The Pros and Cons of Online Dating

Dating websites have certainly opened up a whole arena of possibilities for today’s singles. They present a treasure trove of potential talent, with sites catering for all manner of individual tastes. But, as with anything else in life, there are also downsides to this form of social interaction. Here are some of the main pros and cons when it comes to online dating.



What could be more straightforward than signing up to the dating site of your choice by completing a web form, then sitting back and browsing through the available singles while you’re relaxing at home with a coffee or a glass of wine? Accessing the personal details provided by other singles in search of a date is one thing, but you can decide which of the various websites you choose to invest in, assuring you have every chance of encountering someone on the same wavelength as yourself.


There are generic dating sites, but there is also any number of niche outlets, catering to specific tastes. Are you recently divorced and in search of other singles who have been through the same traumas as yourself, so as well as romance you’ll encounter empathy? There are sites for everything you could possibly imagine – widowers, age-gap relationships, same-sex partnerships, people wearing uniforms, particular religious sects – you name it. Within each site, the power is in your hands as you browse through the profiles deciding which of the delectable singles to get in touch with.


A lot of website host chat rooms, and a typical example of this would be Here you can introduce yourself to the existing site members, then get involved in the group discussions as you get to know the cross-section of charming individuals who use this site. If you find yourself drawn to someone in particular, getting to know them better is easily done. Most dating websites provide a discreet communication platform which allows their members to pass direct messages. This allows them to connect quickly, letting go of any inhibitions they might have as they establish a real rapport.


Fake profiles

While unscrupulous site users are definitely not the norm, you must always pay close attention to the person you begin chatting to, just in case all is not as it seems. A small portion of individuals sign up to dating platforms under assumed names, adopting fake personas – known as catfish. There are any number of reasons why people do this. Perhaps they’ve been jilted and feel like taking out their frustration by leading others along. In some instances, they could well be hoping to worm their way into someone’s affections in order to extract more pertinent information – such as bank passwords. The bottom line is, you should keep an eye out for signs such as someone appearing to be less than engaging, or repeating themselves, or referring to you under different names. While a catfish can cover their tracks, what you can do is report any suspicions to a site administrator, who can take appropriate steps.

Less than 100% honesty

Does the person you are taking to online seem too good to be true? Are they overtly boastful, and promising to invite you to their fabulous holiday home? If their chat almost sounds as if it’s made up, there is always the chance this is because it is. When it comes to your own profile, never be tempted to stretch the truth. If you do ever meet for a proper face-to-face date, you don’t want to come across as someone who has an over-fertile imagination and can’t be trusted.