Alone with the world’s most desired woman writhing voluptuously around naked in bed, Doug Kirkland was understandably lost for words when Marilyn Monroe invited him to join her.
After all, he was meant to be there just to photograph her. She had cleared everyone else out of the room, telling them: ‘I need to be alone with this boy.’
Reminding himself that he was a married man with three young children waiting for him at home, the young Canadian photographer played for time. He pretended not to hear her, fiddling nervously with his cameras.
Monroe went back into her dressing room and emerged wearing just a white dressing gown which she immediately took off, slipping into bed and under its single silk sheet. ‘I stole little glances of her backside and breasts as she moved,’ said Kirkland
The heady sexual tension that night in a photographer’s studio in Los Angeles produced some of the most famous pictures ever taken of Monroe. The actress never looked so seductive, a fact that gave her no small pleasure.
‘I like this girl because she’s the kind of woman every man would like to be in there with,’ she told Kirkland, as they looked through the photos later.
‘The kind of girl a truck driver would like to be in that bed with.’
Monroe, whose lovers reportedly included President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby, set her sights rather higher than truck drivers.
At the time of the photoshoot, despite being at the peak of her fame, she was hiding from the public gaze.

Kirkland, who went on to photograph many of the world’s most beautiful women, was only 27 when he was sent to snap Monroe for the now defunct Look magazine’s 25th anniversary issue. He is pictured hanging off the balcony
Her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller was disintegrating and she was rumoured to be seeing her thuggish baseball star ex-husband Joe DiMaggio.
Tragically, her unhappy private life wouldn’t burden her much longer. Just nine months after the photoshoot in November 1961, the actress died from a barbiturates overdose.
In New York later this month, Christie’s is auctioning the camera, a 1959 Hasselblad, and lenses that captured the photos, along with two prints from the shoot.
The lot is expected to fetch £160,000 to £240,000 — a sum that reflects the lingering fame of the pictures.
Fifty-eight years on, Kirkland, now 85, told me this week there was nothing unusual about the chemistry between him and Marilyn.
‘A successful photo session is a seductive dance between the photographer and his subject. This is how interesting photographs happen,’ he said.
‘There has to be some sort of attraction and tension, whether you are photographing a man or a woman.’
However, he wasn’t nearly so blase about it at the time.
Kirkland, who went on to photograph many of the world’s most beautiful women, was only 27 when he was sent to snap Monroe for the now defunct Look magazine’s 25th anniversary issue.
It was his first major assignment and he was terrified.
His worst fear was that the star of Some Like It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes would sense his inexperience and demand another photographer.
A few days before the shoot, he and two magazine colleagues met Monroe and her press agent at her modest basement flat in Beverly Hills.
Kirkland knew what he wanted — a photo of her naked in bed — but felt embarrassed to ask her, especially as she had insisted he sat next to her on her bed.
Fortunately, Monroe, with her ‘sweet intuitiveness’, quickly articulated what he wanted, adding only: ‘But the sheets must be silk.’

Alone with the world’s most desired woman writhing voluptuously around naked in bed, Doug Kirkland was understandably lost for words when Marilyn Monroe invited him to join her
She also wanted the photoshoot to be well-supplied with Dom Perignon champagne, her favourite tipple, and Frank Sinatra records.
Before they left, Monroe’s press agent quietly told him the actress had recently lost weight, which had pleased her. However, she was ‘fixated’ on her breasts, which she thought were now too small.
On the evening of the shoot, Monroe was two hours late at the rented studio on Santa Monica Boulevard, her agent failing to calm Kirkland’s fraying nerves by reassuring him she always turned up eventually.
Finally, she arrived at 9.30pm, a ‘burst of ethereal beauty’, he said, that bowled him over with her ‘dazzling, misty whiteness’. He was smitten within seconds.
Kirkland quickly poured the champagne and put on Sinatra as she sashayed into a dressing room with her hair and make-up assistants.
Also present were a magazine writer, Kirkland’s assistant and a studio man who was to lock up when they were finished.
The shoot didn’t start auspiciously. It was clear Monroe was not taken with Kirkland’s elaborate idea to photograph her wearing an ankle-length, spangly dress and wrapped herself in a long piece of white cloth.

