The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Daryl gets an ominous message from Melissa McBride’s Carol as fans finally learn how he ended up in France

Sunday night’s fifth episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon finally answered a question on the minds of fans since the show’s beginning: How did Daryl Dixon get to France?

Along with the answer to that question, Norman Reedus’ title character also finally heard from Carol (Melissa McBride) as well… though she had quite the ominous message, revealing that someone had returned to the Commonwealth.

The episode begins with a boat floating down a river, with Josephine Baker’s J’ai Deux Amours (I Have Two Loves) playing.

Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi) prays, ‘I will be strong, Issa, I promise, but you must be strong too.’

At the helm of the boat, Daryl asks Azlan (Hassam Ghancy) what The Nest is like, and if Laurent will be taken care of.

Daryl: Sunday night’s fifth episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon finally answered a question on the minds of fans since the show’s beginning: How did Daryl Dixon get to France 

Ominous: Along with the answer to that question, Norman Reedus ’ title character also finally heard from Carol (Melissa McBride) as well... though she had quite the ominous message, revealing that someone had returned to the Commonwealth

Ominous: Along with the answer to that question, Norman Reedus ‘ title character also finally heard from Carol (Melissa McBride) as well… though she had quite the ominous message, revealing that someone had returned to the Commonwealth

‘It’s a special place. A home for the soul,’ Azlan insists, as Daryl asks, ‘But he’s gonna be safe? I’m afraid those nuns raised him a little — a little soft.’

‘He’ll be well looked after. Nurtured and groomed… To be the leader he’s destined to be.’

Azlan asks, ‘Are you a Christian, brother?’ Daryl says, ‘No. They kicked me out of Sunday school.’

Azlan asks, ‘In the Bible, Abram becomes a pilgrim after the Lord tells him, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’

Daryl asks, ‘I’m guessing Abram didn’t end up in France,’ as Azlan admits, ‘No. But I’m curious… How did you end up here, so far from home?’

Daryl ponders the question as it cuts to Daryl back in Maine, pushing his motorcycle on a road when a truck pulls up.

The truck stops and a man dressed in camouflage named Jones (Gilbert Glenn Brown) gets out and asks if he needs any help.’

Daryl says he’s fine and he’s heading home, as Jones notes, ‘On a bike with no fuel?’

So far: Daryl asks, 'I'm guessing Abram didn't end up in France,' as Azlan admits, 'No. But I'm curious... How did you end up here, so far from home?'

So far: Daryl asks, ‘I’m guessing Abram didn’t end up in France,’ as Azlan admits, ‘No. But I’m curious… How did you end up here, so far from home?’

Truck: Daryl ponders the question as it cuts to Daryl back in Maine, pushing his motorcycle on a road when a truck pulls up

Truck: Daryl ponders the question as it cuts to Daryl back in Maine, pushing his motorcycle on a road when a truck pulls up

Jones: Daryl says he's fine and he's heading home, as Jones notes, 'On a bike with no fuel?'

Jones: Daryl says he’s fine and he’s heading home, as Jones notes, ‘On a bike with no fuel?’

Daryl asks if he has some to spare, and Jones says that depends on if he is, ‘any good with that thing,’ referring to his signature crossbow.

Jones takes him to an auto repair shop, telling Daryl to take a seat and they’ll get started soon.

Daryl heads inside and sees a bunch of other men, while some in the back listen to a transistor radio with someone speaking French.

A young man named TJ (Martin Martinez) is looking at a picture of a young girl, as an older man named Juno (John Ales) says she’s pretty and snatches the photo from him, saying maybe he’ll give her a call when they’re done.’

Jones brings them together and says ‘fighting’ or ‘stealing’ or ‘sexual deviancy’ will be tolerated.’

‘No children will be accepted, nor elderly or shorties. Five foot, four inches is the cut-off,’ Jones explains as Juno asks, ‘What do you want them for anyway?’

The same French doctor French doctor (François Delaive) from the French cargo ship at La Havre says, ‘This is not your concern.’

