Terrified man was repeatedly stabbed by an Islamist extremist he shared a house with after warning authorities ‘crazy’ Moroccan, 45, could ‘attack at any moment’ – minutes before migrant ‘murdered pensioner, 70,’, court hears

A man has told of his terror at being repeatedly stabbed by an Islamic extremist he shared a house with when he burst into his bedroom during the early hours.

Javed Nouri, 31, had feared for his safety and warned Home Office housing managers and police about ‘crazy’ Moroccan Ahmed Alid, 45, who routinely carried a knife, but no action was taken.

‘I told them that we are not safe here… he could attack us at any moment.’

Alid, who allegedly murdered a pensioner at random minutes after attempting to murder Mr Nouri, said he came to the UK after being refused asylum in Germany and was waiting to bring his family here as well.

The other asylum seekers sharing the Home Office accommodation in Hartlepool soon became aware of his ‘extremist’ views and were frightened of him too.

Teesside Crown Court heard Alid was inspired by the Hamas attack on Israelis last October to launch his own murderous rampage. His first target was housemate Mr Nouri, who had converted from Islam to Christianity, and in Alid’s view ‘deserved to die.’

Alid (pictured) denies murder, attempted murder and assaulting both police officers

The bedroom in Wharton Terrace after the alleged attack by Moroccan asylum seeker Alid

The bedroom in Wharton Terrace after the alleged attack by Moroccan asylum seeker Alid

Mr Nouri said: ‘I woke up and I saw somebody had broken into my bedroom. He stabbed me in my heart as soon as he entered my bedroom.’

Alid repeated shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he stabbed his housemate with a knife six times.

‘It was dark but I could see the knife shining in his hand and I was screaming, what are you doing?’

Mr Nouri was stabbed in the mouth before managing to get Alid in a headlock and force him out the door.

‘It was a nightmare. I was sleepy, I didn’t know what was going on, I was very frightened.’

At that point he feared he was dying. He said: ‘I felt I won’t be seeing my family anymore because I was getting out of breath and it feels like I am breathing my last breaths.

‘I kept reminding myself to stay awake and don’t let go and don’t pass out.’

The court heard how he stemmed the bleeding with a blanket and managed to phone a friend for help.

‘It was terrible, it was terrifying,’ he said.

Alid fled the house and walked into town where he came across pensioner Terence Carney, 70, on an early morning walk and stabbed him to death.

Police, alerted by a 999 call from Mr Nouri’s housemate, found Mr Carney and arrested Alid a short time later.

The knife that was found by police in the address at Wharton Terrace

The knife that was found by police in the address at Wharton Terrace

Ahmed Alid (pictured in a courtroom sketch), 45, allegedly stabbed 70-year-old Terrence Carney to death in the street

Ahmed Alid (pictured in a courtroom sketch), 45, allegedly stabbed 70-year-old Terrence Carney to death in the street

Alid also allegedly tried to knife his housemate on the same day outside this house in Wharton Terrace

Alid also allegedly tried to knife his housemate on the same day outside this house in Wharton Terrace 

The scene on Wharton Terrace in Hartlepool following the incident where a police cordon was put in place

The scene on Wharton Terrace in Hartlepool following the incident where a police cordon was put in place 

In an interview with police played to the jury, Mr Nouri said the knife attack by Alid took place eight days after shocking headlines about Hamas terrorist atrocities.

Mr Nouri recalled Alid watching coverage of the Hamas attacks on his phone when they were in the shared kitchen.

‘He was looking at the Hamas and Israel war and the fact that Hamas was killing Israelis and they are cutting children’s heads off and killing wives and shooting them,’ Mr Nouri said.

‘He was sitting on the kitchen chair and checking the news on his mobile phone. He was laughing and every time they would kill somebody he would praise God.’

Mr Nouri spoke to a housemate and asked: ‘How could somebody be happy with seeing humans getting killed?’

He added: ‘I was very upset from that night and I have seen something terrible and frightening in his eyes.’

Alid denies murder, attempted murder and two counts of assaulting detectives after he was arrested.

The trial continues.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk