The Great Club, Marrickville, cancels two-up Anzac Day event after angry neighbours complained

Anzac Day two-up celebration CANCELLED after killjoy neighbours complain about the noise

  • Sydney bar faced noise complaints over Anzac Day events
  • Owner was forced to cancel heavily-anticipated two-up event
  • She fears bar will go bankrupt if council receives complaints

A bar in Sydney has been forced to cancel its two-up event for Anzac Day after angry neighbours complained about the noise. 

The Great Club in Marrickville, in the city’s inner west, had to cancel the heavily-anticipated event after locals reported the venue to local council. 

The Inner West council suggested a mediation session between opposing parties. However when that failed, bar owner Alison Avron was forced to hire a lawyer. 

Ms Avron says the Anzac Day celebrations have been cancelled amid fears she could go bankrupt if the council receives more complaints and the bar loses more patrons.

‘We are legally allowed to have (events) and we had a couple of events, alcohol sponsored events,’ Ms Avron told A Current Affair.

‘What’s to say that they’re not going to complain again on a big event where it will be noisy. It’s two-up, you know?’

Bar owner Alison Avron says the Anzac Day celebrations have been cancelled amid fears she could go bankrupt if the council receives more complaints, and the bar loses patrons

‘I just want them to stop. I want them to stop complaining. I’m giving other people a beautiful moment to share with their community, so that’s why it’s just so frustrating that these few people are causing such a stir. 

‘I just can’t afford another complaint from this person. It will send me bankrupt.’

The council has helped the venue tick compliance boxes for future gigs, with Ms Avron saying the bar was legally allowed to hold events in its carpark.  

The two-up event would have been the first since Ms Avron took over the bar during the pandemic. She is ‘sad and disappointed’ it had to be scrapped. 

‘The Great Club has been a beacon for the community in a time after Covid and during Covid. We brought people together,’ she said. 

One furious neighbour told an A Current Affair reporter: ‘I don’t like people, so disappear mate. I’ll let my dog go.’

One furious neighbour (pictured) told an A Current Affair reporter: 'I don't like people, so disappear mate. I'll let my dog go'

One furious neighbour (pictured) told an A Current Affair reporter: ‘I don’t like people, so disappear mate. I’ll let my dog go’

While some neighbours are unhappy with the noise from Ms Avron’s venue during certain events, others have rushed to the bar’s defence.  

‘The whole idea behind Anzac Day is celebrating people who fought for our freedom. So the fact people are trying to take that away from the greater community doesn’t sit well with me,’ one local said.

‘It’s a day time activity. I can’t see why anyone would object,’ another wrote. 

Inner West Council released a statement insisting there was no issue with an Anzac Day event at the club.

She said she has been forced to cancel her bar's Anzac Day celebrations amid fears she could go bankrupt if more complaints are filed

She said she has been forced to cancel her bar’s Anzac Day celebrations amid fears she could go bankrupt if more complaints are filed

A spokesperson said: ‘We would like to make it clear that there is no obstacle to the event taking place on ANZAC Day.

‘Today Council has contacted the Great Club owner with an offer to help with any concerns she may have regarding the event.

‘We will continue to work with and support the Great Club through our Good Neighbour Policy, with a planned meeting with the owner scheduled on Monday to work through any issues.

‘We have also restated to the owner that there is no compliance or legal action being taken by Council against the venue.

‘Following a couple of events held at the club in late 2022 that were not compliant with the club’s license, complaints were received from neighbours. All events since have been compliant.’
