Teenager reveals how cruel bullies attacking him for his facial disfigurement made him depressed

A teenager driven to depression after cruel bullies abused him for his facial disfigurement has revealed how nine-year old Quaden Bayles has inspired him to share his torment. 

Ashley Carter, 19, from Taunton in Somerset said he faced constant attacks from his classmates and was left with severe mental health issues.

He is now sharing his story after a shocking video of Quaden from Brisbane, Australia, said he was suffering from suicidal thoughts after being a victim of bullying due to his dwarfism.

His mother Yarraka filmed the schoolboy crying and saying he wanted to end his life after being severely bullied by his classmates. 

Ashley Carter, 19, from Taunton in Somerset said he faced constant attacks from his fellow classmates and was left with severe mental health issues

In the wake of the heartbreaking footage going viral last Wednesday, Quaden has been inundated with support from celebrities, sportspeople and musicians across the globe. 

Describing his own experiences, Ashley said: ‘I went to two different primary schools but the second one was very difficult for me. 

‘I was bullied every day for having a facial disfigurement, which was very hard for myself and my family – especially my parents.

‘I was bullied emotionally, mentally and physically and it affected me badly.

‘I was called a “troll” and “ugly” and pinned up against the wall – they would trip me up in the corridors and playground. They made my life hell.’

Ashely (pictured) is now sharing his story after a shocking video of Quaden from Brisbane, Australia, said he was suffering from suicidal thoughts after being a victim of bullying due to his dwarfism

Jaden's (pictured) mother Yarraka filmed the schoolboy crying and saying he wanted to end his life after being severely bullied by his classmates

Ashley (left) is now sharing his story after a shocking video of nine-year-old Quaden from Brisbane (right) , Australia, said he was suffering from suicidal thoughts after being a victim of bullying due to his dwarfism

Ashley (pictured) said: 'I went to two different primary schools but the second one was very difficult for me. 'I was bullied everyday for having a "facial disfigurement" which was very hard for myself and my family - especially my parents'

Ashley (pictured) said: ‘I went to two different primary schools but the second one was very difficult for me. ‘I was bullied everyday for having a “facial disfigurement” which was very hard for myself and my family – especially my parents’

Now Ashley wants to raise awareness about the effects bullying can have on someone. 

The teenager was born with a rare genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome which leaves sufferers with facial disfigurement. 

At birth, Ashley had undeveloped ears, a receding jaw and no cheekbones meaning he’s had to undergo over 30 different operations such as jaw distractions, tracheotomy and bone-anchored hearing aids.  

Now Ashley wants to raise awareness about the effects bullying can have on someone. The teenager was born with a rare genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome which leaves sufferers with facial disfigurement

Now Ashley wants to raise awareness about the effects bullying can have on someone. The teenager was born with a rare genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome which leaves sufferers with facial disfigurement

At birth, Ashley had undeveloped ears, a receding jaw and no cheekbones meaning he has had to undergo over 30 different operations such as jaw distractions, tracheotomy and bone anchored hearing aids

Whilst Ashley struggled when he was growing up, he has since gone on to campaign against bullying

At birth, Ashley had undeveloped ears, a receding jaw and no cheekbones meaning he has had to undergo over 30 different operations such as jaw distractions, tracheotomy and bone anchored hearing aids. Whilst Ashley struggled when he was growing up, he has since gone on to campaign against bullying.

Whilst Ashley struggled when he was growing up, he has since gone on to campaign against bullying.

‘The support I had from my family was amazing. If it wasn’t for my family and friends, I don’t think I would be here today’.

When Ashley was born, he was rushed straight through to surgery and his parents, Louise and Michael, were told that their son was born with the rare genetic disorder.

This left Ashley with severe deformities and meant he would spend the rest of his life undergoing surgery.

Louise said: ‘It had a big impact, trying to protect him from the stares and comments which were so hurtful. 

When Ashley was born, he was rushed straight through to surgery and his parents, Louise and Michael, were told that their son was born with the rare genetic disorder. He is pictured with his parents

When Ashley was born, he was rushed straight through to surgery and his parents, Louise and Michael, were told that their son was born with the rare genetic disorder. He is pictured with his parents

Ashley said: 'My mum and dad both mean the world to me and my late grandfather who was like a second dad to me'. He is pictured with his mother

Ashley said: ‘My mum and dad both mean the world to me and my late grandfather who was like a second dad to me’. He is pictured with his mother

‘We never wrapped him in cotton wool, we took the comments and just explained his condition to him rather than let it get to us’.

