Thames Valley Police catch swan in Reading

A policeman found himself in a real-life Hot Fuzz situation when he was called in to help catch a swan. 

PC Jamie Payne swooped in when the bird was spotted on the A33 near Reading. 

After winging his way to the busy A-road, the roads unit officer pursued the ‘elusive swan’ on foot – in scenes reminiscent of the 2007 comedy starring Simon Pegg. 

The Thames Valley Police unit said the feathered fugitive, which they named Sam, was handed over to a charity.   

PC Jamie Payne swooped in when a swan (pictured with him) was spotted on the A33 near Reading

After winging his way to the busy A-road, the roads unit officer pursued the 'elusive swan' on foot - in scenes reminiscent of the 2007 comedy starring Simon Pegg

After winging his way to the busy A-road, the roads unit officer pursued the ‘elusive swan’ on foot – in scenes reminiscent of the 2007 comedy starring Simon Pegg

The Thames Valley Police unit said the feathered fugitive (pictured), which they named Sam, was handed over to a charity

The Thames Valley Police unit said the feathered fugitive (pictured), which they named Sam, was handed over to a charity

It was PC Payne’s first job since he completed a Traffic Pursuit and Containment Course (TPAC), it added.

Though it seems the officer was already something of a swan pursuit specialist, as it later emerged he had rescued another one last April.

A similar incident ensued in Wiltshire just over two years ago.  

In July 2015, PCSO Melissa Camilleri and PC Steve Edwards were called to a supermarket car park in Devizes where an unruly swan was wreaking havoc.

After piling it in to the back seat of their car, the officers took the bird to a safer, rural spot to be released but not before posing for a photograph with their detainee. 

The bird was released safely at a safer location outside the small market town. 

Hot Fuzz tells the story of a former London police officer who finds himself struggling to adapt to a slower crime circuit when relocated to a sleepy rural village.

Simon Pegg plays PC Nicholas Angel who finds himself with struggling to find enough illegal behaviour to keep himself occupied in the village of Sandfor.

He is partnered with Danny Butterman (played by Nick Frost) who is endlessly fascinated with his colourful history at the Met.  

Hot Fuzz tells the story of a former London police officer who finds himself struggling to adapt to a slower crime circuit when relocated to a sleepy rural village

Hot Fuzz tells the story of a former London police officer who finds himself struggling to adapt to a slower crime circuit when relocated to a sleepy rural village

Simon Pegg (right) plays PC Nicholas Angel (left) who finds himself with struggling to find enough illegal behaviour to keep himself occupied in the village of Sandfor

Simon Pegg (right) plays PC Nicholas Angel (left) who finds himself with struggling to find enough illegal behaviour to keep himself occupied in the village of Sandfor

In July 2015, PCSO Melissa Camilleri and PC Steve Edwards (pictured) were called to a supermarket car park in Devizes where an unruly swan was wreaking havoc 

In July 2015, PCSO Melissa Camilleri and PC Steve Edwards (pictured) were called to a supermarket car park in Devizes where an unruly swan was wreaking havoc