Texas, Utah, and Arizona are seeing an alarming spike in kids reaching school unvaccinated

Twelve states have seen a rise in parents skipping their children’s vaccinations – particularly the mumps, measles and rubella shot.

The main ‘hotspots’ are in Texas, Arizona, Utah and the Pacific Northwest, according to a new national study published today.

The CDC says at least 90 percent of each community needs to be covered by MMR to prevent measles outbreaks, like the one that hit Disneyland in Anaheim, California in 2014, and the one which struck Minnesota’s under-vaccinated Somali community last year.

But an analysis of the rate of vaccines among kindergarten children from 2009 to now shows coverage is falling in pockets of the US that allow families to opt out based on their beliefs, rather than medical reasoning.

Experts warn that trend is a ‘public health crisis’ fueled by the heavily-funded anti-vaxxer movement, and that if this keeps going these states may have to follow California’s suit, banning non-medical exemptions out-right. 

‘It’s a public health crisis’: Experts warn the increasing rates of anti-vaxxer sentiment in hotspots around the US are dangerous. This map from the new study shows the percentage of children who skipped vaccines for non-medical reasons in the 18 states that permit such an exemption


  1. Arkansas
  2. Arizona
  3. Colorado
  4. Idaho
  5. Louisiana (except no religious exemptions)
  6. Maine
  7. Michigan
  8. Minnesota (except no religious exemptions)
  9. Missouri (only for daycare, not public school)
  10. North Dakota
  11. Ohio
  12. Oklahoka
  13. Oregon
  14. Pennsylvania
  15. Texas
  16. Utah
  17. Washington
  18. Wisconsin


  1. Vermont
  2. California
  3. Missouri
  4. West Virginia

‘This is a real crisis,’ lead author Dr Peter Hotez, a tropical disease vaccine researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, told DailyMail.com.

‘Here in Texas you have schools where up to 40 percent of children are not vaccinated.

‘The federal government has not weighed in because, nationally, the immunization rates haven’t changed much. But the thing we need to worry about are these pockets. That’s where a movement can grow and outbreaks can start.’

Dr Hotez, who carried out the research with colleagues at Baylor and Texas Children’s Hospital, is a pediatrician who has become a target for the anti-vaccination movement.

His daughter Rachel has autism, and this fall he will be publishing a book called Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism – a direct attack on the most commonly-pedaled myth by anti-vaxxers.  

Being based in Houston makes him even more contentious: Texas has become a battleground for the anti-vax movement, since it is one of just 18 states that allow parents to opt out for religious or philosophical reasons. 

Indeed, disgraced British gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, who has modeled himself as the face of America’s anti-vaxxer movement, has relocated to Austin to fight his fight against immunizations – after having his medical license revoked in the UK for provenly-false claims that the MMR shot causes autism.

The movement has gained ground in recent years, with a swell of funding from political candidates who back vaccine skepticism, and some fierce scare campaigns online. 

‘I know 52,000 children in Texas are not vaccinated, and there are 320,000 home-schooled children whose vaccine status we do not know. I wanted to know what the situation is like across the country, particularly in the other 17 states that allow non-medical exemptions,’ Dr Hotez said. 

His team analyzed routine data from the 18 states, and found an increase since 2009 in the number of children enrolling in kindergarten with a non-medical exemption in 12 of the states. 

They identified several metropolitan areas across the country that stand out as ‘hotspots’ of vaccination exemptions, including major metropolitan areas in the Pacific Northwest, Texas, Utah, and Arizona, as well as less populated and rural counties in Idaho. 

In a further analysis, the authors found that higher rates of non-medical exemptions in individual states were associated with lower rates of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination coverage. 

Dr Hotez said his biggest concern is measles. 

‘The anti-vaxxers call me “the boy who cried wolf” because I go on about measles, but it is not something to brush off,’ he said. 

‘After small pox was eliminated in the 70s, measles became the number one cause of death for children in the world. And California had a terrible outbreak in 2015. The vaccine prevents that, it protects our children.’

California became a standard for the handling of measles outbreaks after 159 people contracted measles at Disneyland in Anaheim.

While the outbreak was believed to have started with a foreign visitor, officials broadly agree California’s low rate of vaccinations allowed it to spread.

At the time, California was one of 19 states that allowed parents to opt out of vaccines based on their beliefs.

After changing the rules, making MMR compulsory for children unless they had a medical reason not to, the state’s rate of vaccinated kindergartners went up 30 percent, and there hasn’t been a significant measles outbreak since.  

The number do not sound like a wild shift. In 2014, California’s vaccination rate was 93 percent. However, certain pockets of the state were far lower, and the vaccine is one of the few that rely on ‘herd immunity’ among the people you interact with. 

For decades, the CDC has advised children get two doses of the MMR vaccine – their first at around one year old, and their second between four and six years old – which gives a child about 88 percent protection against mumps, measles and rubella.

‘That’s high but not 100 percent,’ warns Dr Pritish Tosh, MD, an infectious diseases specialist at the Mayo Clinic, told Daily Mail Online.

According to Dr Tosh, the strength of the vaccine partly relies on ‘herd immunity’, requiring that the vast majority of each community (at least 90 percent) is protected.

‘When you have some people who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated in a community then we lose some of that herd immunity meaning the populations can be at-risk of infection, even if they were vaccinated.

‘Once you start dropping in that number, you run a risk of re-introducing mumps into a population.

‘Certainly, unvaccinated people get sick but also there will likely be vaccinated people who get sick because the vaccine is not 100 percent effective.’

He warns: ‘The unvaccinated people are amplifying the outbreak then allowing some who are unvaccinated to become sick. This has been seen more and more including in college campuses.’

‘Stricter legislative action to close [non-medical exemptions from vaccination] should become a higher priority’, Dr Hotez and his co-authors write in the study.

‘Our concern is that the rising [non-medical exemptions] linked to the anti-vaccine movement in the US will stimulate other countries to follow a similar path.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk