The adorable moment a baby hears his mother’s voice for the first time after having hearing aids fitted

This is the heartwarming moment a baby with hearing difficulties hears his mother’s voice for the first time after having hearing aids fitted. 

Albie Collins, who is three months old, had a screening where it was found that he had moderate hearing loss in both ears.

His parents, Amy and Matthew, both 29, were left overcome with joy at their son’s reaction to hearing them talk for the first time since getting his hearing aids fitted.

The moving footage shows the first moment of Albie’s life where he was finally able to listen clearly as well as his first few days at home adjusting to all the new noises. 

The couple, from Liversedge, West Yorkshire, made the decision to get their baby fit with hearing aids to help his language and learning as he grows up.

Amy and Matthew are pictured at the hospital after they had their second born, Albie 

Albie Collins, who is three months old, had a screening where it was found that he had moderate hearing loss in both ears

Albie Collins, who is three months old, had a screening where it was found that he had moderate hearing loss in both ears

Albie is pictured with his hearing aids on as he is held by father, Matthew

Albie is pictured with his hearing aids on as he is held by father, Matthew 

The touching clip shows Albie, who has the same condition as his father Matthew, smiling as he stares into Amy’s eyes. 

She can be heard saying: ‘Hi gorgeous! Hello gorgeous boy. Are you a beautiful baby? Can you hear mummy? Say mamma!’ 

The mother-of-two shared the special moment of her son reacting to her voice on TikTok last month.

She said: ‘He initially failed his newborn hearing screening test in hospital, so was referred to audiology to investigate further.

‘The doctors advised that he wore hearing aids from a young age so his speech and language won’t be affected as he grows.

‘His father has the same hearing loss which was detected when he was in primary school, so the link is probably due to genetics.

Albie heard his mother's voice clearly for the very first time last month and Amy shared the clip on TikTok

Albie heard his mother’s voice clearly for the very first time last month and Amy shared the clip on TikTok

Viewers on TikTok were overjoyed to see little Albie hear his mother's voice clearly for the first time

Viewers on TikTok were overjoyed to see little Albie hear his mother’s voice clearly for the first time 

‘Me and my husband were overjoyed to see him smiling away while he took in all his new sounds. Such a heartwarming reaction which left us in awe.’

Viewers of the video were left feeling emotional as they watched Albie listen to his mother’s voice clearly for the very first time. 

One wrote: ‘The sweetest thing I’ve seen today, all the best. He’s beautiful.’

Another penned: ‘Aw his little face.’

A third said: ‘Absolutely beautiful little man.’

Hearing loss in babies 

According to the NHS, it can be harder to spot hearing loss in babies. It can also affect a child’s speech development and progress at school. 

One to two babies in every 1,000 are born with permanent hearing loss in 1 or both ears. 

Babies may be offered a newborn hearing test before they are discharged if they are born in hospital. 

Otherwise it will be done by a healthcare professional, healthcare assistant or health visitor within the first few weeks.

The test should be done within the first 4 to 5 weeks but it can be done at up to three months of age.  

There is a government checklist on what to look for as your baby grows to check if they can hear.
