The Block winner says Don Burke made her feel dirty

Amity Dry, half of the winning couple of The Block Allstrs, has revealed how a day with Don Burke made her ‘feel dirty’.

Ms Dry and her husband Phil Rankine met Don Burke in 2003 – after filming their series of The Block.

Ms Dry claims she had heard ‘shocking’ stories about Burke before meeting the Burke’s Backyard host,Fairfax reports .

Amity Dry, half of the winning couple of The Block Allstrs, has revealed how a day with Don Burke made her ‘feel dirty’

She claims when Burke did come to the couple's Kirribilly home producers warned her not to be alone with him and to ignore his inappropriate jokes.

She claims when Burke did come to the couple’s Kirribilly home producers warned her not to be alone with him and to ignore his inappropriate jokes.

'But what I remember more than anything was that after he left, my husband and I said we felt like taking a shower and scrubbing the house'

‘But what I remember more than anything was that after he left, my husband and I said we felt like taking a shower and scrubbing the house’

She claims when Burke did come to the couple’s Kirribilly home producers warned her not to be alone with him and to ignore his inappropriate jokes.

‘He was vile. I remember there were jokes about bestiality and references to my looks and body. 

‘But what I remember more than anything was that after he left, my husband and I said we felt like taking a shower and scrubbing the house. It was though a vile and predatory energy had filled it and we felt dirty for the experience.’

Other women including Author Di Morrissey and entertainer Debra Byrne have also told their stories following the first allegations against Burke early this week.

Mrs Morrissey claims the first time she met Burke he told her inappropriate jokes and stories – which made her partner Boris shake with anger.

Other women including Author Di Morrissey and entertainer Debra Byrne have also told their stories following the first allegations against Burke early this week

Other women including Author Di Morrissey and entertainer Debra Byrne have also told their stories following the first allegations against Burke early this week

Di Morrissey claims the first time she met Burke he told her inappropriate jokes and stories - which made her partner Boris shake with anger

Di Morrissey claims the first time she met Burke he told her inappropriate jokes and stories – which made her partner Boris shake with anger

Entertainer Debra Byrne has also aired her own allegations, claiming the popular television star had started talking about the size of his penis

Entertainer Debra Byrne has also aired her own allegations, claiming the popular television star had started talking about the size of his penis

 ‘I was rattled for a week or so, couldn’t believe how slimy he’d been. However things began cropping up after the show went to air,’ she said.

Entertainer Debra Byrne has also aired her own allegations, claiming the popular television star had started talking about the size of his penis.

She claims she pulled Burke up on his behaviour as her two daughters were home at the time.

Ms Dry and her husband Phil Rankine met Don Burke in 2003 - after filming their series of The Block

Ms Dry and her husband Phil Rankine met Don Burke in 2003 – after filming their series of The Block