The joys of a family skiing holiday in Cervinia, Italy

This time last year my husband was sending me links of family-friendly ski resorts and my heart was sinking. 

‘Come on,’ he said.  ‘It’s time we taught our children how to ski.’ 

But I just couldn’t face it.  Holidays with children are stressful enough, I reckoned, without the rigmarole of ski boots, cold children, grumpy ski instructors and the potential for accidents.

Skiing in front of the Matterhorn: Despite all Harriet’s fears, her first family trip was a success

The white stuff: A panoramic view of the Cervinia ski area

The white stuff: A panoramic view of the Cervinia ski area

Not to mention the fact that once you’ve paid for a week, you could have spent the same amount relaxing in a five-star tropical paradise. 

Or just stayed at home and got a new bathroom.

But my ski-mad husband was determined to take our children (aged 11, nine, and six) sooner rather than later, and this year I finally gave in. On condition that we stayed in a nice hotel with a pool, in case the children hated skiing.

I closed my ears (sort of) to the horror stories from other parents of airlifts to hospital, falls down crevasses, and ski instructors who picked their children up by the scruff of their necks (really!) to shout at them.

But as the day of departure grew near, I began to wonder what I’d let myself in for. Even the children were saying they’d rather be going somewhere hot.  And by the time my mother rang the night before to wish us a nice holiday, I told her quite truthfully that the only bit I was looking forward to was touching down at Gatwick a week later.

How wrong I was. In fact, the holiday I’d dreaded for so long turned out to be the best family holiday we’d ever had.  The children loved skiing, no-one broke anything, the snow was great (even in April!) and we came home knackered but happy, and looking forward to going again.

Highlights included the boys’ trip on a police snowmobile when someone skied off with my husband’s skis from outside a mountaintop restaurant by mistake (not sure Crystal Ski can arrange this specifically, but worth asking), mouthwatering dinners in our hotel every night, and the fact we were having such a nice time there were NO arguments, all week!  Anyone with several children and a husband will understand the enormity of THIS.

James Bond moment: The boys’ trip on the back of a police snowmobile after someone took their father’s skis by mistake was for them the highlight of the trip

If you, too, are considering taking the family skiing for the first time but aren’t sure if you’re brave enough, here are some tips to help you make it a success.

1) Buy a package holiday

Everyone told us that for family ski holidays, package holidays were the best way to go, and a few sums showed that without doubt they were right.  When we compared the cost of package vs booking it independently at the same place, the cost difference was in the hundreds of pounds.

But it’s not just the economics which make buying a package a sensible option.

We went with Crystal Ski, a specialist tour operator, and they made it all so easy, particularly for stressed parents like us, with full-time jobs and not enough time to get everything sorted before we left, googling where to go etc.

First they sorted lift passes for us all the day we got there which made a huge difference – no queuing for hours on the first morning while the children get tetchy.

The beautiful snowy pistes of Cervinia: Going with Crystal Ski meant the hassle of organising lift passes and ski and boot hire was taken away – a huge plus for busy working families

The Matterhorn is one of the area’s most eye-popping features

They also sorted ski and boot hire and ski school – a relief given I’m no ski expert and didn’t know whether ski school A was better than ski school B, and ditto with the ski rental shops.  Loads of decisions taken away from us – what a relief!


Book a VIP lounge at the airport to ease you into the journey – Crystal booked Harriet’s family into No. 1 Lounge at Gatwick and a fried breakfast for everyone and a glass of prosecco for her made all the difference at 5am…

But possibly the best bit was they sorted coach transfers from the airport to the resort. It doesn’t sound that fabulous, but when you got up in the middle of the night and got all your children to the airport before dawn, you’re quite tired when you get to the other end.  Not having to queue for buses or taxis, or look for the station and work out where you’re going and how to buy tickets, was an absolute joy. 

Instead there was a nice cheery Crystal person in a green anorak at the airport pointing us towards the waiting coach which then took us up the mountain while we snoozed in the warmth.  

2) Go to Italy

OK, this one’s controversial. But after a lifetime of skiing in France and Switzerland, doing it in Italy (picked because my husband spent a year working there in his 20s) was the most fabulous surprise.

Firstly it was so much cheaper than Switzerland, just the other side of the mountain from us. We could gaze at the Matterhorn and ski into Zermatt if we wanted more challenging runs, without the prohibitive cost of a holiday in such a chi-chi resort.

And second, forget the Gauloise-puffing instructors who only want to chat up other ski instructors. In Italy, not only do the instructors look like models in their red Armani Scuola Sci jackets, they are also adorable with children.

The people were so charming, so friendly, so helpful and so kind to our children that I now wouldn’t ski anywhere else.  

‘Make a pizza, make a pizza!’ the beautiful instructors cried as our offspring edged down the mountain doing the snowplough in a pizza shape, never losing patience when the children lost their nerve, or fell over for the twentieth time. Then they took them all off for hot chocolates – sending skiing rocketing to the top of our children’s favourite holiday type.

Lunch in the mountains

The family enjoyed delicious, child-friendly feasts in the sun every day

Lunch in the mountains: The family enjoyed delicious, child-friendly feasts in the sun every day

And speaking of food and drink, eating out was a joy – Italy must surely have the most child-friendly food of any country.  We all tucked into fresh and delicious pasta, pizzas and salads with cold beer at lunch, and swapped the beer for hearty red wine at night.   

