Terminally ill father-of-six facing deportation from Australia after 50 years here begs to stay

A terminally ill man who has spent all bar 10 months of his life in Australia is facing deportation to the UK, despite not having been there since 1974 when he was a baby.

Robert Taylor, 50, a father of six and grandfather of nine, has not left Western Australia since, but despite almost five decades in Australia, he never became a citizen.

He had a permanent residency visa, but after being convicted of aggravated burglary in 2019 and getting a three-and-a-half year prison term, that was cancelled. 

Taylor failed the visa’s character requirements brought in by the previous Coalition government, having been sentenced to a term of 12 months or more in jail.

In early 2021, a day before he was due to be released on parole, he was taken into immigration detention in Perth and has been detained ever since.

A terminally ill man who has spent all bar 10 months of his life in Australia is facing deportation to the UK, despite not having been there since 1974 when he was a baby

Robert Taylor's daughter Keesha (pictured centre) is pleading with the Immigration Minister, Andrew Giles, to show some mercy for her father, who is facing deportation despite having terminal cancer

Robert Taylor’s daughter Keesha (pictured centre) is pleading with the Immigration Minister, Andrew Giles, to show some mercy for her father, who is facing deportation despite having terminal cancer

While being held and challenging his deportation order, Taylor was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had 12 months or fewer to live.

Despite the terminal diagnosis, the Australian government is still determined to send him back to a country he has no memory of. 

In an interview with the ABC, Taylor said he missed his children, ‘they mean the world to me and I mean the world to them. I miss my whole family outside’. 

He apologised for the crime – committed after he became a methylamphetamine user following a work accident – that led to him facing deportation.  

‘I’m deeply sorry and regret what I’ve done to the community and the victims and if I could take it back I would, but I can’t,’ he said.

‘This is where I am now. I mean I can’t change the past, can’t change what I’ve done, but I can change how I behave in the future, you know.’

His daughter Keesha Taylor is pleading with the Immigration Minister, Andrew Giles, to show some mercy for her father. 

‘He’s having chemotherapy in there all alone,’ Ms Taylor, who lives four hours south of Perth in Manjimup with her three children and partner, said.

‘And we can’t go there and be with him, we can’t get up there because we’re not a very financially stable family. We all work just to get by. 

‘If we do go up there, it’s only for a couple hours, and then we have to leave him again.’

Taylor (pictured) apologised for the crime - committed after he became a methylamphetamine user following a work accident - that led to him facing deportation

Taylor (pictured) apologised for the crime – committed after he became a methylamphetamine user following a work accident – that led to him facing deportation

Taylor’s family is scattered across Western Australia, but none are in Perth, making visits to see him difficult. 

Taylor said the situation is having a toll on his mental as well as physical health.

‘I can’t sleep … when I lay down to rest, my brain’s just ticking over at 100 miles an hour you know, thinking about whether I am going to see my kids again or not.’

Taylor’s mother Tina, 74, said deporting him to the UK when he has less than a year to live is ‘barbaric’ and ‘cruel’.

Though she’s had cancer herself and is in poor health, the 74-year-old mother of four, grandmother of 23 and great grandmother of 37 is more concerned for her son.

‘I can’t think of myself right now,’ she said. ‘It’s not right, your children do not go before you do and I don’t know how I’m going to cope.

‘He’s getting so much worse in there (because) he’s worried about me, my doctors wrote five letters to say about the stress that it’s causing me.’

The family is hoping for clemency and compassion, but so far Mr Giles has offered none.

Taylor’s family fear he will die in detention without either being deported or being released to spend his very limited remaining time with them. 

‘It’s inhumane what they’re doing to him,’ his daughter Keesha said. ‘He’s a human being. They’re treating him like nothing. 

‘He’s dying and he hasn’t got much time left to live. The longer they wait to make this decision, the less time we have so I just, you know, beg for their compassion.

‘Let him out, let him come home to us.’

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles (pictured) has been contacted for comment on Robert Taylor's case

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles (pictured) has been contacted for comment on Robert Taylor’s case

The Department of Home Affairs said 7,858 people had their visas cancelled under section 501 of the Migration Act since the law changed in 2014.

Of those, only about 20 per cent, or 1,638 have been had the cancellation overturned on appeal. 

In 2022, 626 people had their visas cancelled, with just 22 of those, so far, successfully appeal the decision.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the Immigration Minister for comment. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk