Tennessee toddler goes rogue steals nativity ‘baby Jesus’

A toddler’s revised version of the story of the birth of Jesus has left her church — and the internet — in fits of laughter.

Two-year-old Teegan Benson from White Pine, Tennessee was cast as a sheep in her church’s nativity pageant, but she was clearly not content to just stand by the manger during her big scene.

In a move that most definitely does not appear in any version of the bible, the two-year-old in a sheep costume picked up the baby Jesus from his manger, rocked him and danced around with him, and then fought off Mary when she tried to get the doll back.

A good start… Teegan Benson from White Pine, Tennessee began her church nativity play promisingly enough

Baby doll: But the two-year-old, who was playing a sheep, got antsy and decided to grab the baby Jesus out of the manger

Baby doll: But the two-year-old, who was playing a sheep, got antsy and decided to grab the baby Jesus out of the manger

Baby doll: But the two-year-old, who was playing a sheep, got antsy and decided to grab the baby Jesus out of the manger

Teegan’s mom Tana shared her funny recording of the show on Facebook, where it’s gone viral.

Things start off promisingly enough, with Teegan kneeling around the manger with the other children in the show. She’s obviously a bit antsy, though, and starts bopping and dancing in her spot. 

Eyeing the doll laying in as baby Jesus, Teegan grabs a handful of the blanket tucked around him and rips it away. She then stands up, leans over, and pulls the doll out and into her arms.

Cradling it, she sways from side to side and dances while the other children sing, enjoying a bit of play time with what she likely sees as just another toy. 

The audience stifles giggles until a slightly bigger girl, playing Mary, stands up and walks over to Teegan the sheep to intervene.

Mary grabs the doll and attempts to put it back in the manger, though Teegan protests and tries to take it back.

Not my baby! She danced with the doll before the girl playing Mary got up to intervene

Not my baby! She danced with the doll before the girl playing Mary got up to intervene

Not my baby! She danced with the doll before the girl playing Mary got up to intervene

Don't touch Jesus! She tried to put the doll back, but Teegan grabbed it again

Don’t touch Jesus! She tried to put the doll back, but Teegan grabbed it again

Updated bible tales: The two ended up wrestling for the doll, much to the delight of the audience

Updated bible tales: The two ended up wrestling for the doll, much to the delight of the audience

Updated bible tales: The two ended up wrestling for the doll, much to the delight of the audience

The two fight over the doll, pulling back and forth, leading to even more laughter from the audience.

Teegan managed to grab the doll back and turns away, but Mary goes after the doll again and tries to wrestle it away. The two end up on the floor fighting over Jesus.

‘My little sheep took the baby Jesus, breaking all the rules leaving poor little Mary no choice but to take action!’ Tana captioned the video when she shared it online. ‘Momma to the rescue tried her best to protect her baby at all costs. Definitely a program I will remember. LOVE these kiddos and my church family! Laughed so hard I cried!’

Speaking to Today, she added: ‘Teegan loves being the center of attention, so the more people laughed, the more excited she was to show her stuff.’

‘The little girl playing Mary is a middle child and a real stickler for the rules, and she knew that was not supposed to happen,’ she added. ‘When I went up to take Teegan’s hand and walk her off the stage, the little girl playing Mary said, “She touched the baby Jesus! We weren’t supposed to touch the baby Jesus!”‘ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk