Tennis coach Judy Murray recalls her travel adventures

Checking in… Judy Murray: The tennis coach talks about family camping holidays in France and visiting one of Britain’s most remote tennis courts

Tennis coach Judy Murray

This week Judy Murray, mother of Scottish tennis stars Andy and Jamie, checks in to our travel Q&A.

She talks about early camping holidays in France with her sons, reveals that the Isle of Harris is the most unusual place she’s ever played tennis – and more…

Earliest travel memory?

My mum took me and my younger brothers to Berwick-upon-Tweed to stay with our grandparents. I remember spending most of the ride fighting with my brother, and my mum having to keep one hand on the wheel and the other hitting us to behave.

Favourite hotel?

The Isle of Eriska Hotel, near Oban, off Scotland’s west coast. It has no mobile phone reception.

What were early holidays like with Andy and Jamie?

Our first big trip was a car-ferry camping holiday in France. The boys loved listening to audio books, especially Roald Dahl. At the campsite, our days were jam-packed, so they would conk out early every night.

Do you relax or keep busy on holiday?

I love to have time to read.

Most unusual place you’ve played tennis?

Bunabhainneadar Tennis Court on the Isle of Harris, it’s so remote. Sheep on court is your only hazard.

Judy pictured visiting the iconic tennis court at Bunabhainneadar on the Isle of Harris

Judy pictured visiting the iconic tennis court at Bunabhainneadar on the Isle of Harris 

Best travel advice?

Take clothes pegs because hotel curtains never shut properly.

Plans for when lockdown is over?

I can’t wait to see my kids and grandkids, then I’ll go to the Simply Healing Retreat in Sussex for pampering.