The truth about shower filters! Do they really work?

The demand for shower filters is increasing day by day. However, many people still wonder if they are even legit or just an elaborate pseudoscience product that accomplishes nothing of value.

Well, the truth is, shower filters do help a lot. They filter the water. Thus, only safe and clean water gets to you. However, the usefulness of shower filters can depend on your priorities and preferences.

Who is a shower filter useful for?

Before getting a shower filter, you need to consider two things – your budget and the size of your house.

Budget: Shower filters are available at affordable prices. But they are still an investment. Some, especially the ones that include scents and nutrients, require regular replacements. So, the cost can easily stack up. If budget is not an issue, however, then shower filters are a great alternative to traditional large and expensive water filters.

Size of house: If you have a small house or apartment, getting these shower filters is your best option. LArge filters are, well, large. They take up way too much space to be worth it. However, if you are renting a space, getting shower filters might not be as good an option since you would have to disassemble the showerhead.

What is the purpose of a shower filter?

The main purpose of a shower filter is to remove any impurities from water. However, what type of impurities it removes depends on the type of filter that you are using.

A normal shower filter can remove chlorine, lead, sulfur odor, fluoride, etc. If you are specifically looking for a shower filter that removes chlorine, then there are plenty of brands that sell just that.

Some shower filters even come with scents as well as minerals that are great for your skin and hair.

What does a shower filter remove?

For you to know whether you should buy a shower filter or not, you should know what it can remove.

Chlorine: If you have dry skin and hair – you should definitely get a shower filter. Your issues might be due to the high amounts of chlorine present in the tap water in many cities around the globe. If this is the case, nobody wash is going to help with this problem. Thus, getting a shower filter is your best choice.

Sulfur: People who have wells can also benefit from shower filters. Well, water often contains a strong smell of sulfur. This is a natural smell that comes due to the decaying of rocks, etc. While it is not dangerous, it can be unpleasant.

Microbes: You don’t usually use tap water for drinking. This is because of the microbes present in the water. So, how can you use the same water for taking a shower? These microbes may not cause you to get sick. However, they can cause skin issues. Also, if you already have skin issues, they can make these issues much worse.

Keep in mind that only showers from quality brands can effectively get rid of all microbes.