The ultimate daddies’ girl | Daily Mail Online

The large walk-in wardrobe looks like it could belong to a Hollywood star.

Exquisite dresses by Prada and Burberry hang on the rails, while there are enough accessories by Gucci, Hermes and Louis Vuitton for the lucky owner to wear a different pair of shoes and carry a different designer bag every day of the month should she wish.

The finest clothes are, of course, teamed with the finest jewellery, including a spectacular £400,000 Fabergé ring.

But this impressive haul does not belong to an actress, pop star or supermodel. It belongs to a teenager who’s just turned 18, Saffron Drewitt-Barlow.

Other girls her age may shop at New Look, Primark and H&M, but Saffron is not like other teenagers. She was making headlines from birth when she and her twin brother, Aspen, became the first children to be registered as having two fathers and no mother.

To mark her 18th birthday last month, Saffron Drewitt-Barlow (pictured) has revealed the extent of the wildly extravagant lifestyle that comes courtesy of her millionaire parents

Her doting and indulgent dads are Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow, who became the first gay men in the UK to father children through surrogacy.

Saffron and Aspen were conceived using the donor eggs of one woman, Tracie McCune, and were then carried in the womb of another woman, Rosalind Bellany.

Barrie is the father of one child and Tony the father of the other. They have never revealed which dad is the biological father of which twin, as the two men consider themselves to be equal parents. They went on to have son Orlando, who’s now 13, and twin boys Jasper and Dallas, six.

Earlier this year, Barrie and Tony announced they are trying to extend their family further, using two surrogates and gender sex selection in order to have more daughters — since there is ‘too much testosterone in this house’.

Now, to mark her 18th birthday last month, Saffron has revealed the extent of the wildly extravagant lifestyle that comes courtesy of her millionaire parents.

The contents of her fabulous wardrobe total £1 million — which, coincidentally, is the same sum Saffron now owes her parents after they invested in her very first business venture.

Saffron with dads Barrie (seated right) and Tony Drewitt-Barlow as well as her brothers (from left) Orlando, Dallas, Jasper and Aspen

Saffron with dads Barrie (seated right) and Tony Drewitt-Barlow as well as her brothers (from left) Orlando, Dallas, Jasper and Aspen

A white Range Rover was presented to Saffron for her 18th birthday - while twin brother Aspen received a matching black one 

A white Range Rover was presented to Saffron for her 18th birthday – while twin brother Aspen received a matching black one 

‘I know I am incredibly lucky,’ she says. ‘Dad and Daddy love the finer things in life, and that’s something they have passed on to me.

‘They have always been incredibly generous and love spoiling my brothers and me.

‘They aren’t afraid to let people see how we live. They’re self-made, and they tell us that if you make your own money then you can choose to spend it how you like.’

‘Daddy’ is the name Saffron gives to Barrie, while she calls Tony, her other parent, ‘Dad’.

And while Saffron still enjoys a £5,000 monthly allowance, she knows she can’t rely on her daddies’ continuing indulgence because now that she has come of age, they have told her that they expect her to get a job and fund her own lifestyle. ‘Daddy (Barrie) sat me down and said that while they love spoiling me, I’m growing up and it’s time for me to get a job,’ she explains.

‘He said he and Dad are self-made millionaires, who grew up on a Manchester council estate, and they want me to make my own way in life and be as successful as them.’

Barrie and Tony have a combined wealth of £40 million generated from a range of business interests, including a highly successful medical research company with branches around the world.

As well as expecting their children to earn their own money, Barrie and Tony have also told them of their intention to leave most of their fortune to charity.

Indulgent dads Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow became the first gay men in the UK to father children through surrogacy

Indulgent dads Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow became the first gay men in the UK to father children through surrogacy

Barrie says: ‘We are incredibly proud of all our children, but we’ve told them we intend to leave a lot of our millions to charity as we want our children to get jobs and make their own way in life, just as we did.

‘While we make no apologies for spoiling them, we have also taught them the value of money and we never let them forget where we came from.’

Rather than throw a teenage tantrum at the thought of paying her way, Saffron has done her dads proud by launching her own skincare range called Barking Mad Cosmetics. The line includes a £30 moisturiser and a £25 night cream.

