The name’s Johnson, Boris Johnson: Action-man wannabe Tory leader poses with female admirers

The Tory party’s Boris Johnson was spotted out on the campaign trail posing with female admirers and dashing to people’s doorsteps ahead of local elections next week.

The former Foreign Secretary was out campaigning in Walsall and Tamworth on Saturday afternoon with the local Conservative party to get the public’s backing for Thursday’s vote.

Meanwhile Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was out and about in sunny Peterborough as he tried to rally support for the party. 

Six Mayoral contests will take place across England and 248 councils will be counting votes.

Walsall – where Johnson was campaigning – is a knife edge battle. The Tories gained great ground in traditional Labour strongholds in 2015’s elections, with Walsall being one of those places.

About 110 Conservative candidates are set to be elected before a single ballot is cast as no other candidates are contesting the seats where they are standing.

Boris Johnson posed with female fans – two gave him a kiss on each cheek – as he campaigned in Walsall on Saturday

Johnson showed off his vigorous energy as he dashed door-to-door on the streets in Tamworth on Saturday to campaign for the Tory party

Johnson showed off his vigorous energy as he dashed door-to-door on the streets in Tamworth on Saturday to campaign for the Tory party

Another female fan in Walsall could not resist planting a kiss on the former Foreign Secretary's cheek as he called in to canvas voters ahead of the election

Another female fan in Walsall could not resist planting a kiss on the former Foreign Secretary’s cheek as he called in to canvas voters ahead of the election

Boris reaches out to pat a massive hound which sniffed the Tory politician out as he chatted to his master on the doorstep in Tamworth on Saturday

Boris reaches out to pat a massive hound which sniffed the Tory politician out as he chatted to his master on the doorstep in Tamworth on Saturday 

Johnson laughing as he chats to voters in a convenience store in Atherstone, Warwickshire on Saturday

Johnson laughing as he chats to voters in a convenience store in Atherstone, Warwickshire on Saturday

Only a handful of Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates will be elected unopposed when voting takes place at 248 councils in the biggest set of polls in the four-year cycle.

More than 25,400 candidates are contesting about 8,400 council seats, according to the latest figures gathered.

Polls will also be held for six directly-elected mayors, including in the new North of Tyne devolved regional authority.

A beaming woman hold her smartphone aloft to take a selfie with the grinning Tory as he dashed through the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

A beaming woman hold her smartphone aloft to take a selfie with the grinning Tory as he dashed through the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

Bake off: Johnson tried his hand at piping icing onto some baked goods at a store in Atherstone on Saturday

Bake off: Johnson tried his hand at piping icing onto some baked goods at a store in Atherstone on Saturday

Johnson appeared delighted as he got behind the till to help a bakery shift some pies on Saturday in Atherstone

Johnson appeared delighted as he got behind the till to help a bakery shift some pies on Saturday in Atherstone

Johnson appears focused as he pulls a pint at a local pub in Walsall, kindly watched over by the barman to ensure things run smoothly

Johnson appears focused as he pulls a pint at a local pub in Walsall, kindly watched over by the barman to ensure things run smoothly

Johnson broke into a light jog as he moved between houses at a rate of knots on Saturday, covering Atherstone, Walsall and Tamworth

Johnson broke into a light jog as he moved between houses at a rate of knots on Saturday, covering Atherstone, Walsall and Tamworth

Stopping for a snack: Johnson was pictured handing over some cash in this bakery as he grabbed a bite to eat for some much-needed energy on the campaign trail

Stopping for a snack: Johnson was pictured handing over some cash in this bakery as he grabbed a bite to eat for some much-needed energy on the campaign trail

Conservatives are fielding about 8,000 candidates in the council elections, which suggests the party is contesting about 95% of the seats available.

This is a higher proportion than in the previous two elections in the cycle in 2011 and 2015 – a point highlighted in analysis by elections commentator Rob Hayward, the Tory former MP Lord Hayward.

Labour has about 6,500 candidates, fighting 77% of the available seats, a much lower proportion than the Tories but still higher than in 2011 and 2015.

