The reason why As, Bs and Os are being removed from Australian landmarks

  • Brands and have removed blood-type letters to raise awareness of shortage  
  • It is for International Missing Type Day which aims to recruit blood donors 
  • Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Oval and Luna Park removed letters from signs 
  • Business including NAB, Nandos, 13 Cabs, Cancer Council are also taking part

The letters of Australian brands and tourist landmarks are vanishing from buildings to raise awareness for International Missing Type Day.

As, Bs and Os – representing different blood types – have been darkened or removed ahead of the day on Thursday which aims to recruit much-needed blood donors.

Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Oval and Luna Park are among the landmarks taking part.

The letters of Australian brands and tourist landmarks are vanishing from buildings to raise awareness for International Missing Type Day. Pictured; Chicken restaurant Nando’s

Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Oval and Luna Park (pictured) are among the landmarks taking part

Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Oval and Luna Park (pictured) are among the landmarks taking part

Business including NAB, Nandos, 13 Cabs, Cancer Council and the RAA are also getting involved. 

In Australia one blood donation is needed every 24 seconds.  

Almost 40 per cent of Australians do not know their blood type, according to The Australian Red Cross.

This suggests that many have never considered donating at a time when 30 per cent of the population will need needing blood transfusions or by-product in their lifetime.

NAB is among the businesses taking part. Pictured is the NAB building in Sydney

NAB is among the businesses taking part. Pictured is the NAB building in Sydney

‘Blood only has a shelf life of 42 days, and more than 25,000 donations are needed across Australia each week to meet patient needs,’ said Blood Service spokeswoman Sally Lauder. 

‘In Australia, one blood donation is needed every 24 seconds and with one in three people needing blood in their lifetime, you never know who you could be helping,’ Ms Launder said.

‘Whether your type is O, A, B or AB; with your help we can fill the gaps together.’ 

International Missing Type Day is a global movement ran simultaneously by 25 blood services.