Jones says, ‘One pint of ethanol per head is all you need to know,’ as Juno protests, ‘ What? No. We were told a quart.’

Juno: A young man named TJ (Martin Martinez) is looking at a picture of a young girl, as an older man named Juno (John Ales) says she’s pretty and snatches the photo from him, saying maybe he’ll give her a call when they’re done'

Juno: A young man named TJ (Martin Martinez) is looking at a picture of a young girl, as an older man named Juno (John Ales) says she’s pretty and snatches the photo from him, saying maybe he’ll give her a call when they’re done’

No concern: The same French doctor French doctor (François Delaive) from the French cargo ship at La Havre says, ‘This is not your concern.'

No concern: The same French doctor French doctor (François Delaive) from the French cargo ship at La Havre says, ‘This is not your concern.’

The French doctor adds, ‘A quart for the fresh ones, okay?’ as Juno adds, ‘That’s more like it.’

Jones tells everyone to ‘take what you need’ from the back wall, adding, ‘Wheels up in five.’

TJ adds, ‘I’m kinda thinking our chances may be better in numbers, so if anybody wants to team up, I’m open to it.’

Juno laughs and says, ‘I’ll have my assistant call you. We got all the guys we need,’ as they leave while Daryl watches.

Back on the boat, Azlan says, ‘I’m sure however you got here, it was hard. I fear your journey home may be even harder.’

Daryl asks, ‘How much further?’ Azlan responds, ‘About 200 kilometers. In American, it’s about 124 miles,’ with a chuckle.

Daryl is in the woods, shooting two zombies with a crossbow, with the arrow tied to a rope, as he ties the two walkers to a tree.

Back at the auto shop, they start dragging chained-up zombies in, each with restraints on their mouths, as Juno brings in five, telling the French doctor one is, ‘fresh that isn’t, ‘more than a few months turned.’

Not sure: Back on the boat, Azlan says, 'I'm sure however you got here, it was hard. I fear your journey home may be even harder'

Not sure: Back on the boat, Azlan says, ‘I’m sure however you got here, it was hard. I fear your journey home may be even harder’

Daryl walks in with a huge chain of zombies all strung together, as Jones tells him, ‘Not bad, friend.’

Jones hands him a huge gas can that is filled up with ethanol, as Daryl says it should be ‘better tomorrow.’

TJ approaches Daryl, saying he had a few but he stopped to fill his canteen and they got away somehow.

TJ asks for some pointers and Daryl tells him to ‘go home to your girl,’ but TJ says he can’t go home empty-handed.

TJ asks if he could use a partner, but Daryl asks, ‘Do I look like I need help?’

Back in France, Azlan says it’s almost time for prayer, saying, ‘ Allah keeps us on a tight schedule.’

Laurent comes running up and shows him a fish he caught, as Daryl is happy for the kid, saying, ‘Oh, wow. Look at you getting the hang of it. Grab your knife. I’ll show you how to gut him.’

Laurent is confused, as Daryl explains, ‘Yeah, we wanna eat him. You didn’t think we were doing this for fun, did you?’

Fish: Laurent comes running up and shows him a fish he caught, as Daryl is happy for the kid, saying, 'Oh, wow. Look at you getting the hang of it. Grab your knife. I'll show you how to gut him'

Fish: Laurent comes running up and shows him a fish he caught, as Daryl is happy for the kid, saying, ‘Oh, wow. Look at you getting the hang of it. Grab your knife. I’ll show you how to gut him’

Laurent insists, ‘I can’t eat animals. I made a promise to God,’ but Daryl says, ‘I think God will understand.’

Azlan adds, ‘He’s right, Laurent. It’s allowed when there is no other option. You ain’t at the abbey anymore.’

Daryl says, ‘You gotta learn how to take care of yourself, as Laurent says, ‘I miss Issa.’

Daryl says, ‘We all got people we miss,’ as Laurent asks, ‘What people do you have?’

‘I have friends,’ Daryl says, as Laurent says, ‘You know my friends, but I don’t know about yours. It’s not fair.’