When Ashley went to primary school, he began experiencing the cruel impact of bullying after the other children were confused by his facial disfigurement.

Ashley said: ‘The school didn’t help as much as we wanted them too.

‘Both of my parents went into the school a couple of times and spoke to the headmaster. 

‘My mum said to the headmaster at one point: “If you don’t sort this out, I will go and see the bullies myself and speak to their parents”.

When Ashley went to primary school, he began experiencing the cruel impact of bullying after the other children were confused by his facial disfigurement. He is pictured with head brace

When Ashley went to primary school, he began experiencing the cruel impact of bullying after the other children were confused by his facial disfigurement. He is pictured with head brace

After suffering relentless bullying when he was growing up, Ashley decided to become an anti bullying campaigner and live each day to its fullest. Ashley is an ambassador for '#IWILL' and 'Jeans for Genes' which is a campaign aimed at fundraising for children who are suffering from life-altering genetic disorders. He is pictured wearing a Jeans for Genes T-shirt

After suffering relentless bullying when he was growing up, Ashley decided to become an anti bullying campaigner and live each day to its fullest. Ashley is an ambassador for ‘#IWILL’ and ‘Jeans for Genes’ which is a campaign aimed at fundraising for children who are suffering from life-altering genetic disorders. He is pictured wearing a Jeans for Genes T-shirt

‘So the headmasters thought it was best to remove me out of the class and put me into another class.

‘Myself and my family thought, why should I be moved and not the bullies?

‘In all honesty, I felt like I was being punished’.

Ashley was exposed to bullying every day whilst he was at school, and still finds the memories painful.

What is Treacher Collins syndrome?

  • Treacher Collins (TC) syndrome affects the development of bones and other tissues in the face. 
  • Most sufferers will have underdeveloped facial bones, most notably the cheekbones, and a very small jaw and chin.
  • Some people born with the condition are also born with a cleft palate.
  • In severe cases, underdevelopment of the facial bones may restrict an affected infant’s airway, causing potentially life-threatening respiratory problems.
  • People with TC often have eyes that slant downwards, sparse eyelashes, and notch in the lower eyelid, known as an eyelid coloboma.
  • Some affected individuals can lose their vision.
  • The syndrome is characterised by absent, small or unusually formed ears, and hearing loss occurs in around half of all sufferers.

‘I once cycled to my friends house who only lived five minutes away from me, and as soon as I turned onto her street, two boys saw me and chased me so I automatically turned and and cycled home quickly.

‘I believe that if I was any slower, I might not be here today.

‘I was in a state, and when I got home I cried my eyes out to my mum – it was awful’.

After suffering relentless bullying when he was growing up, Ashley decided to become an anti bullying campaigner and live each day to its fullest.

Ashley is an ambassador for ‘#IWILL’ and Jeans for Genes, which is a campaign aimed at fundraising for children who are suffering from life-altering genetic disorders.

'Raising this awareness means a lot to me because I know that I have helped so many people by sharing my story' Ashley said. He is pictured at Primary school

‘Raising this awareness means a lot to me because I know that I have helped so many people by sharing my story’ Ashley said. He is pictured at Primary school

Ashley was born with a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome which leaves sufferers with facial disfigurement. He was rushed straight through to surgery and his parents, Louise and Michael, were told that their son was born with the rare genetic disorder

Ashley was born with a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome which leaves sufferers with facial disfigurement. He was rushed straight through to surgery and his parents, Louise and Michael, were told that their son was born with the rare genetic disorder

He has also received a Points of Light Award from the government for making a change in his community and inspiring others.

‘Raising this awareness means a lot to me because I know that I have helped so many people by sharing my story.

‘Since doing my campaign video with “Fixers”, it has given me a confidence boost and has helped me so much.

‘If I can change one person’s life, I know I’ve made a difference.

‘The support I had from my family has been great.

‘My parents would always comfort me when I was having a bad day and were always there for me to talk to.

‘My mum and dad both mean the world to me and my late grandfather who was like a second dad to me’.

Ashley was exposed to bullying every day whilst he was at school, and still finds the memories painful. He is pictured at primary school

Ashley was exposed to bullying every day whilst he was at school, and still finds the memories painful. He is pictured at primary school

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk