The Silliest Gambling Superstitions You Will Definitely Enjoy

Gambling superstitions have existed since the beginning of gambling. It seems that no matter what new technology comes into the casino industry: free slots to play or no deposit bonus, these superstitions still hold to this day.

Notably, most of these superstitions originate from the cultural beliefs held in different cultures. Therefore, although superstitions are popular in gambling, they influence other areas of life as well.

Also, the effects of these superstitions in determining the outcomes of specific events are fictitious.

Now, what are superstitions? Superstitions are irrational solid beliefs that some form of supernatural power causes good luck or misfortune. The people who hold dear to such views act and practice certain things based on such thoughts.

Notably, superstitions are popular in gambling as the cause of either a win or bad luck, where a player loses or wins real money. These superstitions and rituals are observed in all types of casino games, including:

  • Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat
  • Craps

Mainly superstition is widespread in gambling because no matter how much effort you put into learning the game, chance plays a significant role in determining your win or loss.

The following are some of the popular silly superstitions you will find around gambling:

  • Whistling While Playing
  • Wearing Red to Casino
  • Thirteen and Seven Numbers
  • Crossing Your Legs
  • Lending Money to Other Gamblers

We will discuss all the listed superstitions in detail. You might be surprised at how many people follow these bizarre rituals. You won’t believe what some gamblers do to get their hands on some good luck.

Some wear specific colors to increase their chances of winning, while others practice certain rituals, such as crossing their fingers while playing. Importantly, irrespective of your beliefs about gambling and luck, you must gamble strategically to increase your odds.

Without applying the right strategies, your chances of winning are slim even when observing all the superstitious beliefs.

Whistling While Playing

Whistling while playing at the casino is believed to bring bad luck. This casino superstition originates back when sailors were banned from whistling onboard. It was thought that whistling on a ship encouraged the winds to blow harder in their direction and endanger their lives.

Beyond a gambling superstition, not whistling is an act of courtesy to fellow players because whistling at the tables can be downright annoying. However, if you play online slots from the comfort of your couch, away from other gamblers, you whistle as much as you wish.

Wearing Red to Casino

Many people are superstitious about what to wear at a casino. Some casinos have red since they believe red is the lucky color. People may feel unlucky if they don’t wear red since the color represents good luck and wealth.

This is why you will see most of the wagers who bet more usually wear red since they believe they have a high chance of winning. Although such beliefs do not affect your betting success if it makes you feel comfortable following them.

They’re harmless and do not affect your chances of winning at all. Being relaxed and focused on the game will make you more likely to succeed than anything else could ever do for you.

Thirteen and Seven Numbers

Many numbers are associated with good or bad luck. The numbers are subjective and vary from one culture to another. Some gamblers associate some numbers with luck and bet on more because they have won several times before betting on those numbers.

However, in most cultures, the number thirteen is one of the numbers considered to be an unlucky number. Even in casinos, some gamblers avoid playing or betting on the number at all. On the other hand, in some cultures, the number seven is considered a good luck number.

Gamblers associate the number with good luck.

Crossing Your Legs

A lot of people cross their legs at the knee when they sit. While anyone can cross their legs for comfort, even unconsciously, some cultures believe crossing their legs is a way to keep yourself away from good luck.

Even gamblers think crossing their legs means rejecting any possibilities of good luck. Therefore, to attract good chances while in the casino, you should avoid crossing your legs. But this is simply a silly superstition that does not impact your performance in the casino house.

To increase your chances of winning in a casino, you only need to apply tested gambling strategies.

Lending Money to Other Gamblers

Lending money to fellow gamblers is believed to attract bad luck.

This is one of the silly gambling superstitions that says you should never lend money to any fellow player. Many gamblers fear that lending money to fellow bettors is a way of enabling odds in their favor.

It’s believed that once you lend money, there are high chances you won’t get the money back. On the positive side, the belief encourages the players to focus on their game.

They are more likely to win since they have their own money at their disposal, and they can do well on the games they should wager on. Therefore, if your fellow gambler doesn’t have enough cash, you can recommend free slot games to them.


Whether the superstitions are real or not all depends on what you believe. Remember that although most casino games, including mobile slots, are a game of chance, you must apply some skill and strategy to increase your odds.

Therefore, you must believe you can win to continue wagering and probably win.

Staying positive, believe it or not, is the best way to have a winning gambling experience. No matter what happens, whether you’re doing well or not, always be positive and try your best and bet consistently.

Lastly, it’s important not to get discouraged, even when you lose. If you feel down, you can think about all the wins you have had before and keep on fighting. As long as you feel confident, you’ll never lose all the time.

The worst thing you can do is stop playing because of bad luck. Lastly, don’t let superstitions control your game. Keep playing with a good attitude, and remember what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.