‘Life’s not fair. Ask the fish,’ Daryl says, as Laurent just looks at him, as Daryl relents, telling him, ‘There’s Judith and RJ. They’re kids, like you. Uh, there’s Connie, Ezekiel. There’s a lady named Carol.’

Laurent says, ‘They sound nice, adding ,’You miss Issa, too. I can tell.’

Daryl kills the fish and says, ‘See? Didn’t feel a thing, as Laurent adds, ‘Not to worry. We’ll all be together again.’

Together: Daryl kills the fish and says, 'See? Didn't feel a thing, as Laurent adds, 'Not to worry. We'll all be together again'

Together: Daryl kills the fish and says, ‘See? Didn’t feel a thing, as Laurent adds, ‘Not to worry. We’ll all be together again’

The episode transitions to Paris, where Issa (Clemence Posey) wakes up in an ornate bed, turning to find the iconic Claude Monet painting Les Nenuphars (Water Lillies) at her bedside.

She goes into another room where she’s met by a woman named Marie who tells her it’s 11 AM and she was ‘having bad dreams’ so they made something to soothe her.

She goes back into her room and looks out at the elaborate, highly-guarded mansion, as she prays, ‘Lord, guide them safely. I’ve done everything you’ve asked…’

The door opens and Quinn (Adam Nagaitis) enters with a tray of pastries, saying Marie will fetch her anything she wants.

He says he has a ‘warehouse full of things’ and she can pick anything she wants, she says, ‘It’s not for me.

Quinn says, ‘You’re just being contrary,’ while she says, ‘Must be the drugs.’

‘I wanted to let you rest while I took care of business. So I could prove to you that I was gonna keep my promise,’ he says.

‘Have you?’ Issa asks, as Quinn says, ‘I’ve just been with a couple of Pouvoir blokes. They assured me that Laurent made it out of the city. He’s headed north now with your, um… American friend. It’s what you wanted. So… How long’s it gonna take?

Rest: 'I wanted to let you rest while I took care of business. So I could prove to you that I was gonna keep my promise,' he says

Rest: ‘I wanted to let you rest while I took care of business. So I could prove to you that I was gonna keep my promise,’ he says

She asks, ‘For what?’ He says, ‘For you to see me different. Want me again.’

She says she has, ‘locked that part of myself away… A long time ago. I… I need to pray on it,’ as Quinn leaves.

The episode cuts back to Daryl, who teaches Laurent how to gut a fish, but Laurent says he doesn’t want to, but Daryl says sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to, sometimes you don’t have a choice.

Back in Paris, Issa searches the room for anything she can use as a weapon, asking the Lord to forgive her for what what she’s going to do.

Back at their camp, Laurent prays for all of Daryl’s friends that he mentioned, adding, ‘I put them in my prayers ’cause Daryl doesn’t know how to pray…’

Daryl goes to Azlan, bringing firewood, seeing Azlan admiring a pocket watch, which Azlan says saved his life.

Azlan says, ‘Genet controls the port in Le Havre. But our leader, Losang, will help you secure a boat home.’

Searches: Back in Paris, Issa searches the room for anything she can use as a weapon, asking the Lord to forgive her for what what she's going to do

Searches: Back in Paris, Issa searches the room for anything she can use as a weapon, asking the Lord to forgive her for what what she’s going to do

‘A lone wolf who only wants to get back to his pack,’ Azlan says, as Daryl adds, ‘I made a promise.’

‘There are times when even a man’s promise gets overwhelmed by a connection to other people or a larger cause,’ Azlan says.

‘You know, when a man dies in someone else’s war, it’s his kids that suffer. That gets passed down to their kids. After a while, no one even remembers what the ‘Cause’ was. The causes were… Never really my thing,’ Daryl admits.

Azlan says, ‘When I first got to the Nest, I had just lost my wife and son. All I wanted to do was die. Losang asked me to fix this watch, told me how important it was. I worked on it, day and night, for months. And when I finally got it running, he told me it didn’t matter anymore. Because I had found a reason to live.’

