Telstra call centre employee abuses customer in shock call

A Telstra customer has been told to ‘put his a** on his face’ during an expletive laden rant at the hands of one of the telco giant’s call centre operators.

In footage of the call uploaded online, Phill, a customer with the phone carrier, is left shocked as he’s mimicked and abused by the ‘rude’ Telstra employee.

Having initially called to enquire about an international call he received, Phill was put on hold ‘for no reason’ – before he called back, only to be slammed by the operator.

With a friend videoing the pair’s second conversation for evidence Phill can be heard asking for the name of the Telstra employee, only to get an angry response.

‘I already told you my name… don’t you know how to spell,’ the call centre worker says. 

Seemingly confused, Phill looks up at his friend videoing the call before asking the man to confirm ‘this is Telstra’ and he is talking to ‘customer support’.

‘Yes we are… but you are an arrogant customer,’ the call centre worker says.

After Phill explains to the Telstra employee the reason he is asking for his name is so he can make an official complaint, the call centre worker 

‘OK, am I going to cry now?’ the Telstra operator asks sarcastically, before pretending to sob into the phone.

Then, taking the incredible conversation to another level, the call centre worker says to Phill: ‘My name is K-I-S-S-M-Y-A-S-S’.

After asking to speak to the employee’s supervisor, Phill is told to ‘put his a** on his face’ by the Telstra worker who then promptly hangs up – leaving him shocked.

With a friend videoing the pair's second conversation for evidence Phill can be heard asking for the name of the Telstra employee, only to get an angry response

Telstra customer Phill (pictured) has been told to ‘put his a** on his face’ during a shocking expletive laden rant at the hands of one of the telco giant’s call centre operators

During the incredible conversation, the call centre worker says to Phill: 'My name is K-I-S-S-M-Y-A-S-S'

During the incredible conversation, the call centre worker says to Phill: ‘My name is K-I-S-S-M-Y-A-S-S’

A Telstra spokesman confirmed in a statement they were investigating the matter and have apologised to the customer.

‘We have spoken with Phil to apologise and advised we are investigating the matter,’ the statement said.

‘This is clearly unacceptable behaviour and we will take appropriate action as necessary once our investigation is complete,’

‘We have committed to calling Phil back this afternoon to address his original query.’