The Blue Wiggle Anthony Wiggle explains the embarrassing reason behind his nose injury

Anthony Field, known to millions of children across the world as The Blue Wiggle, made headlines on Monday when he was hospitalised in Boston on Monday due to a nose injury.

Speaking to Fitzy and Wippa on Wednesday, the popular children’s performer has revealed the embarrassing reason behind his recent hospital visit.

‘I walked into a revolving door,’ Anthony said, laughing.

Wiggle down! Anthony was taken to a hospital in Boston on Monday following an injury to his nose

Explaining that he entered a revolving door in the wrong direction, the Blue Wiggle said that a lady coming in ‘kept pushing’ the door and it ‘smacked’ him in the nose.

‘I was on the ground, there was blood everywhere,’ says Anthony.

After ‘two doctors’ said he had broke his nose, he called an ambulance and was taken to hospital.

Ouch! The Blue Wiggle revealed that he received his nose injury after smacking it on a revolving door

Ouch! The Blue Wiggle revealed that he received his nose injury after smacking it on a revolving door

Describing the cut on his nose as ‘massive,’ Anthony received 12 stitches for his injury.

Despite his broken nose, he went to perform two sold out Wiggles shows afterwards, to much amusement from his fellow Wiggle, Simon Pryce.

‘Simon was looking at me really strangely. The blood was coming out of my nose,’ laughed Anthony, to much amusement from Fitzy and Wippa.

'It doesn't look good!' Anthony broke his nose and received a massive cut which required 12 stitches

‘It doesn’t look good!’ Anthony broke his nose and received a massive cut which required 12 stitches

Forced to cancel: The Wiggles have had to cancel a planned filming day due to Anthony's nose injury

Forced to cancel: The Wiggles have had to cancel a planned filming day due to Anthony’s nose injury

Despite pushing through the live Wiggles shows with his injury, Anthony had to cancel a filming day as his nose ‘looks really bad.’

‘You can’t get around it, it doesn’t look good,’ says Anthony.

While he’ll be sporting the injury for a few weeks, the performer says he’ll push through and perform all live Wiggles shows as scheduled. 

Toughing it out: Despite his broken nose, Anthony says he will still perform all of the planned Wiggles live shows as planned

Toughing it out: Despite his broken nose, Anthony says he will still perform all of the planned Wiggles live shows as planned

Anthony wasn’t the only Wiggle with health issues in recent weeks.

Emma Watkins, known to children as the Yellow Wiggle, recently returned to performing with The Wiggles after her operation in April to treat endometriosis, which causes painful and irregular periods.

Emma had several weeks of rest and is now back on The Wiggles set, gushing that it’s ‘lovely’ to be dancing again.