Laurent keeps praying, adding, ‘Please, Lord, let me be strong… Like Daryl is strong.’

TJ is still trying to find someone to partner up with him, as Juno and his friends keep making fun of him.

Juno adds, ‘Alright. Look, kid. You chop some more firewood, keep this Rollin’ while we rest the night, and… I’ll consider letting you come along.’

TJ walks over to an ax and tries to cut a log in half but he fails, as Daryl shows him the proper way, and he gets it right.

Log: TJ walks over to an ax and tries to cut a log in half but he fails, as Daryl shows him the proper way, and he gets it right

Log: TJ walks over to an ax and tries to cut a log in half but he fails, as Daryl shows him the proper way, and he gets it right

TJ tells him he’s from just outside Freeport and his girl, ‘her father practically keeps her prisoner. I promised I’d take her far away, so I can’t go back without any fuel.’

Daryl asks, ‘Where’s ‘Far away’?’ TJ says, ‘California. I hear it’s better there,’ but Daryl says, ‘You can’t believe everything you hear,’ while Daryl goes to talk with Juno.

Back in Paris, Quinn has Marie wheel in a tea set, but down at the main door, Anna Valery (Lukerya Ilyashenko) walks in, looking for Quinn, but she’s told, ‘I’m afraid he’s busy.’

While Valery says she can wait, she’s told, ‘No, but he’s busy for the evening,’ which causes Valery to turn with a peculiar look.

Quinn tells Issa, ‘I know I’ve made mistakes. But everything is different now. I can be a better man for you,’ as Issa takes a drink.

She gets up and rubs his back and takes his hand, walking him across the room, sitting him on his bed as she kisses him… while reaching in her coat and pulling out the sharp shard she broke off earlier.

Quinn smiles and says, ‘Abraham sacrificed his only son. But Isaac was saved. And in the end, Abraham was redeemed. I believe in redemption. And I know you do, too,’ as Issa backs away, conflicted.

‘I’m sorry. It’s been so long,’ she says, as Quinn adds, ‘It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re not ready. I can be patient. It’s just you and me now. We’ve got all the time in the world.’

Valery: While Valery says she can wait, she's told, 'No, but he's busy for the evening,' which causes Valery to turn with a peculiar look

Valery: While Valery says she can wait, she’s told, ‘No, but he’s busy for the evening,’ which causes Valery to turn with a peculiar look

Shard: She gets up and rubs his back and takes his hand, walking him across the room, sitting him on his bed as she kisses him… while reaching in her coat and pulling out the sharp shard she broke off earlier

Shard: She gets up and rubs his back and takes his hand, walking him across the room, sitting him on his bed as she kisses him… while reaching in her coat and pulling out the sharp shard she broke off earlier

Quinn walks into his chambers and finds Valery, who drops her glass and walks out.

Daryl is at the radio, and he’s told the connection only lasts a few minutes, when Daryl finally reaches out to Carol by radio.

While he’s about to give up, Carol comes through, as he rushes to the receiver.

‘I’m in Maine, by the coast. Everything good there?’ Daryl asks, as Carol says, ‘Yeah, you know, pretty quiet here,’ adding it, ‘Just takes some getting used to, that’s all.’

He asks again if she’s OK and she says, ‘You never have to worry about me, Daryl.’

She asks how it is in Maine and says he’ll tell her all about it when he gets back in, ‘about a week, I promise.’

‘Hey, Daryl,’ Carol says, as the transmission crackles and Carol says someone, ‘came back’ but the connection is lost before she can say.

Later that night, Daryl kills a walker, telling Laurent to stay put, but he goes out and finds Azlan impaled to a telephone pole.

Rushes: While he's about to give up, Carol comes through, as he rushes to the receiver

Rushes: While he’s about to give up, Carol comes through, as he rushes to the receiver

Impaled: Later that night, Daryl kills a walker, telling Laurent to stay put, but he goes out and finds Azlan impaled to a telephone pole

Impaled: Later that night, Daryl kills a walker, telling Laurent to stay put, but he goes out and finds Azlan impaled to a telephone pole

‘One got away from me. I took care of it. I slipped fighting them off. I think something pierced my back. I can’t seem to move,’ Azlan says.

