Teenager who weighed 128 kilos drops 60 kilos in 18 months

A Queensland woman who weighed in at a shocking 128 kilos managed to shed 60 kilos in only 18 months.

Natalie Hicks was just 19 when her mother and sister sat her down as they were worried about her health and her climbing weight.

‘I’ve always been a bit of an emotional eater and I’ve always loved food. I’ve grown up with a family where we celebrate with food and I had to get out of that habit,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘As a kid I was always a bit bigger but it was when I was 13 I gained a lot of weight because my father passed away and it was one of those things I didn’t know how to deal with it so I would turn to food,’ the now 24-year-old said.

Natalie Hicks, 24, was 19 when her mother and sister sat her down as they were worried about her health and her climbing weight

Natalie Hicks was 19 when her mother and sister sat her down as they were worried about her health and her climbing weight (pictured left and right in right)

Through hard work and determination Natalie found herself at 68 kilos.

Although after travelling Natalie now weighs a healthy 73 kilos and is fitter than she’s ever been but there was a point of her life where whenever she thought about her fathers death she would use food as a form of comfort.

She explained that the decision to lose the weight started with a ‘bit of a scare’.

Natalie and her family were at an event one day when they decided to have a photo taken.

‘When I saw one of the pictures I thought, “holy crap I look so huge” and my sister and my mum sat me down and said to me, “look Nat, to be honest you look bigger in person than you do in the photo” and I burst into tears,’ she said. 

'I've always been a bit of an emotional eater and I've always loved food,' Natalie told FEMAIL

‘I’ve always been a bit of an emotional eater and I’ve always loved food,’ Natalie told FEMAIL

Natalie's main source of weight gain was caused by the loss of her father when she was 13, so she turned to food to cope

Natalie’s main source of weight gain was caused by the loss of her father when she was 13, so she turned to food to cope

Her mum and sister, who are both general practice nurses, told her that if she didn’t make changes to her lifestyle she may die at a young age from health complications.

‘For me that was enough of a wake up call to realise where I was heading but it was hard because I was in such a denial stage because I didn’t think I was as big as I was,’ Natalie said.

‘I thought I needed to only lose five to 10 kilos and then I would be healthy and happy, but as soon as I started getting the results I started craving more of a weight loss and I realised I wasn’t living a healthy lifestyle.’ 

After travelling for nine months, Natalie now weighs a healthy 73 kilos and is fitter than she's ever been 

After travelling for nine months, Natalie now weighs a healthy 73 kilos and is fitter than she’s ever been 

Her mum and sister, who are both general practice nurses, told her that if she didn't make changes to her lifestyle she may die at a young age from health complications

Her mum and sister, who are both general practice nurses, told her that if she didn't make changes to her lifestyle she may die at a young age from health complications

Her mum and sister, who are both general practice nurses, told her that if she didn’t make changes to her lifestyle she may die at a young age from health complications


Breakfast: Bacon and eggs or a smoothie

Lunch: Salad with a serve of lean meat

Dinner: Vegetables and protein such as beef or chicken

Before long Natalie started training with a personal trainer at her local gym, Mel Cooke, and she was fitting in two work outs a day, six days a week.

She joined a group fitness program, started weight resistance training and participated in classes like Zumba.

‘I started doing those classes because it was such a fun, friendly, environment. It was getting active but in an inviting environment,’ Natalie told FEMAIL.   

Before Natalie began her lifestyle change one of her biggest weaknesses was ice cream. 

‘I could eat a tub in one sitting. I also loved fresh bread whether it was toasted or with butter, I loved it every way imaginable,’ she shared.

‘I also loved pasta, particularly spaghetti bolognese. I saw those not as processed food and junk food but I saw them as healthy meals.’

Before long Natalie started training with a personal trainer at her local gym and she was fitting in two work outs a day, six days a week

Before long Natalie started training with a personal trainer at her local gym and she was fitting in two work outs a day, six days a week

Although Natalie was eating calorie-loaded meals, she was also depriving herself of vital nutrients.

‘I would skip a lot of meals but when I did eat I would eat a lot of carbohydrates, such as chips, potatoes, bread,’ Natalie explained.

Now everything has changed for the 24-year-old, who is following the Keto Diet, which is a low-carb high fat diet.

‘You cut out carbohydrates like your breads, your pastas, rice and sugars but don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with it all,’ she said

Natalie has now educated herself on what her body needs and when, which means she no longer finds herself craving foods the way she used to. 

Although Natalie was eating calorie loaded meals, she was also depriving herself of vital nutrients

Although Natalie was eating calorie loaded meals, she was also depriving herself of vital nutrients

'I would skip a lot of meals but when I did eat I would eat a lot of carbohydrates, such as chips, potatoes, bread,' Natalie explained

Before Natalie began her lifestyle change one of her biggest weaknesses was ice cream

‘I would skip a lot of meals but when I did eat I would eat a lot of carbohydrates, such as chips, potatoes, bread,’ Natalie explained

‘Doing the Keto Diet they encourage you to eat your three meals but in smaller doses,’ she said.

‘You’re allowed to have cheeses and products like cream and sour cream and you can have fun meals.

‘You can still have tacos but instead of taco shells I do it in a lettuce leaf. Instead of having pasta I’ll do zucchini pasta and instead of rice I will have cauliflower rice.’

This way Natalie isn’t missing out on the food she loves and is still able to enjoy the meals she eats.

‘I’ve got a really good relationship with food now, I’m at a healthy state where I can eat and exercise and not feel guilty for eating something that you would classify as naughty or junk food.’

Now everything has changed for the 24-year-old, who is following the Keto Diet, which is a low carb high fat diet

Now everything has changed for the 24-year-old, who is following the Keto Diet, which is a low carb high fat diet

Although it took her 18 months to lose the weight it also took her more than a year to change her mindset with food and ensure she didn’t get obsessive.

‘My mum and my sister have been there for me since day one and they have always been naturally fit and healthy and they are so supportive and encouraging, I’ve never had a negative environment and I was never judged by either of them,’ Natalie told FEMAIL.

The ice cream on the cake for Natalie is that she has reversed the fatty liver her doctor notified her about when she was 19. 

‘I had blood tests before the weight loss to make sure I didn’t have any issues with my hormones because at first it was such a slow progress,’ she said.

‘I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong but I realised that it’s mind over matter and that I had to knuckle down and focus.’

Natalie has now educated herself on what her body needs and when, which means she no longer finds herself craving foods the way she used to

Natalie has now educated herself on what her body needs and when, which means she no longer finds herself craving foods the way she used to

When she went for the tests was when she was told that she had a fatty liver, which doctors said would be extremely difficult to reverse. 

But through Natalie’s determination she was able to reverse it in 12 months. 

‘They asked me what my secret was but they saw how much effort and time I put in. It’s scary because at 19 I didn’t care about my health but now at 24 I’m so thankful I got my health on track.’

Although Natalie took time off from health and fitness to travel for nine months she still managed to maintain a 50 kilo weight loss and made sure to look after her health while also enjoying her experience. 

‘I feel so much better physically and internally, I don’t get sluggish tummies anymore and I used to suffer a bit of an irritable bowel which is now all clear,’ she said.

‘I was always a confident girl but i was insecure in myself. There’s a quote I live by and that’s “always strive for progress, not for perfection”.’

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