The top fitness trends predicted for next year 2018

With a new year just around the corner, many will be turning their minds to a fitness programme that will see them through the year.

But rather than simply pounding the treadmill or lifting some weights, why not mix it up a bit?

Here, FEMAIL takes a look at the trends tipped to be big in 2018 with the help of strength and conditioning coach, Clint Hill.

From high intensity interval training (HIIT) to training with the help of your own body weight and ‘mermaiding’, there’s something for everyone. 


Personal trainer and fitness expert Clint Hill (pictured) believes the way to creating maintaining a regular routine is finding the style of training that’s right for you

If you're of a slightly more offbeat inclination, it's entirely possible mermaid classes might just what you're looking for (pictured)

If you’re of a slightly more offbeat inclination, it’s entirely possible mermaid classes might just what you’re looking for (pictured)

1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval training)

HIIT has been big for a while now – and if one thing is certain next year, it’s going nowhere.

HIIT – or high intensity interval training –  is a form of training that couples quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods.

Clint said one of the most significant reasons HIIT has gained a huge amount of popularity it that as people have less time, they are looking for ways to exercise more effectively.

‘Some of the research shows that people have less time available to them, so they are looking for the best way to utlilise their time,’ he told FEMAIL.

‘While it’s not the only method, it’s one the people are trying to fit into their daily life and trying to get some benefit from it.’ 

HIIT - high intensity interval training has taken out the top spot for fitness trends predicted for the coming year

HIIT – high intensity interval training has taken out the top spot for fitness trends predicted for the coming year


Training with others is a proven way to ensure you’re likely to stay accountable.

And, if you sign up for fitness classes with a friend or partner, chances are you’re unlikely to renege, especially if it means letting someone down.

Clint cites this, and clever marketing as being two of the big reasons for why people are signing up for group fitness in their droves.

‘In some cases they are designed to motivate people and keep them on the right path way by putting them in front of studios that might promote a certain type of training,’ he explained.

‘Generally, when people join these types of studios, they join with more than one person. 

‘So therefore they always have a companion to train with which increases the traction they get, and makes it harder to cancel a class if you know you have a friend relying on you to turn up.’

Training with others is a proven way to ensure you're likely to stay accountable, and if you've both signed up for fitness classes you're unlikely to renege

Training with others is a proven way to ensure you’re likely to stay accountable, and if you’ve both signed up for fitness classes you’re unlikely to renege


Fitbit, Garmin, Apple watch, Polar Heart Rate monitors or any form of wearable tech was rated the top trend in fitness for 2017.

And while wearable tech isn’t going anywhere, it’s third place position does indicate there’s a shift away from it being a predominant focus.

Clint explained tech gives people a way to measure their performance, and to build on that as their fitness level increases.

But, as far as a fitness trend goes, the conditioning coach said it’s as likely to have reached a tipping point because of media saturation. 

‘You can’t open a fitness magazine without seeing a Fitbit, or Garmin or Polar Heart rate monitor,’ he explained.

People want information such as step counters, GPS, distance and heart rate to validate their workouts, said Clint

People want information such as step counters, GPS, distance and heart rate to validate their workouts, said Clint


As social media feeds are taken over by health role models, there’s been a significant increase and interest in this particular way of exercising.

Top 10 worldwide fitness trends for 2018 

1. High-intensity interval training

2. Group training

3. Wearable technology

4. Strength training

5. Educated certified, and experienced fitness professionals

6. Yoga

7. Personal training

8. Fitness programs for older adults

9. Exercise and weight loss

10. Exercise is medicine

Source: ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal 

The trainer said the appeal of body weight training is really obvious as it not only looks amazing, it’s is also really effective.

He explained the training method brings together elements of gymnastics and a cross fit style workout. 

‘People who see fitness professionals doing it look incredibly lean and very muscular and have an athletic physique.

‘What happens when people see that is they want to do those movements because they think they will give you those results that those athletes have.’

‘Gymnastics, body weight and calisthenics are a great way to incorporate the outdoors into your workout.

‘Since time began exercise like body weight have been the bench mark of fitness.’

The trainer said the appeal of body weight training is really obvious as it not only looks amazing, it's is also really effective

The trainer said the appeal of body weight training is really obvious as it not only looks amazing, it’s is also really effective


While strength training sits at number five as a trend predicted for the coming year, Clint said as far as fitness training goes, it’s his number one.

‘It’s such an important of keeping our body in a really good physical, psychological and physiological state that will improve the over all sense of well being.

But he noted the big benefit of strength training is managing the onset of osteoporosis, and increasing bone density. 

Strength training also allows for consistency which Clint said can, and should, be celebrated in small ways.

‘You might be dead-lifting 60 kilograms and after three weeks you life 62.5 – that’s a huge achievement. 

‘Understanding the consistency of training is as important as the potential for muscular development and growth.’

Yoga has also moved up the ladder, clocking in at seventh position and it's not just women embracing this mind-body practice

Yoga has also moved up the ladder, clocking in at seventh position and it’s not just women embracing this mind-body practice


In an effort to keep fitness interesting, there are those who have embraced alternative and fun ways to stay in shape.

If you’re of a slightly more offbeat inclination, it’s entirely possible mermaid classes could be right up your alley.

Speaking previously to Daily Mail Australia, professional mermaid Katrin Gray, of Perth revealed she’s opened Mermaid Kat Academy, which is believed to be the first mermaid school in existence. 

In her classes, she teaches aspiring mermaids breathing techniques, underwater modelling and safety skills. 

‘One of the things I enjoy the most is underwater stunt work, especially when there are big sea creatures next to me, such as big manta rays, sharks and dolphins,’ the 32-year-old told Daily Mail Australia. 

‘I was crazy enough to be the only person in the world so far to swim with hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks while wearing a mermaid tail.’ 

Yoga aficionados the world over are now as likely to be practicing their stretches with a small goat balancing delicately on their back

Yoga aficionados the world over are now as likely to be practicing their stretches with a small goat balancing delicately on their back

While a watery workout might not appeal, there’s always the option of exercising with animals – in this case goats. 

Yoga aficionados the world over are now as likely to be practicing their stretches with a small goat balancing delicately on their back.

The trend has had some traction in the US and the UK and Australian animal and yoga enthusiasts can also enjoy a mix of the two.

Eliit yoga instructor Inge Sildnik said previously, goats have their own heeling properties. 

‘Goats are very inquisitive, they’re very interactive with people, they have less allergens than say dogs and cats.’

Instructing one of her classes, Ms Sildnik jokingly said: ‘It’s good luck if you get a golden shower.’ 

If downward dogs among free ranging farm animals isn’t your thing, there’s always the option to drink your way through a class. 

Beer and yoga may well sound like an unnecessary trend, but the combination of the two hit Australia’s shores this year.

One brewery offered classes for those who wanted to get bendy for the budget friendly price of just $10. Beer was naturally extra though.

Beer and yoga may well sound like an unnecessary trend, but the combination of the two hit Australia's shores this year

Beer and yoga may well sound like an unnecessary trend, but the combination of the two hit Australia’s shores this year

Clint also added that those who were keen on staying abreast of the latest in fitness trends should get clued up on Orangetheory.

He explained Orangetheory fitness is a form of heart-rate-monitored group interval fitness concept is designed to stimulate metabolism and increase energy.

And because it’s is done in a group setting it has the benefits of providing support and accountability.

‘Orange theory really focuses on technology to get results. All the training is done to a particular heart rate. 

‘It appeals to the those technological people who want to see those numbers.