The secret to happiness is living in a big city, scientists claim

You might think spending your days relaxing on a beach with huge amounts of wealth is the key to happiness.  

But according to one scientist, those looking for a happier life should move to a big city.

Dr Jeanette Bicknell from York University in Toronto claims that the fast-paced life of bustling areas like London and New York drives a feeling of contentment among residents.

This is because busy people feel like they are making better use of their time than those who have a more leisurely pace of life, she claims.

As a result they have more life satisfaction than their country-dwelling counterparts.

Their busy schedules are also seen as a ‘badge of honour’ by others.

Independent scholar Dr Jeanette Bicknell claims that residents in bustling cities are happier because they wear busyness as a ‘badge of honour’ which implies they are devoted parents or successful professionals (stock image)

Dr Bicknell said people’s feelings about their use of time contributes to well-being as much as their wealth or wages.

She wrote on science blog site Nautil: ‘Among individuals in a society, busyness – or the feeling of busyness – seems to be an important factor in well-being.

‘That feeling of busyness – of having a lot to do and too little time in which to do it is often associated with stress and anxiety.

‘However in many contexts being ‘busy’ is badge of honor: Busy parents are seen as devoted to their children’s well-being, the busy real estate agent must be closing lots of sales, and the busy lawyer can charge a premium hourly rate.’

To support her point, Dr Bicknell, who earned her PhD in philosophy at York University, Toronto, pointed to a study that looked at the pace of life at cities in in 31 countries across the globe.

Researchers measured how fast pedestrians covered a distance of 60 feet, the average time took to buy a stamp, and the accuracy of randomly selected clocks.

Led by California State University psychologist Professor Robert Levine, the team found that people in larger cities move faster than those in less populated places.

A quicker pace was also shown to lead to a stronger economy, with rapid urban areas like London or New York typically sporting more robust economies.

Faster places had higher smoking rates and residents were less likely to help strangers in need and more likely to die of coronary heart disease.

Yet Professor Levine and his colleagues found that residents in these areas reported feeling somewhat happier with their lives than those in slower places.

The psychologist later said that a city’s pace of life was ‘significantly related’ to the psychological, social and physical well-being of its inhabitants. 

Higher levels of happiness found in faster-paced cities may be a result of the stronger economies of these places, Dr Bicknell said.

Those looking for a happier life should move to a big city, according to scientists. An expert claims the fast-paced life of bustling urban areas like London and New York drives a feeling of content among residents (stock image) 

Those looking for a happier life should move to a big city, according to scientists. An expert claims the fast-paced life of bustling urban areas like London and New York drives a feeling of content among residents (stock image) 

But previous research has shown that the relationship between income and wellbeing is complex, she added.

A famous study from University of Southern California economist Richard Easterlin showed that money only brings happiness up to a point.

Once people have enough money to meet their basic needs, having more is not necessarily linked to higher rates of happiness.

Dr Bicknell suggested that happiness is instead linked to busyness, which many people wear like a ‘badge of honour’ that shows they are high achievers.

A busy life helps people to feel like more devoted parents or successful professionals, she said.


Harvard researchers looked at data 268 men who went to Harvard College.

The study – which is one of the longest studies on adult life – first started tracking Harvard students during the Great Depression in 1938. 

The men were given regular interviews and questionnaires through the course of the 80 year study.

To gauge the participants’ early home environment, the researchers looked at reports about their home life, interviews with the parents, and developmental histories recorded by a social worker.

When the participants were 45 to 50 years old, they completed interviews in which they discussed the challenges they encountered in various aspects of their lives, including their relationships, their physical health, and their work.

Using the original interview notes, the researchers then rated the participants’ ability to manage emotions in response to these challenges.

Finally, when participants were in their late 70s or early 80s, they completed an interview that focused on their relationship with their current partner.

Eight decades later, researchers have revealed how happy we are in our relationships has a strong influence on our overall health.

Close relationships are far more important than money and fame and will keep people happy into their old age, researchers revealed.

Previous research has shown that the happiest people are often the busiest in the sense they had little excess time but did not feel rushed. 

‘Levine’s work raises the intriguing possibility that an individual’s feelings about their use of time contribute as much or more to their happiness as does economics,’ she said.

Speaking to MailOnline, Professor Peter Kinderman, a psychologist at the University of Liverpool, said busy cities can have happier residents, but only if it has the infrastructure in place to offset the damaging effects of a hectic life.

He said: ‘Busy cities allow for a better connectedness with others, which helps us build relationships that are important to our wellbeing.

‘It’s a balance between mitigating the negative effects: Pollution, noise, transport costs and a lack of green spaces, with the vibrancy, connectedness, meaning and purpose that a busy city life can bring.

‘Cities that are good for your wellbeing will have good public transport, affordable housing, green spaces, lots of opportunities for walking, and “bump spaces” – places like coffee shops where you are likely to socialise.’