Marilyn Monroe is pictured above with Marlon Brando. Monroe, whose lovers reportedly included President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby, set her sights rather higher than truck drivers
Suddenly, she stopped, complaining the fabric was ‘cheap cheesecloth’ when it should be silk. ‘I’m not a cheesecloth kind of girl!,’ she said peevishly.
‘I was learning another important lesson of my profession,’ said Kirkland. ‘You must treat a star like the princess you want her to be in front of your lens if you are to elicit her most outstanding performance.’
He was convinced the actress was going to walk out, demanding he be replaced, but she didn’t.
With hindsight, he said, ‘she was a very sweet and kind girl’ who — as the product of a broken home and childhood poverty — knew what it was like to have to deal with adversity.
Adversity like the nightmare Kirkland was facing now.
Monroe went back into her dressing room and emerged wearing just a white dressing gown which she immediately took off, slipping into bed and under its single silk sheet.
‘I stole little glances of her backside and breasts as she moved,’ said Kirkland. ‘She may have intended for me to catch those little glimpses.’
He admits it was all ‘very exciting for me in my young man way’.
Monroe ‘was within arm’s reach, twisting and turning under the sheet, which was semi-transparent’.
What he called their ‘flirtatious dance’ continued as he started taking close-up shots and ‘felt deep desire rising from within myself’.
He found himself ‘whispering promises laden with innuendo’ without understanding where his feelings were coming from.
They were by now both sipping their glasses of champagne although Kirkland assures me Marilyn — who had serious drink and drugs addictions — barely drank anything.
It was at this point the evening became even more intimate as she suddenly sat up in bed, covered her breasts and announced: ‘I know what we need — I need to be alone with this boy. I find it usually works better that way.’
The others filed out.
Confused as to what she expected him to do, he ‘retreated’ behind his camera and started shooting again.
‘It got very sexually charged,’ he said. ‘That’s where the pictures came from.’
With the room lit by floodlight to avoid the mood being spoilt by a flash, Kirkland went up to a small balcony so he could shoot directly over the bed.
He was by now ‘very stimulated’ and ‘made no secret of it’ while Monroe ‘showed me how she felt, slithering erotically between the sheets’.
Then, she looked up and, said Kirkland, ‘pleaded’ for him to ‘come down here with me’.
In a book he wrote in 2004, he spelt it out: ‘I was being invited to get into bed with her.’
This week, as he reiterated that nothing ever came of it, Kirkland — possibly in more cynical mood now he’s in his 80s — claimed ‘the night was just an exciting tease’.
Monroe, he added, ‘was just being Marilyn and playing to the camera as she knew how to do very well’. Friends have expressed disbelief when he told them of her carnal offer and he admits ‘part of me was certainly ready’.
Instead, he reminded himself of his young family. A few years earlier, both virgins, he had married his high-school sweetheart in the Canadian town near Niagara Falls where he’d grown up.
‘I was an innocent (very innocent), sexually supercharged guy in my mid-20,’ he recalled.
‘I didn’t respond because I was busy loading my film and continuing to take pictures.’
Kirkland believes the pictures he got wouldn’t have been so good if he’d got into bed with his subject. ‘We were both on such a fine, teetering edge,’ he said.
‘Ultimately all of that fused energy was channelled directly into the lens.’
As the shoot started to wind down, he felt a ‘warm satisfying sense of relief, almost as if we’d had sex’.
He ended up lying on the floor next to her bed and they chatted about their lives and beliefs.

Monroe, he added, ‘was just being Marilyn and playing to the camera as she knew how to do very well’. Friends have expressed disbelief when he told them of her carnal offer and he admits ‘part of me was certainly ready’
‘She told me about her difficult beginnings and I told her about coming from a small town in Canada and never dreaming I would some day be photographing the goddess she had become.’
Twenty minutes later, he got up and let the others back in. They didn’t finally leave until well past midnight. Kirkland said he had trouble sleeping that night at the Chateau Marmont hotel as he thought about what might have been.
‘We had nearly been lovers an hour earlier and now she was gone,’ he said. ‘The Marilyn Monroe I had been with on that night of the shoot unquestionably took a firm hold on me.
‘She arrived in a misty vision, and when she left it was as if she had evaporated. I admitted to myself with some embarrassment that I missed her already.’
However, the spell was well and truly broken the following evening as he pitched up at Monroe’s home with a spring in his step to show her the pictures he’d taken.
She answered the door wearing sunglasses and a scarf over her head. She sounded ‘drawn, tired and disturbed’ and didn’t look like she’d slept at all.
Kirkland said he reviewed the photos with a ‘darker, sadder’ woman than the ‘breathy, sexy beauty’ he had photographed.
He’d been pleased with them but she bluntly told him they ‘aren’t great’ and cut up half of them with scissors.
However, her mood improved and she finally found one she liked — of her clutching a pillow the way she’d clutch a lover.
This was the girl who men would want to sleep with, she told him, using the third person to describe herself.
They left on a positive note, with Marilyn telling him: ‘I want to do this with you again, real soon!’
Nine months later, he was in Paris when he saw the headlines that she was dead.
‘I was in disbelief and heartbroken like the rest of the world,’ he said. The pictures are some of the last professional photos that were taken of Monroe.
Kirkland’s success with her proved the making of his career, especially with beautiful actresses. He photographed Julie Christie, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn.
But, he says, he still ‘gets a buzz’ of remembering his moment with Marilyn, a woman who could wield her sex appeal with ruthless efficiency.