‘I’m covered in their blood. Don’t touch me. All those years of training, and I’m done in by a telephone pole,’ Azlan says, as Daryl says it’s a ‘tough break.’

‘At least we know God has a sense of humor. My father worked for the phone company all his life,’ Azlan says with a laugh.

Daryl offers to get him some water but Azlan says to save it, ‘just get the boy to The Nest,’ while handing Daryl his pocketwatch.

‘Follow the river. You’ll find it. And beware of telephone poles. I’m at peace, Monsieur Dixon. The boy is in good hands,’ Azlan says, handing Daryl his knife to kill him.

Daryl buries Azlan and leads Laurent to the boat… but there is no boat there, seeing the rope tied to the tree cut.

He looks at Laurent and asks, ‘Did you do this? Give me the knife,’ yelling at Laurent, ‘Why would you do this?! Why?! How the hell are we supposed to get there now?! ♪♪ You stupid little shit! Do you know what you’ve done?! You think you’re so goddamn smart! Worthless! I should’ve left you right where I found you! What do I do with you now?! I wanna know why. Why would you do this? Why?! Tell me why!’

‘Everyone I care about is gone. When we get to the Nest, you’ll go, too. I don’t want to be alone,’ Laurent says, which Daryl takes in, and gives Laurent a hug.

Pocketwatch: Daryl offers to get him some water but Azlan says to save it, 'just get the boy to The Nest,' while handing Daryl his pocketwatch

Pocketwatch: Daryl offers to get him some water but Azlan says to save it, ‘just get the boy to The Nest,’ while handing Daryl his pocketwatch

No boat: Daryl buries Azlan and leads Laurent to the boat… but there is no boat there, seeing the rope tied to the tree cut

No boat: Daryl buries Azlan and leads Laurent to the boat… but there is no boat there, seeing the rope tied to the tree cut

Laurent: ‘Everyone I care about is gone. When we get to the Nest, you'll go, too. I don't want to be alone,’ Laurent says, which Daryl takes in, and gives Laurent a hug

Laurent: ‘Everyone I care about is gone. When we get to the Nest, you’ll go, too. I don’t want to be alone,’ Laurent says, which Daryl takes in, and gives Laurent a hug

‘Yeah. Come here. I didn’t mean it. It’s gonna be alright. It’s alright. Come on,’ Daryl says as they walk back through the woods.

Back in Paris, Issa is trying to turn the sharp shard on herself, pondering cutting her wrist, when Marie arrives with breakfast, but Issa says she isn’t hungry.

Marie says the eggs are fresh and they were specifically delivered by a friend, and Issa, nearly in tears, says, ‘Tell your friend I am sorry.’

‘Who said it was my friend?’ Marie says, moving the plate of eggs, revealing a small note, as Marie leaves the room.

Issa grabs the note, reading it, but we don’t know what it says.

Daryl keeps walking with Laurent, telling him, ‘Don’t worry. I bet there’s gonna be a whole bunch of good people at the Nest.’

‘How do you know? They could be mean,’ Laurent says as Daryl says, ‘Azlan was from the Nest. He wasn’t mean.’

Laurent asks why he can’t come with him as Daryl says he told Isabelle he’d drop her off at The Nest and she’ll be looking for him there, but they have to hide when they hear a car.

Herself: Back in Paris, Issa is trying to turn the sharp shard on herself, pondering cutting her wrist, when Marie arrives with breakfast, but Issa says she isn't hungry

Herself: Back in Paris, Issa is trying to turn the sharp shard on herself, pondering cutting her wrist, when Marie arrives with breakfast, but Issa says she isn’t hungry

Eggs: 'Who said it was my friend?' Marie says, moving the plate of eggs, revealing a small note, as Marie leaves the room

Eggs: ‘Who said it was my friend?’ Marie says, moving the plate of eggs, revealing a small note, as Marie leaves the room

Note: Issa grabs the note, reading it, but we don't know what it says

Note: Issa grabs the note, reading it, but we don’t know what it says

Back at the auto parts shop, Daryl arrives and sees more zombies being walked in… including the newly-zombified TJ, with Juno saying they ‘found him like that.’

