The Use of Dianabol Steroids in Bodybuilding and Athletics

Individuals linked with the field of bodybuilding, weight lifting, and athletics need to have a specific type of physique to perform their respective games effectively. This intense type of sport requires a strong muscular body and enhanced stamina.

Diet and workout alone cannot be enough to achieve a certain body type and stamina that is mandatory to perform effectively. Supplements, protein shakes, and steroids for sale are used to achieve the respective goal.

Steroids are used in the cutting and bulking cycle to increase the lean muscular content of the body. Individuals buy Dianabol steroids pills as supplemental tablets detail of which will be discussed shortly.


Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that is the brand name of methandrostenolone or methandienone. The primary function of including Dianabol steroid in the regime is to use it as a bulking cycle supplement.

Bodybuilders and athletes buy Dianabol online for the following reasons:

  1. Used as a bulking agent.
  2. Improves lean muscle mass.
  3. Tones up the muscles.
  4. Enhances physical strength.
  5. Endurance increases.
  6. Overall agility improves
  7. Flexibility increases

Mechanism of Action

As Dianabol is an androgenic steroid which shows that it has testosterone-like effects on the body and being an anabolic steroid, it helps in preserving and accelerating the lean muscles of the body.

The lean muscle mass improves by anabolism via which increased production of amino acid synthesis is observed. Amino acid being an integral part of protein helps in producing more protein and muscle fibers.

Retaining a surplus amount of nitrogen triggers amino acid production as nitrogen is the basic sub-unit of the bases found inside amino acids. As the size of the muscle increases so does the endurance and agility.

One can spend more time on training due to a surplus amount of energy stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver.

Dosage Form

Consumers can buy Dianabol in the following forms:

  • Tablet or pills (initially Dianabol pills for sale were available then with advancements other forms were introduced).
  • Injectable form for administering injections intra-muscularly.

Indication for Usage

Dianabol is used under the following circumstances:

  • by athletes
  • Dianabol for weight lifters and the body-building community.
  • Atrophied muscles can regain strength by using Dianabol.
  • Diseases and trauma that can cause dysmorphic muscles can be made normal looking by using bulking steroids.

Bulking Cycle

A bulking cycle is the intake of a drug in a certain dose up to a certain limit till the desired effect is achieved then it is slowly tapered off.

The loading dose is usually of 5 milligrams taken thrice a day and the overall dosage can be increased from 15 milligrams to 25 to 30 milligrams in total per 24 hours. This dose ensures minimal adverse effects. This cyclic intake must be done after proper consultation.

Usually, the cycle must last for 4 to 6 weeks to limit the virilization effects caused by anabolic steroids.

Dianabol for Bodybuilding

Dianabol was among the most popular anabolic steroid for bulking cycle till the year 1985 but after proper research, it was concluded that the benefits of Dianabol were short-lived moreover, one can only benefit oneself from Dianabol during the first one or two weeks after that the occurrence of adverse effects were noticed and they were quite hazardous for health.

So, its production plus commercial sale was stopped and it has been blacklisted from most of the countries across the globe, and producing it or dealing with its sale and purchase is considered a punishable crime.

It is very hard to buy steroids online (Dianabol) because of the restrictions and associated harmful effects.

One might be able to find the Dianabol option in an online steroids shop. Black-market vendors are also actively claiming to sell the best product but it is always advisable to look for safer alternatives already present and approved by FDA authority.

A number of online websites are already operational and trying to serve the community through a variety of oral and injectable gear steroids.

If one needs to use Dianabol first endure that you are using it under supervision and only for a very short period of time in which you will be able to extract all the benefits from the steroid and stop its intake when it is on the verge of causing side effects.

Adverse effects of Dianabol

Some of the common side effects include:

  • Liver damage: Dianabol is toxic to the liver and can cause liver damage or even liver cancer.
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Dianabol can increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Mood changes: Dianabol can cause mood swings, aggression, and irritability.
  • Gynecomastia: Dianabol can cause the development of breast tissue in males.
  • Testosterone suppression: Dianabol can suppress testosterone production, leading to decreased libido and fertility.
  • Acne and oily skin: Dianabol can cause acne and oily skin.
  • Hair loss: Dianabol can accelerate male pattern baldness in men who are predisposed to it.
  • Water retention: Dianabol can cause water retention, leading to bloating and an increase in body weight.
    • increased chances to develop prostate malignancies
    • infertility
    • gynecomastia
    • shrunken testes
    • mood swings
    • paranoia
    • hallucinations
    • high blood pressure
    • hyper-lipidemia
    • liver cirrhosis
    • cerebral-vascular accidents
    • alopecia
    • blood clotting leading to strokes
  • Virilization: In women, Dianabol can cause the development of masculine features such as a deep voice and facial hair growth.

Where to get Dianabol?

Pharmacies only entertain prescription purchases as it is a controlled substances.

For utilizing it for recreational purposes by athletes and bodybuilders one needs to opt for online channels such as the finest gears which have its steroids warehouse spread across the mass to facilitate the consumers with their safe and standard products.