The Stubai Glacier in Austria is the place to go for Easter skiing

The Stubai Glacier is the place to go for Easter skiing that won’t leave you high and dry

  • Austria’s Stubai Glacier above Neustift is a great place for some April skiing
  • It’s convenient – 45 minutes from Innsbruck – and, at 2,600m, snow-sure 
  • It was the ideal trip for Oliver James, his son Louis and friend Sacha 

Finding snow to ski on in the first week of April can be risky. But that’s seldom the case in the Stubai Glacier in southwest Austria, just 45 minutes from Innsbruck airport.

And no superlatives can do justice to the splendour of its surrounding mountains.

Although unable to ski myself, my son, Louis, and his friend, Sacha, both 12 and intermediate snowboarders, had a perfect alpine experience. I passed the time in the Gamsgarten restaurant at 2,600 metres, watching box sets on Netflix.

Stubai Glacier is surrounded by spectacular mountains and is not overcrowded with skiers 

There were startlingly few skiers. Perhaps this is not a glamorous resort. But it suited us fine. We stayed at Hotel Jagdhof in the village of Neustift, along the valley about 15 minutes from the base station. Shuttle buses ferry you back and forth.

Breakfast is important to skiers and the one at Jagdhof was a sumptuous affair. Then, each morning, we would head off to the diverse runs — including 12 off-piste.

Near the top of the glacier, there is a 200-metre tunnel which leads to an ‘ice grotto’.

At the top of Stubai Glacier there is a 200-metre ice grotto that can be explored

At the top of Stubai Glacier there is a 200-metre ice grotto that can be explored

It made for a fascinating diversion. It might seem inconvenient to be staying some distance from the slopes, but there are advantages.

As the village is below the snowline, there is access to all manner of sporting activities — including 3G football pitches. The boys’ inexhaustible energy meant they took part in kickabouts with local lads.

Late skiing is ideal for those of us with school-age children. And to be so close to Innsbruck makes the Stubai Glacier as good as it gets.