There’s one huge issue men have with their marriages, JANA HOCKING writes, and they believe it gives them the green light to cheat on their wives

Women, I don’t mean to alarm you.

But it appears the married men among us have a serious problem they urgently want addressed. Yes, I would almost go so far as calling it a national outcry.

How do I know? Well, they confess it to me every week during the Saucy Secrets confessional I host on Instagram. The same dilemma is appearing time and time again by a vast array of men, all with the same issue.

Now, prepare yourselves… it appears they are all highly frustrated that their partners don’t like giving blowjobs.

Yes, it’s true. There are a LOT of marriages currently stuck in a blowjob-free zone. Most of the men who confess to me about this issue are going so far as looking for BJs elsewhere – or at least considering it – and justifying it with a simple, ‘Well, if she doesn’t want to give me one, I’ll find someone else who is happy to.’

Uh, unless you are in an open marriage, I don’t think that’s how these things work.

Women, I don’t mean to alarm you, but it appears the married men among us have a serious problem they urgently want addressed: they are all frustrated with their lack of blowjobs

Most of the men who confess to me about this issue are now looking for BJs elsewhere

There are a LOT of marriages currently stuck in a blowjob-free zone

Most of the men who confess to me about this issue are now looking for BJs elsewhere

Confessions include:

1. ‘My wife doesn’t give BJs. An ex (also married) has recently made contact and we’ve been messaging reminiscing about how good the sex was. She’s offered to give me one last no-strings-attached BJ. I am worn, what to do?’

2. ‘My wife hates giving blowjobs so I go to a brothel about once a month to release tension. Worth every penny.’

3. ‘Been with my partner for 10+ years, can count on one hand the number of BJs I’ve gotten. She hates giving them, I’m ‘eh’ on them, but would still be nice on occasion.’

I have thoughts on this, oh so many thoughts.

As someone who quite enjoys doing the ‘act’ myself, I am a little perplexed by the problem. I mean, sometimes I can’t even get warmed up without some reciprocal oral action. There’s something very sexy about doing this particular ‘job’ for someone else knowing they will be wildly turned on by it. It gets me hot under the collar just thinking about it.

So imagine being in a marriage, which you would hope is for life, knowing that you may never enjoy the beloved BJ ever again.

Here's a tip, lubricate our minds and you might get us lubricated elsewhere. Women require more than a smacked bum and a 'you wanna?' to get in the mood

Here’s a tip, lubricate our minds and you might get us lubricated elsewhere. Women require more than a smacked bum and a ‘you wanna?’ to get in the mood

Fellas, in the fine words of Taylor Swift, perhaps you should come to the conclusion¿ 'It's me. I'm the problem, it's me'

Fellas, in the fine words of Taylor Swift, perhaps you should come to the conclusion… ‘It’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me’

It sure seems grim. But, fellas, I fear you are looking at this all wrong.

I would suggest you ask yourself why she doesn’t like giving you such a pleasurable act. Could it perhaps have anything to do with you? Are you doing things that warrant some extra loving?

Are the lawns mowed? Have you helped around the house? Have you taken the kids off her hands for a much-needed break recently? Or are you just grunting at her as a form of foreplay? It happens far more often than we women would like to admit.

Here’s a tip, lubricate our minds and you might get us lubricated elsewhere. Women require more than a smacked bum and a ‘you wanna?’ to get in the mood.

A friend of mine recently confessed her husband had let himself go. She said while she regularly goes to Pilates classes and trims ‘the bush’ to keep herself looking fit, healthy and fresh, he has chosen to go the other direction. She complained that once they got married, he stacked on the kilos and stopped putting in any effort.

Whereas she once used to rip his clothes off, now she’s questioning whether he’s had a shower before getting into bed. He’s a tradie and the thought of him stomping around in the sun all day and then coming home and expecting action while still wearing the remnants of the day – including sweaty under-regions – is all just a bit yuck.

Another friend complained her husband’s constant farting and lack of personal hygiene really turned her off the idea of heading south. She said it physically made her gag.

In fact, a recent study by UK retailer Currys revealed that one in five men admitted to wearing the same dirty undies for a week, while every woman in the study said they changed their undies daily. Are these the very same men who sook and complain about a lack of action down there? You have to wonder…

I think it’s interesting that so many men have said they go looking for their beloved blowjobs somewhere else when they could be getting them at home simply by making a few simple tweaks to their lifestyles.

So fellas, in the fine words of Taylor Swift, perhaps you should come to the conclusion… ‘It’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me.’

Pick up a vacuum, give the house a nice clean-up, head to the gym, buy a nice cologne, shower before bed, and maybe you will just happen to find yourself in a better position. A sexual one.

Just a thought…