‘I am not going to be just a rich kid sponging off her parents for the rest of my life,’ says Saffron, though her company was set up thanks to a £1 million investment from those very parents. However, the money is a loan Barrie and Tony expect her to repay from her profits.

Barrie says: ‘Any parent would give their children all the help they can to make a go of things. I don’t want any of my kids to have to work at McDonald’s or mop floors to make ends meet, so I won’t apologise for giving Saffron her first step on the ladder.

Saffron's designer clothes are teamed with the finest jewellery, including a spectacular £400,000 Fabergé ring. Above, some of her jewellery collection

Saffron’s designer clothes are teamed with the finest jewellery, including a spectacular £400,000 Fabergé ring. Above, some of her jewellery collection

‘Now it’s down to her to make it work, and nothing will make me prouder than when she makes her first million.’

As well as selling the products online, Saffron has also negotiated a deal with TV shopping channel Ideal World.

‘I adore cosmetics,’ she says. ‘I’ve been using skin creams and make-up since I was a child, and there’s very few major products that I haven’t tried.

‘Every six months, I spend about £15,000 on cosmetics and skincare products, from Benefit and Tom Ford to Chanel.

‘I have so much, I actually have a room I call my ‘Glamour Room’ next to my wardrobe and bedroom, and there’s a dressing table with a Hollywood mirror, glitter wallpaper, a white rug and white fluffy chairs.

‘I also have my own tan room, and as a family we have Friday night tanning sessions to ensure we look our best — although Daddy is terrible for hogging the tan room as he can’t live without his fake tan.’

The Drewitt-Barlows’ main home is a £5 million water-front property with ten bedrooms in Tampa, Florida, where pop star Rihanna is a neighbour. They also keep a sprawling Essex mansion, which they regularly visit.

Three Lowry paintings, chosen by Barrie to remind him of his Manchester roots, take pride of place at the Florida house, along with a vast collection of Royal Doulton figurines. Barrie and Tony also own the largest private collection of Fabergé eggs.

Saffron says: ‘Daddy buys things that he loves. As he says, the whole point of being successful is enjoying it.

‘He gets really annoyed when he reads stories about lottery winners who say ‘It will never change me’ or who just leave the money in the bank as they don’t know what to do with it. His view is that if you’ve earned it, then enjoy it.’

Certainly, it’s a mantra that Saffron also lives by. The family’s Instagram accounts and website show picture after picture of the teenager out on the town with her friends, or posing for selfies in her designer clothes.

Saffron and her twin brother returned to the UK in December to celebrate their 18th birthday with friends. Barrie and Tony agreed to fly them and a group of their American friends to England so that they could all enjoy cocktails and champagne — something they couldn’t do in Florida, where the legal drinking age is 21. Saffron’s gift from her dads was a white Range Rover, Aspen’s a black one.

Although her wardrobe contains enough designer labels to open her own boutique, Saffron insists her clothing collection is not a patch on Daddy Barrie’s.

‘He has spent three times as much on his outfits, but all of his outfits are just so outrageously camp,’ she says. ‘Daddy is so flamboyant — he refuses to listen to my style advice.

‘His favourite outfit is a Gucci floral suit with silver Prada shoes. You just can’t miss him in it! But that’s him.

‘However, I’m always asking if I can borrow his jewellery — and that’s definitely one of the perks of having two gay dads.

‘He has impeccable taste in jewels, and diamonds are his favourite. The bigger the better. We’re all bringing a bit of Essex to Tampa. I’ll never leave my Essex roots behind.’

Surrounded by such luxury, it’s little wonder Saffron isn’t thinking about leaving home just yet.

‘If I had a home of my own, I would need to clean it myself and wash my own clothes and I’m not ready to take that on,’ she says.

‘I like taking my things off at night and them appearing in my wardrobe the next day, all clean.

‘We are a very close-knit family. I think it would break Dad and Daddy’s hearts if I left home, so I’ll be staying for a while yet.’

Daddy Barrie agrees. ‘She’ll always be our little girl,’ he says.