his kindness, and his helpful spirit is missed dearly. 

‘Share his story and his name so that this will never happen again to anyone anywhere. 

‘Funds will help pay funeral, burial costs as well as a donation to Suicide Prevention in Angelo’ s name,’ it said. 

For confidential support, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1-800-273-8255 or visit their website here.  

Angelo was a student of Hicksville High School. His mother says staff there are to blame for his death 

Angelo was a student of Hicksville High School. His mother says staff there are to blame for his death 

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