The 20 questions every bride and groom need to answer

From selecting the perfect romantic venue to serving guests mouth-watering food, planning a wedding is becoming increasingly complex – and expensive.

But Martha Stewart believes there are 20 definitive questions every couple can ask themselves and the answers will help them create the perfect day.

As she unveils her new book, Martha Stewart Weddings Ideas and Inspiration, the lifestyle guru has shared the questions that all couples should contemplate before finalising their wedding details. 

She has split them into four sets of five questions to help shape each part of the wedding from the venue to the details.  

Martha Stewart has shared 20 definitive questions every couple should ask themselves and the answers will help them create the perfect wedding day


The questions to ask yourself

1. Where did you meet?

2. Where did you go as kids (summer camp, family trips, summer abroad)?

3. What did you do on your first date?

4. Where was your first vacation together?

5. What time of year do you love the most?

What the answers will reveal: Martha believes that how you answer these questions will help you choose the perfect venue that’s personal to you both. She says that if your first date was at a specific location, you should marry there or work its logo into your invites. 


The questions to ask yourself

6. What colors do you gravitate toward?

7. Are you obsessed with a certain flower?

8. What family heirloom would you cherish carrying on your day?

9. What song lyric or poem moves you the most?

10. Do you have a pet?

What the answers will reveal: Whichever colours you answer in question 6 should be your colour scheme and the first flowers that come to your mind should be the ones you work into your bouquet. 

If you don’t have a family heirloom to work into your big day but you’re particularly close to a relative, ask to borrow something of theirs to wear on your wedding day (it could be a grandparent’s cufflinks or piece of jewellery that you can either wire into your bouquet or wearing under your dress or suit). 


The questions to ask yourself

11. What bar do you frequent?

12. What’s your favourite sport or team?

13. What’s your go-to food?

14. What’s your favorite restaurant?

15. Do you share a guilty pleasure?

What the answers will reveal: Martha says you should kickstart your reception with your favourite drink based on the one at your favourite bar. If your man is into a particular sport, she suggests choosing a drink that’s associated to it (so Guinness for rugby or Coors Light for an ice hockey fan).

When it comes to the meal, make your menu stand out from everyone else’s and serve your favourite meals, as opposed to bog standard smoked salmon and chicken. Or base your menu around what you’d order at your favourite restaurant. If you both have the same guilty pleasure, have that for your dessert.   


The questions to ask yourself

16. What are your hobbies, or do you collect anything?

17. How would you describe your dream date night?

18. What are your nicknames?

19. Do you have a desert-island book or favorite quote?

20. What’s your number one film?

What the answers will reveal: Martha says that the answers to these questions will make up the res of the details on your big day. She says you should top your table with whatever the answer to question 16 is and incorporate your dream date night into the wedding (such as flamenco lessons leading to your first dance). Whatever your favourite film or book is should inform your favours, she says.