These Drag Queen events are for the PARENTS not the babies

Men in drag performing for babies, to quote my favourite Love Islanders, ‘it’s really not that deep’. 

The two mums who were trying to entertain other mums, parents and carers have now cancelled all upcoming events. 

What a shame for all those looking forward to attending and getting a break from the feed, play, sleep, repeat routine.

My youngest son is now 18 months old, and I sang, waved, and applauded my way through my maternity leave. If you’ve been to a Baby Sensory class, you know!

In between the relentless washing, crying and general hard work of caring for a small human we managed an art exhibition, a history walk, a couple of museums (not sure how much he learnt at the Science Museum, but I had fun), we even attended a classical music baby concert. 

Lisa Snell: Men in drag performing for babies, to quote my favourite Love Islanders, ‘it’s really not that deep’

Lisa and her youngest. She says: If my schedule for the nine-and-a-bit months I was off work had been wall-to-wall baby massage, I would have gone insane

Lisa and her youngest. She says: If my schedule for the nine-and-a-bit months I was off work had been wall-to-wall baby massage, I would have gone insane

We were regulars at the farm and my favourite music class was the one where the teacher performed baby versions of Oasis and Beyoncé.

We also attended, and won, a pub quiz. Twice. We went to a Bring Your Baby comedy event and even baby wine tasting. 

And funnily enough my six-month-old didn’t come home telling X-rated jokes or demanding a glass of Pinot. If there had been a Caba Baba Rave event near me, we would have gone.

Let’s not get carried away. These events are for the parents, not the babies.

If my schedule for the nine-and-a-bit months I was off work had been wall-to-wall baby massage, I would have gone insane.

Aerial cabaret one week, classical music the next – why not? Have you ever tried any kind of aerial acrobatics? 

I have, and it’s hard work. These are talented artists who, were it not for these baby events, as a new mum I’d miss out on.

Let’s not underestimate how isolated and lonely maternity and parental leave can be for some. I was lucky enough to make a really great group of friends but even with a solid support network of other new parents, there were some pretty tough moments.

Sure, I’m not taking my four-year-old to a see a semi-naked drag performer, but this kind of experience isn’t for him. 

As with most of these adult baby events, they invite you to bring the smaller, non-mobile, easier to manage kids. 

The ones who don’t really get what’s going on, but love a good light show and some music. Extra points if there’s a bubble machine.

You can take your baby to the cinema this week to see Broker, a 12A-rated film about child trafficking but you can’t take your toddler. You get the idea.

Men in drag have been entertaining kids for years, what would a Christmas theatre experience be without a pantomime dame? 

You don’t even need to leave the house. How often is Mr Tumble’s Aunt Polly on CBeebies? Are we coming for Justin next?

I’m not trying to compare the two. In the social media videos that have gone viral, the Caba Baba Rave performers were wearing significantly less, but the kids in the audience were all under two. 

Lisa's family: Perhaps as a same-sex family I feel this more acutely. I wonder why we’re not more interested in promoting diversity and inclusion

Lisa’s family: Perhaps as a same-sex family I feel this more acutely. I wonder why we’re not more interested in promoting diversity and inclusion

I struggle to believe the ongoing protests are about the safety of children. No one is forcing anyone’s kids to watch a drag show, so why prevent others from enjoying?

I struggle to believe the ongoing protests are about the safety of children. No one is forcing anyone’s kids to watch a drag show, so why prevent others from enjoying?

They were out of the house, enjoying live entertainment, with relaxed, happy parents. I can think of many days where my son was stuck at home with a mum who was far from relaxed. Tell me which one is really worse for his development?

Perhaps it would be a good time to declare one of my earliest childhood memories is my costume-making mother conducting a dress fitting for a male drag performer in our living room. 

It was the 1980s but my parents weren’t hippies, they were Daily Mail readers! My mum still is. I’m pretty sure it didn’t corrupt, trouble, or overly influence my life.

Perhaps as a same-sex family I feel this more acutely. I wonder why we’re not more interested in promoting diversity and inclusion. 

Never mind corrupting the young audience who actually haven’t got a clue what is going on. Guaranteed half of Caba Baba Rave’s attendees are mostly asleep or on the boob or bottle. If my son can sleep through Disney on Ice, he’d sleep through a cabaret show.

I struggle to believe the ongoing protests are about the safety of children. No one is forcing anyone’s kids to watch a drag show, so why prevent others from enjoying? 

To protect the poor innocent babies getting a horribly well rounded experience of baby gymnastics on a Monday, swimming lessons on Wednesdays and a one-off drag show?

To the team at Caba Baba Rave, thank you from all the parents who’ve managed to get out of the house for one of your events and feel like for an hour or so they were more than just someone who recently had a baby. Hope to see you back soon.

Now, who can get me a ticket for Drag Queen Story Hour because I’ve been trying for ages?
