Thai boxing coach jailed for abusing girl in Rochdale

A martial arts coach nicknamed ‘Mr Touchy-Feeley’ who groomed and abused an underage girl who he called ‘his young wife’ has been jailed for six years. 

Peter Feeley, 56, exploited his position at a Thai boxing gym to seduce the youngster before having a series of illicit sexual encounters with the girl, who was under 16.

He also talked bondage with the girl and even covertly filmed them having intercourse together before giving the camera the thumbs up.

Feeley, who owns Spartan Muay Thai Gym in Middleton, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, was arrested last May after the girl’s mother reported her missing and traced a number on her mobile phone to Feeley. 

Peter Feeley, 56, exploited his position at a Thai boxing gym to seduce the youngster

Police found the former professional Thai boxer at the gym and searched the loft where they seized a laptop containing footage of the couple have sex – sometimes whilst he wore a T-shirt saying: ‘Don’t forget to smile.’

The girl was traced later and confessed she had sex with Feeley in the gym and at his home.

They would communicate via the social media site Snapchat and he would send her videos and pictures of his genitalia. It emerged he had molested two other girls.

At Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester, an emotional letter written by the schoolgirl about her fling with Feeley was read out as he admitted charges of child abduction, indecent assault and sexual activity with as child.

Feeley coaching a fighter during a Thai boxing bout

Feeley coaching a fighter during a Thai boxing bout

She said: ‘To Pete. Part of me still cares about you as much as I don’t want to. I hate what you did, I hate what happened. I hate all of it but it won’t ever go away. You’ll always be in the back of my mind. I shouldn’t care about you since you clearly never cared about me.

‘Part of me also hates you. I don’t want you to apologise, I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts like I drowned in mine. The memories constantly come back to haunt me. You caused all this yet I’m the one who’s left in agony.

‘I’ve decided to forgive you. Not for you, but for me. I will no longer pollute my heart with the fear, distrust, pain or anger. I will no longer be shackled to the past, I forgive you because hate is just another way of holding on and you don’t deserve to be held on to.’

Earlier the court heard the fling began after the unnamed girl had been attending Feeley’s gym for a year.

Prosecutor Mr Alex Menary said: ‘She was vulnerable and her parents became concerned when they learned they referred to each other as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’. She was requesting to attend the gym alone and travel on the bus.

‘She was reported missing by her mother in May this year. Enquiries were made and found her mobile phone was switched off but she last contacted a number and it was established that was this defendant’s telephone number. In the early hours police managed to make contact and locate him the the boxing gym where he was sweating profusely.

‘He disclosed he had a conversation with the complainant and he was arrested on suspicion of kidnap. The living room above the roof of the gym was searched and a laptop was found. Video footage of the defendant and complainant was recovered.

‘The defendant had covertly recorded sexual encounters. He gives the thumbs up sign to the camera on one occasion.

Police found the former professional Thai boxer at the gym and searched the loft where they seized a laptop containing footage of the couple have sex

‘The complainant was spoken to but at first refused to engage. She later confirmed the account of her running away was a story given by the defendant. 

‘She disclosed she had been having a sexual relationship and said it was consensual intercourse three times in the gym and once at his home on the night she went missing.

‘She said they had spoken and were on Snapchat he would send her videos and pictures. Having initially not liked him she was beginning to like him. They met up at the gym and after others had left he took her to the female changing rooms.

‘She recounted him teaching her how to kiss, as it was something she was scared of doing as she hadn’t done it before and didn’t know how to kiss, The complainant described the defendant directed her as to what position to put herself in.’

The court heard Feeley also molested a second girl in her sleeping bag after he persuaded her to have a sleepover at the gym. He groped another child’s breasts in a separate incident.

In mitigation Feeley’s lawyer David Bruce, said: ‘He acknowledges his wrongdoing, expresses remorse and perhaps the most important thing is the future – this man clearly needs help.

‘He didn’t immediately acknowledge he had an interest in girls, he clearly has. It’s clearly something where considerable work needs to be done and he has expressed a willingness to accept that.

‘There is misconduct over a period of time and the court will see that there had been a process of grooming. H knows he’s brought hardship on others and upon himself and his family. He has to take ultimate responsibility.

Passing sentence Judge Maurice Greene told Feeley: ‘Thai boxing was very important to this young girl and the gym was her sanctuary – she trusted you and yet you abused that trust.

‘You talked to her about bondage even though you clearly knew how old she was. You even thought it was a joke because you motioned a thumbs up sign at the camera when she didn’t know what you were doing.

Feeley was jailed for six years by a judge at Minshull Street Crown Court (pictured) in Manchester

Feeley was jailed for six years by a judge at Minshull Street Crown Court (pictured) in Manchester

‘It’s quite clear she suffered considerably as a result of your actions. You were in your 50’s. You took away what could have been experiences as time went on and did that to fulfill your own sexual gratification. Your reputation maybe in ruins but it was a gross breach of trust

‘You undoubtedly preyed upon these young girls and you knew exactly what you were doing. It was planned, there was grooming. You are clearly not fit to be a trusted individual in charge of young girls. ‘

After the case Det Con Hannah Greetham of Greater Manchester Police said: ‘Feeley wrongfully used his position to exploit young girls to satisfy his appetite for depravity.

‘There is no excuse for the devastating abuse he has mercilessly inflicted on these young girls’ lives, who have been so brave in reporting his cruelty. 

‘No-one should be subjected to sexual abuse and I want to send a message to people who have become victims of sexual offences – you do not have to live alone with this.

‘It’s never too late to make a report and there is always support available to you and we will do everything in our power to bring people like Feeley in front of a judge.’