Thief swipes Rolex and Faberge-style egg during raid

  • Raider caught breaking into home in plush Montagu Square in central London
  • Among treasured items stolen was £2,000 watch, four gold rings and necklaces
  • Man gained access through ground floor window but fled before police arrived 

A thief was captured stealing a £2,000 Rolex and four gold rings during a raid on a mansion in Westminster.

The man was caught on CCTV as he rooted around the property in upmarket Montagu Square in central London, just after 9.30pm on July 31.

Among the treasured items he swiped, was a 1960s Faberge-style china egg and two gold costume necklaces.

Video footage of the break-in shows him rooting around a cupboard, while he searches the property with a torch in between his teeth.

CCTV caught this man raiding a home in upmarket Montagu Square in Westminster, with a torch in his mouth as he searched the property

It is believed the suspect (pictured) broke into the property through the ground floor window

It is believed the suspect (pictured) broke into the property through the ground floor window

The home’s CCTV system automatically notified the homeowner, who was away at that time, but the raider fled before police arrived.

It is believed that the suspect gained access to the property via the front ground floor window which appeared to have been forced open. 

No arrests have been made but detectives hope the footage from the burglary will help identify the man.

The home's CCTV system alerted the owners of the property that an intruder (pictured) was in the property, but he had fled before police arrived

The home’s CCTV system alerted the owners of the property that an intruder (pictured) was in the property, but he had fled before police arrived

Among the treasured items stolen by the man was a £2,000 Rolex watch (pictured)

Among the treasured items stolen by the man was a £2,000 Rolex watch (pictured)

Other items swiped included four gold rings, two gold necklaces and a Faberge-style egg

Other items swiped included four gold rings, two gold necklaces and a Faberge-style egg

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: ‘The items stolen in this burglary are of huge sentimental value to their owner, who is deeply upset about the intrusion into his home and the thefts.

‘We have clear CCTV of the suspect committing the burglary, and we would urge anyone who recognises the man, or who has come across the items that were stolen, to get in touch with us.’

Anyone with any information relating to this incident is urged to contact Westminster police on 0207 321 7616 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.