Daryl notices there were rope burns on his neck as Juno says, ‘A quart’s a quart, you prick. You know, you snooze, you lose.’

Daryl doesn’t hesitate and punches Juno in the face as others rush in to break up the brief fight.

Jones kicks them both out for fighting, as Daryl returns to Laurent, giving him Azlan’s pocketwatch, showing him the etching of The Nest inside.

‘I need you to follow the river until you find this place,’ Daryl says, adding he’ll be right behind him, handing Laurent his knife, telling him to take it and do what he says.

Daryl tries to sneak up on the men but is caught, as they ask where the boy is, but Daryl won’t tell them… though Laurent surrenders himself and asks them not to kill Daryl.

Back in Paris, Quinn shows Issa a glamorous necklace, as Issa asks if he stole it, but he says he got it for her, adding he has to go out for a while but he will be back.

‘Madame Genet has invited me to a gathering at Maison Mère. She calls it ‘De Gualle Day,’ Quinn says.

Surrender: Daryl tries to sneak up on the men but is caught, as they ask where the boy is, but Daryl won't tell them… though Laurent surrenders himself and asks them not to kill Daryl

Surrender: Daryl tries to sneak up on the men but is caught, as they ask where the boy is, but Daryl won’t tell them… though Laurent surrenders himself and asks them not to kill Daryl

‘She considers you a friend?’ Issa asks, as Quinn says, ‘She needs people like me, that can get their hands on things.’

Issa says, ‘I’ve been thinking about what you said. About going back to… The way things used to be. You can’t move forward if you’re looking back,’ she says while putting the necklace on, adding, ‘Let’s start over.’

Quinn and Issa arrive at Maison Mere, as they meet Madame Genet, who tells them, ‘One of my Guerriers charged with securing the city, he accepted an — How do you call it in English? Un pot de vin? Bribe. Precisement. A bribe. To allow people out we wanted to keep in. Should have done his job. If you please. ‘

She leads them into a jail cell where they find Daryl, as Genet says, ‘You’ve disappointed me. Didn’t we have an agreement?’

Quinn finds the spurned Valery, as Quinn whispers to her, ‘You have no idea what you’ve done.’

Quinn says he can explain this as Genet says she’ll give him time to gather his thoughts, putting him behind bars.

Genet leads Issa away, as Daryl says, ‘I’m sorry,’ before taking her to her office, where she reunites Issa with Laurent.

Genet says she can see why he’s special, ‘born from the curse, life from death, Mother Mary, Phoenix from the ashes, it hits all the notes, doesn’t it?’

Needs: 'She considers you a friend?' Issa asks, as Quinn says, 'She needs people like me, that can get their hands on things'

Needs: ‘She considers you a friend?’ Issa asks, as Quinn says, ‘She needs people like me, that can get their hands on things’

Start over: Issa says, 'I've been thinking about what you said. About going back to... The way things used to be. You can't move forward if you're looking back,' she says while putting the necklace on, adding, 'Let's start over'

Start over: Issa says, ‘I’ve been thinking about what you said. About going back to… The way things used to be. You can’t move forward if you’re looking back,’ she says while putting the necklace on, adding, ‘Let’s start over’

Sorry: Genet leads Issa away, as Daryl says, ‘I’m sorry,’ before taking her to her office, where she reunites Issa with Laurent

Sorry: Genet leads Issa away, as Daryl says, ‘I’m sorry,’ before taking her to her office, where she reunites Issa with Laurent

No idea: Quinn finds the spurned Valery, as Quinn whispers to her, 'You have no idea what you've done'

No idea: Quinn finds the spurned Valery, as Quinn whispers to her, ‘You have no idea what you’ve done’

Issa asks Genet what she wants, and she says, ‘For him to make an appearance. All he has to do is smile.’

