The Daily Show host Trevor Noah addresses joke about Indigenous Australian women

Trevor Noah completely failed to mention the furor over his offensive joke about Indigenous Australian during Monday’s The Daily Show. 

The popular comedian poked fun at Trump and Putin’s close relationship, R. Kelly and 3D printed weapons – yet failed to address the backlash over his comments about Aboriginals, made during his 2013 stand-up show.

Noah had joked he’d ‘never seen a beautiful Aborigine’ in the recently resurfaced footage. 

He went onto joke that attraction was not all about looks, saying that they could ‘do special things’ before he began imitating the sound of a didgeridoo while inferring oral sex. 

Trevor Noah completely failed to mention the furor over his offensive joke about Indigenous Australian during Monday’s The Daily Show

The popular comedian poked fun at Trump and Putin's close relationship, R. Kelly and 3D printed weapons - yet failed to address the backlash over his comments about Aboriginals

The popular comedian poked fun at Trump and Putin’s close relationship, R. Kelly and 3D printed weapons – yet failed to address the backlash over his comments about Aboriginals

Social media erupted with calls for the comedian’s upcoming Australian tour, which begins in Melbourne next month, to be boycotted. 

The 34-year-old said on Twitter on Monday morning that he’s since educated himself and ‘vowed never to make a joke like that again’.

But it was too little, too late for many who were outraged that Noah, who has made a name for himself as a comedian willing to tackle institutionalized racism and misogyny, would make such a joke.

‘He grossly sexualises and objectifies First Nations Australian women for a ‘joke’,’ Katelyn Jones of the Feminism & Decolonisation Facebook page said.  

‘He perpetuated incredibly harmful stereotypes … that Indigenous women aren’t beautiful, that Indigenous women are only good for their bodies; and Indigenous women are over-sexualised sex starved beings,’ Ms Jones said.   

Noah had joked he'd 'never seen a beautiful Aborigine' in the recently resurfaced footage of his 2013 show (pictured) 

Noah had joked he’d ‘never seen a beautiful Aborigine’ in the recently resurfaced footage of his 2013 show (pictured) 

Others said Noah’s comments were ‘unacceptable’ and ‘perpetrating and encouraging racial abuse.’

‘For such a social justice warrior, your race baiting isn’t smart or witty at all. It’s simply racist. Our beautiful black women shouldn’t be treated like the punchline of a joke,’ wrote one user on Twitter.

‘I can’t bring myself to watch that, I’m so tired of Aboriginal women being used as punchlines for cheap laughs from talentless hacks,’ another person said.

‘We deserve so much better and I hope this guy falls and fades into obscurity, he doesn’t deserve a platform if he’s going to punch down like this.’

Noah, who took on the role as The Daily Show host three years ago from Jon Stewart, apologised for his comments on Twitter on Monday.

‘After visiting Australia’s Bunjilaka museum and learning about aboriginal history first hand I vowed never to make a joke like that again. And I haven’t. I’ll make sure the clip from 2013 is not promoted in any way,’ he wrote.

The clip, which was uploaded to YouTube under the title of ‘Women of all Race are Beautiful’, has since been removed by The Daily Show’s David Meyer, who filed a copyright complaint against the video.  

However, has obtained the original footage.

Footage of his stand-up show shows him mocking Aboriginal women.

‘All women of every race can be beautiful,’ Noah tells an audience in the footage which emerged online overnight. ‘And I know some of you are sitting there now going, ‘Oh Trevor, yeah, but I’ve never seen a beautiful Aborigine.

‘Yeah, but you know what you say? You say ”yet”, that’s what you say; ”yet”. Because you haven’t seen all of them, right?’

‘Plus it’s not always about looks, maybe Aborigine women do special things, maybe they’ll just like, jump on top of you,’ Noah, 34, concluded, inferring that their didgeridoo skills may improve their oral sex abilities.  

'I know some of you are sitting there now going, 'Oh Trevor, yeah, but I've never seen a beautiful Aborigine', Noah joked

‘I know some of you are sitting there now going, ‘Oh Trevor, yeah, but I’ve never seen a beautiful Aborigine’, Noah joked

The South African-born comedian has caused controversy with previous tasteless jokes in relation to women, Jewish people and rapper Chris Brown (pictured)

The South African-born comedian has caused controversy with previous tasteless jokes in relation to women, Jewish people and rapper Chris Brown (pictured)

The South African-born comedian who hosts the Emmy Award-winning show, caused controversy with previous tasteless jokes in relation to women, Jewish people and rapper Chris Brown.

‘You show me half my jokes from even two years ago, three years ago—I hate them,’ Noah told GQ in 2015.  

‘Because you see, like, a young version of yourself. You’re like, ”Why would you say that? You idiot! That makes no sense.” Or, ‘That’s just stupid.’ Or, ”Ahh, I can’t believe I said that about a woman”.’

‘You should not like what you did back then, because that shows that you’ve grown. If you’re still doing it, that’s a scarier place to be,’ he said.

The comedian is set to touch down in Australia next month for a five-date tour beginning August 23 and including Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Sydney.

Comedian and The Daily Show host Trevor Noah (pictured) has come under fire for a comedy routine in 2013 targeting Aboriginal women as unattractive

Comedian and The Daily Show host Trevor Noah (pictured) has come under fire for a comedy routine in 2013 targeting Aboriginal women as unattractive