The Gin Train travellers left with bitter taste after short measures

  • Travellers aboard The Gin Train left with bitter taste from packed carriages
  • Train from Dereham to Wymondham and back was round trip of 45 miles
  • Deborah Amiss said for £40 each they had less than a single measure of gin

Sipping a sundowner aboard a vintage train while watching the countryside gently rolling by sounds like the perfect way to spend a weekend.

But travellers aboard The Gin Train on the Mid-Norfolk Railway were left with a bitter taste after complaining of short measures, packed carriages, and not enough tonic.

Problems started on the Friday evening service when guests asked staff for mixers.

Chris Bone and his partner Elaine Round, from Swaffham, had paid extra for VIP treatment but Mr Bone, 70, said: ‘The coach was absolutely boiling and we couldn’t open the windows. The train started off and they gave us the gin samples but it was just neat gin. They didn’t provide mixers so we had to buy a £10 card to get them. I thought, hang on, we spent £100 here, it was unbelievable, appalling and terrible.’

Travellers aboard The Gin Train on the Mid-Norfolk Railway were left with a bitter taste after complaining of short measures, packed carriages, and not enough tonic (file photo)

The train from Dereham to Wymondham and back was a round trip of 45 miles but HR consultant Deborah Amiss, 54, from Taverham said passengers were ‘herded like cattle’.

Mrs Amiss said: ‘It was a complete shambles. Staff had no idea what was going on.

‘The measures of gin were laughable. For £40 each we had less than a single measure of gin in total.’

A spokesman for organiser Railroad Events said: ‘There are many customers who had a fantastic day at The Gin Train Experience and there will be plenty more.

‘For future Gin Trains we have added extra staff to keep up with additional demand.’ 