Johnson shakes hands with a couple of smiling townspeople in Atherstone as he chats to them about the local election on Thursday

Johnson shakes hands with a couple of smiling townspeople in Atherstone as he chats to them about the local election on Thursday

Johnson clutches a pint of beer in both hands after pouring it as he is watched over by the attentive bar man in Walsall on Saturday

Johnson clutches a pint of beer in both hands after pouring it as he is watched over by the attentive bar man in Walsall on Saturday

Selfie time: Johnson smiles as he gathers round a table at a pub in Walsall on Saturday, as locals appeared overjoyed to be with the senior Tory

Selfie time: Johnson smiles as he gathers round a table at a pub in Walsall on Saturday, as locals appeared overjoyed to be with the senior Tory

Johnson looks down the camera's lens as he hands out leaflets at a pub in Walsall on Saturday with the blue Tory rosette pinned proudly in his lapel

Johnson looks down the camera’s lens as he hands out leaflets at a pub in Walsall on Saturday with the blue Tory rosette pinned proudly in his lapel

Johnson has the butcher in hysterics as he gestures towards something on Saturday while out at the farmers market in Walsall

Johnson has the butcher in hysterics as he gestures towards something on Saturday while out at the farmers market in Walsall

Johnson chats to a group of prospective voters out at Walsall's farmers market on Saturday ahead of next week's local election

Johnson chats to a group of prospective voters out at Walsall’s farmers market on Saturday ahead of next week’s local election

The Liberal Democrats are on about 4,400 (52%), the Greens about 2,600 (31%) and Ukip about 1,400 (16%).

Conservatives are defending about 5,000 of the seats and have the most to lose after making solid gains in the 2015 polls. Those coincided with the general election in which the Tories, then led by David Cameron, won a 12-seat majority.

Some 8,650 councillors are due to end their terms of office before polling day, but there will be about 450 fewer councillors elected because of an overall reduction in seats at councils where there have been boundary changes and because of new councils with fewer seats resulting from local authority mergers.

The elections will see polls at five new authorities that are replacing 15 existing ones. They are: Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole; Dorset; East Suffolk; West Suffolk; and Somerset West & Taunton.

Johnson stands outside someone's front door as he rings around prospective voters in Atherstone on Saturday to win support for the Tories

Johnson stands outside someone’s front door as he rings around prospective voters in Atherstone on Saturday to win support for the Tories

Johnson greets a couple at their front door in Atherstone on Saturday, handing them a Tory leaflet saying: 'Vote for Simon Goodall'

Johnson greets a couple at their front door in Atherstone on Saturday, handing them a Tory leaflet saying: ‘Vote for Simon Goodall’

Boris' shorter than usual hair blows in the breeze as he stands with admirers on the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

Boris’ shorter than usual hair blows in the breeze as he stands with admirers on the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

Boris holds forth some piping work at a shop in Atherstone, the sign reads: 'Vote Tory May 2'

Boris holds forth some piping work at a shop in Atherstone, the sign reads: ‘Vote Tory May 2’

Johnson's hair was blown in the breeze as he left this home in Tamworth to continue his campaigning on Saturday

Johnson’s hair was blown in the breeze as he left this home in Tamworth to continue his campaigning on Saturday

Action man: Johnson - no stranger to some light exercise - runs through the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

Action man: Johnson – no stranger to some light exercise – runs through the streets of Tamworth on Saturday

The May elections will be notable for voter ID trials at 10 local authorities: Braintree, Broxtowe, Craven, Derby, Mid Sussex, North Kesteven, North West Leicestershire, Pendle, Watford, and Woking.

The trials, which will require voters to produce various forms of ID before they can vote, follow similar pilots at five councils last May.

Polls also take place on May 2 at all 11 local authorities in Northern Ireland.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn during campaigning in Peterborough ahead of next week's local elections

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn during campaigning in Peterborough ahead of next week’s local elections

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn poses for a selfie with Lucinda Robinson, Shaz Nawaz and Katia Yurgutene during campaigning in Peterborough

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn poses for a selfie with Lucinda Robinson, Shaz Nawaz and Katia Yurgutene during campaigning in Peterborough

Corbyn poses for selfies with his fellow Labour campaigners as he got behind the local team in Peterborough on Saturday

Corbyn poses for selfies with his fellow Labour campaigners as he got behind the local team in Peterborough on Saturday

Corbyn holds a Labour leaflet which says 'Don't forget' with the May date circled, as he tries to drum up support for his party on Saturday

Corbyn holds a Labour leaflet which says ‘Don’t forget’ with the May date circled, as he tries to drum up support for his party on Saturday

The Labour leader chats to prospective voters on the streets of Peterborough on Saturday as he was joined by local party activists

The Labour leader chats to prospective voters on the streets of Peterborough on Saturday as he was joined by local party activists