Compared to previous experiences eating out in French ski resorts, Italy was a bargain, the food was better and the staff so friendly.

When the owner of our hotel, the Bucaneve in Cervinia, saw our English son committing the cardinal sin of taking a knife to his spaghetti she swooped, giving him a lesson in fork-twirling so he can hold his head high in Italy for ever more. 

Cosy ski hotel: The four star Hotel Bucaneve is owned and run by Maria Gabriella and family

The hotel was a family affair, with Maria Gabriella’s son working as a waiter and everyone getting to know us, making every effort to ensure we had the most fabulous time, whether that was driving us to the lifts in the morning in their Land Rover, the skis on the back (our boys’ idea of heaven), or coming up with off-menu dishes for our daughter at breakfast.

3) Stay in a hotel rather than a flat

Staying in an apartment is a more affordable choice, for sure.  But if you’ve got the budget, and your children are old enough to eat with you at night, staying in a hotel is well worth the extra money.

Ski resort supermarkets tend to be astronomically expensive, and having to remember to buy loo roll, washing up liquid and bin liners as well as pasta, coffee and milk is a pain, and extra expense, not least when you’re only there for a week.

Italian resort: Skiing in Cervinia means fabulous snow, delicious food, and a warm welcome

A hotel also gives you a chance to have a break from housework for the week. Skiing is tiring, so the last thing you want to do when you get in from a day on the slopes with children is think about what to cook for supper, or whether you need to wash the towels. 

Another plus point for hotels is that they’re likely either to be right by the lifts or to have a minibus to take you to the lifts in the morning and back at night.   

This is a godsend when you’ve got a gaggle of unwilling children complaining that their boots hurt as they trudge through the snow, and even better at the end of the day when everyone’s tired and desperate for a bath.

We were worried our children would let us down, behaviour wise, at dinner, but thanks to the lovely staff and delicious child-friendly Italian food at the Bucaneve, they held it together long enough for us to be able to go back to the same hotel next year – a triumph, quite honestly.

4) And make sure the hotel’s got a pool 

This sounds dreadfully spoilt.  And it is.  But having a pool meant that any afternoon one or all of the children was tired and didn’t want to ski, we could take them for a swim and keep them happily occupied, rather than sticking them in front of telly for hours. 

Even better, the Bucaneve had a pool with super strong water jets for massaging our sore shoulders and backs – a dream for us with tight shoulders from hunching over our computers at work, and fun for the children. It also had a sauna and Turkish bath (adults only) where I quickly had to overcome my British horror at seeing strangers’ genitalia because, if you stared at the ceiling, it was extraordinarily nice to sweat everything out after a day on the mountain. 

OK, I know I said swimming was better than letting the children watch telly, but…

Picture perfect: Cervinia is a traditional and pretty ski resort, with guaranteed late-season snow

Picture perfect: Cervinia is a traditional and pretty ski resort, with guaranteed late-season snow

5) Take a laptop/iPad with Netflix

Skiing is exhausting.  Physically knackering, in a really good way, but knackering all the same. And there will come a time, at roughly 5pm every day, when you will need your children to sit down and be quiet, and they will need to, too.

This is where Netflix comes in handy. BBC iPlayer didn’t work abroad (you may know this – I didn’t), but Netflix did, buying us a fabulous hour or so of peace before we went down for supper every night.

Don’t go without it! 

 6) Pick your time of year, and resort, carefully

Skiing at Christmas is freezing – I have cried (as an adult) from the cold on chairlifts in France in December and January – and wasn’t prepared to take the children then.

So we went in April, in the first week of the Easter holidays, but right at the end of the season, which meant snow could have been a problem.  We were lucky in Cervinia – it’s high enough that there was lots of snow, even then, under a hot spring sun.  But friends of ours who went elsewhere (and a little further down) in Italy weren’t so lucky, and spent the week skiing the same glacier every day.

So check before you go – if it’s super cheap in April, there may be a reason.  February half-term would be a good time to go in terms of optimising snow and sun.

As for picking a resort, as well as altitude, consider the suitability of the slopes to beginners, and the variety of things to do and restaurants to eat in. 

Cervinia was fantastic because it had great nursery slopes and – even better for Mum and Dad – a line of bars and restaurants over looking them! 

The pleasure of sitting in the mountain sunshine with a cold beer, watching your children gain in confidence on the snow is hard to beat.  We’re booking again for next year.

We LOVED it! Our first family ski holiday was a success – and we’re booking again for next year!


Harriet and her family travelled to Cervinia with Crystal Ski Holidays and stayed at the four-star Hotel Bucaneve.

Crystal Ski Holidays (; 020 8610 3123) offers a week’s half board at the four-star Hotel Bucaneve in Cervinia from £1075 per person (based on two sharing) including flights from Gatwick to Verona and transfers (price given is for departure on 7 January 2018). Direct flights available from all major UK airports.

Or why not try one of these:

Crystal Ski Holidays offers a week’s all-inclusive at the three-star Hotel Petit Palais in Cervinia from £619 per person (based on two sharing) including flights from Gatwick to Verona and transfers (price given was for departure on 17 December 2017). Direct flights available from all major UK airports.

Crystal Ski Holidays offers a week’s bed & breakfast at the two-star Hotel des Guides in Cervinia from £366 per person (based on two sharing) including flights from Gatwick to Verona and transfers (price given is for departure on 14 January 2018). Direct flights available from all major UK airports.