The best time to use Tinder, Bumble or Hinge to get the most matches

This is the EXACT time of day to get the most matches on a dating app – and you might be surprised

  • A single woman tested which day she received more matches on dating apps
  • In a video she said Thursday and Sunday nights are likely the most popular 
  • She paid $22 to boost her profile more ‘visible’ to single men on Hinge 
  • On Sunday she received 42 matches but on Thursday she received 35 
  • She also tested the theory on a Monday morning and received the most matches

A single woman has tested the theory that Sunday and Thursday nights are the ‘best time’ to match with the most people on dating apps.

‘On Thursday everyone is excited for the weekend, they’re trying to find matches to go out. Sunday everyone is getting introspective, they are considering their death, their mortality, who they’re going to watch House of The Dragon with,’ TikToker @greasycurtainbangs said. 

To test it, she paid $22 for Hinge ‘Boost’ to make her online dating profile visible to more people for an hour each evening and tallied how many men sent her a ‘like’. 

At first the woman, from New York, also dubbed Monday morning as the ‘worst time’ to get matches – but later discovered it was the most successful day of the lot.

While she received 45 likes on Hinge on Sunday, she then received more than 50 potential matches on a Monday morning

 A single woman has tested the theory that Sunday and Thursday nights are the best times of the week to match with more people on dating apps. While she received 45 likes on Hinge on Sunday, she then received more than 50 potential matches on a Monday morning


What day do you use dating apps most?

  • Sunday 0 votes
  • Monday 0 votes
  • Tuesday 0 votes
  • Wednesday 1 votes
  • Thursday 0 votes
  • Friday 0 votes
  • Saturday 0 votes

To the woman’s surprise, on the ‘sad’ Sunday night she was sent 42 ‘likes’ from single men wanting to match with her, but on the ‘happy’ Thursday night she only received 35.  

‘In a shocking turn of events, it seems like Sunday is a bigger motivator,’ she said. 

The video posted on Friday has since been watched more than 191,000 views and entertained other singles. 

While many adored the woman’s dedication to the experiment, some questioned whether she would receive more matches on other days of the week. 

‘You need a control group: what happens on a Tuesday?’ one woman commented. 

In a follow up video, the woman dubbed Monday morning as the ‘least horniest time of the week’ and tested how many match requests she received by boosting on Hinge for a third time. 

As it turns out her ‘scientific method’ of thinking when it comes to online dating was completely ‘disproved’. 

‘Somehow [I] got a new high score of 54 likes,’ she said, adding how the one thing she changed was answering a question on her profile in a humorous way. 

‘The only change I made to my profile was the addition of this prompt, “my greatest strength is: gout”.

‘Monday morning is officially the horniest day of the week.’
