Texas revenge porn victim starts support group

Megan Reid was shocked when strangers began calling her parents’ home with illicit requests and inappropriate remarks

A woman whose ex boyfriend put revenge porn nude pictures of her on fake social media accounts has started a group to help other victims.

Megan Reid was shocked when strangers began calling her parents’ home with illicit requests and inappropriate remarks.

The now 28-year-old claims it started when her relationship with her former boyfriend deteriorated.

Megan, who has since married and now lives with her husband Jeremy in Texas, said her ex’s warped actions resulted in a number of men asking for sex with her.

And to make matters worse she said he had listed her parent’s home on an advert using her image alongside sexually explicit material.

Megan said: ‘It all happened a couple of years ago. I was in a relationship with a guy who I had met. Everything was fine to begin with for the first year or so. 

‘Things started to deteriorate and I tried to distance myself from the situation. We broke up and I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore.

New love: Megan, who has since married and now lives with her husband Jeremy (pictured together on their wedding day) in Texas, said her ex's warped actions resulted in a number of men asking for sex with her

New love: Megan, who has since married and now lives with her husband Jeremy (pictured together on their wedding day) in Texas, said her ex’s warped actions resulted in a number of men asking for sex with her

‘About a week later calls started to come into my parents’ house where I was living at the time.

‘They were talking about having sex with me. I thought “what are they talking about?”

‘One of them told me there were pictures of me on the internet. I looked it up and he had created a craigslist’s page with naked images saying I was looking for sex.

‘I was so disappointed in myself. I thought I had embarrassed my family. But they and all my friends were so supportive. They just wanted to help me.

Megan said her ex listed her parent's home on an advert using her image alongside sexually explicit material. Pictured: One of the adverts

Megan said her ex listed her parent’s home on an advert using her image alongside sexually explicit material. Pictured: One of the adverts

‘I went to the police about it but at that time laws didn’t cover it so nothing could really be done. It got taken down and he never did it again. I didn’t hear from him again.

‘I got married a little while later and my husband knows all about what happened to me. It makes him mad and it did make me distant with him in some respects. After something like that happened it is really hard.

‘After what happened to me I started the support group on Facebook. I wanted to reach out to other people affected by things like this and to let them know they were not alone.

‘It now has more than 100 members from all around the world, including the UK, France, Thailand and Australia.

‘It is helping victims all around the world. They can speak to one another about what they went through. It is a really good support. It isn’t just women on there either – we also have male victims.

‘To know you are not alone really helps. Cyber crimes like this can ruin lives. I just want to help others.’

Megan has now started a Facebook group to help other victims of revenge porn around the world

Megan has now started a Facebook group to help other victims of revenge porn around the world

In love: Megan (pictured with husband Jeremy) said: 'I got married a little while later and my husband knows all about what happened to me. It makes him mad and it did make me distant with him in some respects'

In love: Megan (pictured with husband Jeremy) said: ‘I got married a little while later and my husband knows all about what happened to me. It makes him mad and it did make me distant with him in some respects’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk