The workout behind Laura Dundovic’s incredible abs

Model and former Miss Universe Australia Laura Dundovic is known for her enviable physique. 

And while the fitness enthusiast regularly posts photos of herself to Instagram, showcasing her athletic and toned body, it’s her incredible abs that people get excited about.

The 30-year-old, who is a fan of cardio and weight training, recently told Sporteluxe she’s also added Pilates into her workout mix, to really get her core in top shape.

But rather than spending hours labouring away at the gym to achieve washboard perfection she has an on-the-go routine. The best part is it takes just seven minutes.

Laura Dundovic (pictured) doesn’t spend hours labouring away at the gym to achieve washboard perfection

Abdominal Curl

Laura explained that she starts her ab curl workout by lying on her back but will keep part of her lower spine elevated (the gap she said should be big enough to fit a grape).

Next, she said keeping your feet flat on the floor, you need to bend the knees, interlock your hands behind your head and keep your shoulders pressed away from your ears.

Rather than spending hours labouring away to achieve washboard perfection Laura revealed she has an on-the-go routine

Rather than spending hours labouring away to achieve washboard perfection Laura revealed she has an on-the-go routine

Using the out breath, lift your body into an abdominal curl. She said this doesn’t need to be a big movement but your focus does need to be on keeping the small gap underneath your lower back.

‘Imagine you are trying to fit into a really tight pair of pants as you curl up!’

Breathe in, lower your head and chest down. Repeat.

For a variation on this, the model suggests using a Pilates ring between the thighs and following the same process as outlined above.

Abdominal Crossover

While lying down, press your lower back into the ground, and raise your legs into the tabletop position.

Next, interlock your hands behind your head, breathe out, curl up and angle your chest to your right knee while extending out your left leg.

Breathe in, and come back to centre while keeping your legs in tabletop.

Laura shows how a series of Pilates-based core exercises have given her abs the envy of many

Laura shows how a series of Pilates-based core exercises have given her abs the envy of many

Using the breath, repeat the movement on the left side of the body – curling and angling your chest to your left knee and extending out your left leg.

Laura said this movement should be done as slow as possible for maximum benefit.

For a variation on this, place a small Pilates ball behind the shoulders and keep the spine lifted off the floor.

Front hold hover

Start in the kneeling position with your hands on the floor. Keeping your back straight, draw your shoulders back down and tighten your abdominal muscles.

On an out breath, lift your knees up, and hover a few centimetres off the floor – you will need to hold this for 30 seconds.

Once you hit 30 seconds, lower your knees but don’t let them touch the ground. Continue to lift and lower for another 30 seconds.

The 30-year-old is a fan of cardio and weight training has added pilates into her workout mix, to really get her core in top shape

The 30-year-old is a fan of cardio and weight training has added pilates into her workout mix, to really get her core in top shape

Windmill rotation

Begin in a plank position, with your arms straight. Breathe out and rotate the body into a side plank.

Next, extend your top arm up towards the ceiling and lift up through your waist, while keeping our abdominals engaged.

Inhale, return back to the centre. Exhale, rotate to the other side.

Abdominal curl with props

This core strengthening exercise starts with you sitting in a seated position, knees bent, feet flat and arms reaching out in front.

Your spine will need to be supported with a soft Pilates ball which has been placed behind your lower back.

Laura regular posts photos of herself to Instagram showcasing her great physique, it's her incredible abs that people really get excited over

Laura regular posts photos of herself to Instagram showcasing her great physique, it’s her incredible abs that people really get excited over

Using the in breath, lower your chest back towards the ground, then breathe out, tensing your abdominal muscles and lift your chest back up.

The maximum range for lifting and lowering should be no more than five centimetres or two inches.

Each of the seven exercises outlined can be timed for a minute each.