The Top Fire Safety Tips to Employ for Every Home

Did you know that there is an estimated 350,000 home fires every year? This means that this tragedy can happen to any family, to any residence. As a result, it is important to ensure that you and your family are afforded the best possible protection.

Here are the top things that you can do to keep your loved ones safe against fires:

Have Smoke Alarms in Every Room

Smoke detectors are a mainstay in every kitchen but few homes have smoke alarms in any other room. This is a mistake. For one thing, fires can start in any part of the home – bedrooms, living rooms, and even laundry rooms.

For another, people are using an increasing number of electronic items in every room which increases the risk of fire.

This is why you need a smoke alarm in every room of the house. This includes hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms – the works. You can then have peace of mind knowing that you will be immediately alerted to the presence of smoke in any part of your home, allowing you to act quickly.

Invest in a Fire Alarm System

A smoke detector alone isn’t enough. These may detect smoke and alert you but will do little else. For true safety and protection, you need conventional fire alarm panels in your home. Depending on the make and model, these alarms can alert you, your neighbors, the fire department, and more.

This way, not only will you be alerted to a fire in your home, but you are also afforded greater assistance. Not only does this increase the chance of survival of you and your family, but there is also a better chance of saving your home.

Stow Away Ladders in Every Room

How many stories have you heard of where people have been forced to jump out of windows for fear of their lives? In many instances, these stories end in tragedy as the distance from the window to the ground is quite great.

To prevent this from happening to you, stow away Kidde fire escape ladders in any room with a window.

These are available in various heights – you can get ones for second-story homes or third ones. Regardless, they offer you a way to safely and quickly exit your home.

Create and Practice Action Plans

It is important to have a plan if a fire does break out in your home. There should be a plan for fires breaking out anywhere or at any time. Map out a detailed exit plan and have several backup plans in case a particular route can’t be utilized.

Once you have a plan, make sure to run it with your family on a regular basis. Have everyone from the youngest to the oldest person get involved. This way, if there is an emergency, your loved ones will be able to rely on muscle memory.

These are the top tips that you should consider to safeguard your family, yourself and your home. Remember that every little trick can help in such an instance so make sure to remember all these guidelines.