She adds, ‘Some people think that the union is against her but she must show them the truth that they are all one French people.’

Issa tells Laurent to do what she asks and he says, ‘It’s a lie what she says,’ as Genet says he’s making her angry.

Laurent says she’s not angry, her heart is broken as Genet gets up and says he must do as she asks, there is no other choice.

Back in the cell, Daryl is told to sleep with one eye open by Juno. He’s lead outside with Juno behind him as Daryl sees some of the experiments they’re doing on zombies.

They’re lead into a container on a ship, as Juno wants to know where the boat is going, as a French man takes Daryl’s iconic vest.

He holds up the vest and says, ‘Merci,’ as Juno keeps yelling, ‘Where are you taking us?’ as fans have finally learned how Daryl has ended up in France.

The ship has set sail to France, when one of the men is taken from the container and dropped into another container full of zombies.

Appearance: Issa asks Genet what she wants, and she says, 'For him to make an appearance. All he has to do is smile'

Appearance: Issa asks Genet what she wants, and she says, ‘For him to make an appearance. All he has to do is smile’

Back in Paris, Daryl is uncuffed as a French guard says it’s, ‘lunchtime,’ while Genet gives Laurent instructions on what to say.

She steps into the light to applause, telling them they celebrate the rise of their rebirth as the crowd applauds.

Daryl is being lead through a corridor as Genet speaks as it flashes back to Daryl convulsing in the container, as Juno says if he dies in there he’s gonna turn.

Guards drag him out and are about to dump him in with the other zombies, when Daryl takes them all out, strangling one with a rifle strap… taking his vest back.

He grabs the keys and unlocks as many doors as he can, even Juno’s, who follows him as gunfire breaks out.

Genet says they are ushering in a new era of France with hope for the future as the crowd breaks into a chant.

Back on the boat, Daryl and Juno find a lifeboat, while in Paris, he’s unlocked and pushed into an area where Genet is delivering her speech.

She says the world is hers and they will make their enemies pay, while back on the ship, Daryl and Juno try to lower the lifeboat as zombies approach.

Turn: Daryl is being lead through a corridor as Genet speaks as it flashes back to Daryl convulsing in the container, as Juno says if he dies in there he's gonna turn

Turn: Daryl is being lead through a corridor as Genet speaks as it flashes back to Daryl convulsing in the container, as Juno says if he dies in there he’s gonna turn

Speech: Back on the boat, Daryl and Juno find a lifeboat, while in Paris, he’s unlocked and pushed into an area where Genet is delivering her speech

Speech: Back on the boat, Daryl and Juno find a lifeboat, while in Paris, he’s unlocked and pushed into an area where Genet is delivering her speech

Enemies pay: She says the world is hers and they will make their enemies pay, while back on the ship, Daryl and Juno try to lower the lifeboat as zombies approach

Enemies pay: She says the world is hers and they will make their enemies pay, while back on the ship, Daryl and Juno try to lower the lifeboat as zombies approach

Dart: Back in Paris, the crowd chants as Daryl is given an axe… as a zombie is lead in, while someone shoots a dart into the zombie’s neck

Dart: Back in Paris, the crowd chants as Daryl is given an axe… as a zombie is lead in, while someone shoots a dart into the zombie’s neck

Daryl fights: The zombie is released as Daryl raises his axe as the episode ends on a cliffhanger, to be resolved on next week’s season finale

Daryl fights: The zombie is released as Daryl raises his axe as the episode ends on a cliffhanger, to be resolved on next week’s season finale

A zombie rushes up and attacks Juno as he backs into the button dropping the lifeboat into the sea.

Back in Paris, the crowd chants as Daryl is given an axe… as a zombie is lead in, while someone shoots a dart into the zombie’s neck.

Back on the boat, Daryl jumps overboard as the boat explodes.

The dart causes the zombie to writhe in his restraints as a man says Daryl will now die for his brother.

The zombie is released as Daryl raises his axe as the episode ends on a cliffhanger, to be resolved on next week’s season finale.
