Terrifying moment a bird SMASHES into the windscreen of a Boeing 737 mid-flight

Gruesome moment a bird SMASHES into the windscreen of a Boeing 737 mid-flight causing the pilot who was filming the scenery to drop his phone

  • Local media say it occurred in unspecified location but involved Russian airline
  • The video shows the twin jet airliner flying straight into the unsuspecting bird
  • When the pilot drops his phone, he curses in Russian, saying ‘oh, damn!’ 

This is the moment a bird strikes the cockpit windscreen of a Boeing 737 mid-flight and causes the shocked pilot to drop his phone. 

The pilot had been filming the landscape through the cockpit window with his smartphone at the time. 

The footage shows fields below with the plane turning slightly left and right to stay on course when the bird hits the glass with a huge bang. 

The pilot had been filming the landscape in the unknown location through the cockpit window with his smartphone at the time. Here you can see the bird in the distance (centre) 

The footage shows fields below with the plane turning slightly left and right to stay on course when the bird (pictured) hits the glass with a huge bang

The footage shows fields below with the plane turning slightly left and right to stay on course when the bird (pictured) hits the glass with a huge bang

The video shows the twin jet airliner flying straight into the poor bird that is heading away from the plane and the pilot the drops the camera in shock. 

Local media including life.ru and new9.ru said the incident took place over an unspecified location but involved a Russian airline, as they noted that when the pilot dropped the phone, he curses in Russian, saying ‘oh, damn!’

It is unclear whether the windscreen was damaged by the impact or whether the unspecified flight was affected. 

The video shows the twin jet airliner flying straight into the poor bird that is heading away from the plane. Pictured: the cockpit window splattered with bird after the incident

The video shows the twin jet airliner flying straight into the poor bird that is heading away from the plane. Pictured: the cockpit window splattered with bird after the incident 

Bird strikes can be a significant risk to planes and are more common at lower altitudes as they come into land or take off. 

However although a shock when they hit the fuselage or the window, the risk is less severe except in the unlikely instances when the window breaks, which can cause injury to the pilots inside from breaking glass and depressurisation. 

Industry experts warn that the greater risk is when the birds are sucked into the engine, which can lead to loss of power at a crucial stage in flight. 

The video was posted on YouTube by the channel ‘WBR Avia’ who said the plane was a Boeing 737. 

YouTube subscriber ‘Gideon’ said: ‘Shouldn’t the pilots receive notification when an object is approaching directly at the aircraft?’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk