Teenager, 17, pictured with his Samurai sword weeks before he killed

A teenager jailed for stabbing a youth worker to death who told him to stop dealing drugs posed with a knives in chilling Instagram posts just three weeks before the killing.

The 17-year-old boy, who can’t be named for legal reasons, was today sentenced to eight year’s detention for the manslaughter of Omid Saidy, 20, in Parsons Green, west London.

He attacked the youth worker after he told him to stop dealing drugs outside his home on October 16 last year.

In one of the images he is holding a Samurai sword, and in another he brandishes a hunting knife while sitting on a sofa.

One image shows him holding a hunting knife

In one of the images the teenager is holding a Samurai sword, and in another he brandishes a hunting knife while sitting on a sofa

One of the pictures, which is believed to have been put online less than three weeks before the fatal stabbing, was captioned: ‘Always moving aggy wen I’m pokin, the Evening Standard reports. 

The sentence comes amid a surge in knife violence on London’s streets, with figures showing this year alone there have been 46 fatal stabbings in the capital. 

The court heard the youth worker chased the crack and heroin dealer, then aged 16, through the streets. He called on his friend Omotosho ‘Femi’ Oluwafemi, 18, to help tackle the teenager. 

Omid Saidy suffered wounds to his neck, torso and backside and was pronounced dead shortly after the attack

Omid Saidy suffered wounds to his neck, torso and backside and was pronounced dead shortly after the attack

Mr Oluwafemi was then knifed by Sadiq Smith, 20, after arriving at the scene and crashing his moped in a desperate attempt to scare the pair off.

The 17-year-old was convicted of manslaughter and jailed for eight years while Smith was convicted of wounding Mr Oluwafemi with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Smith was jailed for more than six years and one month for wounding with intent.

Mr Saidy, from Fulham, suffered wounds to his neck, torso and backside and was pronounced dead shortly after 8.30pm.

The victim’s mother, Virginia Jerome told the court: ‘The 16 October 2017, was the day this nightmare began. But it is not a nightmare. It is real.

‘He was taken from us in the most cruel and senseless way. Omid was the brightest star who brought life and love to everyone around him.

‘As parents we cannot come to terms with the fact that we will never see our child again. We will never see him get married or have children of his own.

‘We spent his 21st birthday crying for him and no parent should have to go through what we have. He was a remarkable young man and he will never be forgotten.

‘We used to have a family Sunday but it will not be the same without Omid so now we do not have it anymore.’  

Smith and the juvenile, now 17, were both cleared by an Old Bailey jury of the murder of Mr Saidy.

But the youth was convicted of manslaughter while Smith was convicted of wounding Femi with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Police at the scene of the stabbing near Parsons Green Tube station in west London

Police at the scene of the stabbing near Parsons Green Tube station in west London

Judge Anne Molyneux refused to allow the 17-year-old to be identified because he is ‘vulnerable.’

She said: ‘Knives do not protect. They maim, injure and kill and you chose to carry knives that day.’

‘As a child or young person, your decision making can be affected by immaturity or negative influences and they may not be capable of fully understanding the stress caused to the victims of their crimes.’

‘Your vulnerability, your life history of living in care homes and being homeless, your anxiety for which your receiving treatment and your feelings of abandonment and rejection are all taken into consideration.’

Victim’s father: London is sick of knife crime

Majid Saidy told the court: ‘Because of knife crime, so many families are now going through hell since all these kids are carrying knives.

‘Youths are not considering what is really happening to the families who are effected, who are crying everyday over lost family.

‘Everyone in London are watching these young kids being killed. London is fed up and the sentences should be harsh.’

She told Smith that ‘the court concluded that you do not pose a significant risk of serious threat.’

Jurors heard the two victims had also been carrying knives and prosecutor Timothy Cray said: ‘Should they have chased the defendants?

‘Absolutely not, dealing with drug dealers is the work of the police and the events show how quickly violence can spread if individuals try and take the law into their own hands.’

He said Mr Saidy made a decision that ‘set off a chain of events’ which led to ‘terrible consequences for himself and for his family’ by opting to confront the drug-dealing duo.

‘Omid believed that these defendants were selling drugs outside his family home, he was going to confront these defendants and tell them to stop,’ he said.

He called Mr Oluwafemi who arrived on his moped where all four ended up at Parsons Green tube station.

During the violent confrontation Mr Saidy was attacked with a blade and kicked as he lay defenceless on the floor.

Despite emergency treatment he died at the scene at around 8.30pm from the loss of blood.

Mr Oluwafemi rode up on the pavement to try and drive the pair off but crashed into a number of parked cars.

Rather than back off, Smith closed in on the fallen rider before picking him up and plunging the knife into his chest, puncturing his lung.

Smith was arrested on October 19 and admitted to officers that he was at the scene but claimed he acted in self-defence and had no idea the youngster was armed.

The teenager ran off and ‘disposed’ of the knife but was arrested by police within about 15 minutes of the brawl.

Mr Cray said the teen also suffered wounds that were later treated with stitches, but he put photographs of his injuries on Instagram saying he was stabbed.

He initially denied any knowledge of the incident before claiming he was a victim of crime.

The youth, from the Durham area, denied and was cleared of murder but was convicted of manslaughter by the jury.

Smith, of Wandsworth was also cleared of murder but convicted of wounding with intent.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk