The first hearing aids: How to clean & take care of your devices?

Today you often meet people on the street, at work, or on holidays with small and inconspicuous devices near their ears. What are they? They are modern digital hearing aids that help people with hearing loss hear our world again.

Unfortunately, hearing loss is a serious problem that is spreading rapidly around the world. In the United States, for example, more than 35 million citizens have a variety of hearing problems.

The best way to regain the ability to hear is to wear hearing aids every day.

However, choosing and using them is not as easy as it may seem at first glance!

Why does it matter?

Choosing and buying a hearing aid is a complex task.

Today there are different types of devices from various manufacturers. It’s hard to choose one without delving into detail! If you’ve used hearing aids before, it’s a little easier to do. You’ll have more questions than answers if it’s your first hearing aid.

Hearing aids are individualized medical devices. A hearing care professional selects and adjusts the devices based on the degree of hearing loss, your specific hearing system structure, and your preferences.

There is also an adaptation period. This is the only way to get the best results!

  • High-quality sound in any acoustic environment
  • Maximum comfort during the day

Thus, hearing aids are becoming indispensable electronic assistants for Americans with hearing loss. But that’s only true if you do it right.

Some Americans are trying to buy hearing aids on their own. That number is only going to grow because of FDA innovations that allowed people to buy devices without a medical prescription. Such an act can leave people with hearing problems and money wasted!

Choose and buy complex medical devices correctly!

How do I choose and buy my first hearing aid?

The first step to restoring your hearing is understanding that you cannot cope with the problem on your own.

Therefore, seek help from a hearing care professional. First, the doctor will test the patient. Next, he’ll choose the device with the necessary power. Then you’ll go through the adaptation period.

The brain needs time to get used to new conditions.

Consider devices from different manufacturers. Don’t get hung up on just one brand, even if it is the market leader. Evaluate several offers at once. Evaluate the pros and cons before making your final choice.

Hearing aids allow you to understand sounds and speech. Choose a model and manufacturer that sounds natural and does not make you feel uncomfortable. You’ll appreciate it after an adaptation period.

You won’t notice the hearing aids if you choose the right model. They are effective and comfortable.

Feel free to consider hearing aids in different price categories. Price is also an important factor. It greatly influences the final choice. The market offers several segments with different price ranges. In each, there are good deals for reasonable money!

Today, Americans pay attention to other people’s reviews when shopping. In some areas, it does help to choose the best product.

But not in the case of hearing aids. Once again, these devices are too individualized.

Just because it worked for another person doesn’t mean it’ll work for you! Especially since everyone has a different understanding of what is good and bad. It’s better to listen to the advice of your audiologist.

Some care tips

Hearing aids are complex electronic devices. They can break down at the most inopportune moment, which is unacceptable for a person with hearing loss. Imagine you are at an important business meeting and presenting your work.

And suddenly, your devices stop working. What if they break while you’re travelling? You don’t want to get into such a situation, do you? Then care for your electronic assistants properly!

Let’s take a look at some basic recommendations from hearing care professionals.

Carefully read the user manual

Read your hearing aid manual carefully. Each manufacturer describes in detail how a particular model works, its special features, and the steps for proper care and use. Use this knowledge to extend the life of your devices!

Consult a hearing care professional

Is this your first time buying hearing aids? Ask your audiologist how to use these devices in detail. What are the nuances, and what are the special features? What do you need to pay attention to?

Ask a professional to show you how to clean the devices properly.

What can be taken apart, and what is best left untouched? Ask more questions to the expert. It’ll help you in the future!

Remove devices before medical examinations and water procedures

Various external factors are destructive to hearing aids.

But water, sweat, and physical radiation during medical procedures (e.g., X-rays) can quickly wear out your devices. Therefore, remember to remove your devices in certain situations.

Change hearing aid supplies on time

Make a stockpile of basic hearing aid supplies. These include batteries and earmolds.

Replace components with new ones as needed. Always carry extra batteries with you.

Clean your hearing aids regularly

Hearing care professionals recommend cleaning devices at least once a week. Do you have the ability to clean more often? Great! Do not use water or other cleaning agents, as they can damage your devices! Better, use dry wipes and hearing aid cleaning tools.

Use the storage aid case

A hearing aid storage case has a lot of benefits. It’ll hide your devices from children and pets.

It can also protect your hearing aids from the sun and water, which we wrote about above.