Tesco Christmas ad featuring Muslim family gets complaints

Tesco has hit back at sickening viewer complaints it received after featuring a Muslim family in its Christmas advert – saying that ‘everyone is welcome’ at the supermarket.

The advert – which was released on Sunday as part of the retailer’s ‘Everyone’s Welcome’ campaign – shows different families celebrating the festival as they dig into a Tesco turkey.

In one scene, a Muslim family greet each other with gifts as they prepare to celebrate the holiday.

The advert – which was released on Sunday as part of the retailer’s ‘Everyone’s Welcome’ campaign – features different families celebrating the festival as they dig into a Tesco turkey

But the one-minute clip has faced a backlash after some viewers claimed that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas.

‘Tesco have just put an advert out showing families celebrating and enjoying Christmas dinner. Why was a Muslim family included in this ad?’ tweeted one viewer.

Another wrote: ‘Your Christmas advert features Muslims, but they do not celebrate Christian celebrations, so why?’ 

But some Muslims have hit back, with one man tweeting: ‘People are annoyed because the Tesco Christmas advert features a Muslim family. What is it you think we do on 25th December?’

In one scene, a Muslim family greet each other with gifts as they prepare to celebrate the holiday

In one scene, a Muslim family greet each other with gifts as they prepare to celebrate the holiday

In a statement, Tesco said everyone should be able to celebrate the festive season.

‘Everyone is welcome at Tesco this Christmas and we’re proud to celebrate the many ways our customers come together over the festive season’, a Tesco spokesperson said.

That wasn’t the only issue viewers had with the advert.

‘@Tesco just seen your Xmas advert – you don’t have a turkey for me, I’m vegetarian,’ commented one woman.

Another wrote: ‘I can imagine there’s gonna be a few complaints from veggies/vegans about the @Tesco ‘Everybody’s Welcome’ Christmas advert!’

Others thought it was too early to be releasing a Christmas advert at all, let alone on Bonfire Night.

‘You’ve gone too early with your Christmas advert,’ said one viewer on Twitter. ‘Guy Fawkes will be turning in his grave.’

Another commented: ‘Oh my god @Tesco did I just see your actual Christmas advert? You know it’s only the first week of November, yes?’ 

But the one-minute clip has faced a backlash after viewers claimed that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas

But the one-minute clip has faced a backlash after viewers claimed that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas

Viewers also complained about the lack of vegetarian options featured in the advert

Viewers also complained about the lack of vegetarian options featured in the advert

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk