The Ultimate Checklist While Choosing An Employee Onboarding Software For Your Business

The first day at school or at a new office has a very distinct place in everyone’s personal memory. Very often, first impressions go a long way in keeping employees loyal for a long time. Loyal employees go a long way in saving money, earning profits, and building businesses into empires.

Your employee onboarding process is essential in keeping employees happy and inspired to work for your company to their best capacity. First impressions often go a long way in dictating workflow and employee satisfaction in the company.

Cutting corners while investing in employee onboarding software can often come back to haunt employers. In a market where an employee is very price-sensitive, better opportunities from competitors will often come knocking to take away your best talents.

It is, therefore, important for you to find the best employee onboarding software for your business. The software should not only be a good fit for you but also should be comfortable for your new employees.

A good employee onboarding software not only raises morale and makes office working environments better,  but also saves time and money in the process of training new hires.

Points to keep in mind while choosing an Employee Onboarding Software

1. Define your goals

With hundreds of employee onboarding software to choose from, it is important to set your goals so that you can choose the one which suits your organization the best.

It is important to recognize your business structure and scale while choosing software. For example, larger organizations should set goals that are broader, which covers training and onboarding to cover all positions among the organization.

The goals also depend on many other factors, such as knowing where your onboarding process needs automation and where it needs a personal touch, which software cannot provide.

Therefore, selecting software that provides you with the requisite features to help you achieve those goals is of utmost importance.

2. Setting your budget

It is always great to have a wagon load of funds to fund your enterprise’s endeavors, but that’s far from reality, and it is important to be reasonable when investing in an onboarding software.

Your goals setting process will help you understand your needs and help you make a wise decision as to what’s important for your enterprise and what is unnecessary or overboard.

That being said, it is important not to cheap out when investing long term in an onboarding software, and it is always advisable not to compromise too much as it can end up becoming dead weight for your organization.

3. Choose your features carefully.

With an ocean full of options available with software nowadays, it is important to separate what is necessary from superfluous, unnecessary features, and tools.

It is important to fully understand the requirements of your operations and details of your onboarding process while selecting the bundle of features that are required.

If certain features and tools are redundant or are already being conducted by another department choosing those features can lead to unwanted friction in the operations of the enterprise.

4. Try out the software beforehand.

It is important to always leverage your position as a buyer to get a free trial period offer. Often a lot of software companies provide corporates with free trails of their premium software.

It is always advisable to utilize this chance to test out various features and tools that the software provides its customers. It is also a good chance to see the user experience first hand so that you can decide if it would be effective in your enterprise’s settings.

Thus, free trials can be a great way to pick and choose different software options and features to choose the best one for your business.

5. Knowing the depth of support offered

New software, especially ones connected with existing business operations, often takes time to get used to. This often means that you would run into many problems and doubts when initially running the software on your platform.

This calls for 24×7 tech support as businesses and markets run around the clock, and any delay can mean huge monetary losses and diminished goodwill amongst clients.

Thus it is always important to check if your software provider offers you 24×7 tech support on a wide range of issues.

6. The extent of reporting and analytics offering.

Finally, it is important to know if your investment is giving you results and returns. This would be the responsibility of the analytics and reporting features of the software.

Most onboarding software provides you with analytics and reporting related to the performance of your employees and the progress in their training. These metrics and graphs play a very important role as they tell you if the trainees and the recruits are actually benefiting from the program set up or not.

This also helps when new employees are put under performance review as these metrics can make you understand the workout, making decisions related to hiring less arbitrary, saving you money, and making the enterprise run smoothly.


Investments in the right direction make an enterprise, and the wrong ones break them. The marketplace for hiring human resources is ever-growing in response to the ever-growing demand of different professionals across specializations to help enterprises compete in the market.

This makes investment in human resources the single most important investment for any business regardless of nature or size. This makes the role of onboarding processes even more important as initial impressions and training can save enterprises the cost of rehiring and retraining employees.

The new software has entered the space to streamline business functions, such as payroll software, onboarding software, and performance tracking software.

Thus it is important while choosing the best payroll software or onboarding software, whatever may be the need of your business at the time.

The war of capturing the market always needs reliable and well-trained foot soldiers; thus, choosing and investing wisely is just as important as any other business function in winning the war.