‘Third World’ rubbish tip yards from homes in Jaywick

A ‘Third World’ rubbish tip stacked with stripped-down cars, fridge freezers and even a boat is growing bigger and bigger yards away from people’s homes in one of the UK’s most deprived towns.

Shocking pictures reveal the size of a pile of junk accumulating in the infamous seaside resort of Jaywick, Essex.  

The town is one of the UK’s most deprived, despite being just a few miles down the road from the affluent retirement area of Frinton-on-Sea.  

In recent months an ‘unofficial rubbish tip’ has emerged in Jaywick with mattresses, timber and building materials all unceremoniously dumped just yards from people’s homes.

The sprawling waste pile spreads out across a residential area of over 50ft and even includes a stripped down car, sofas, fridge freezers and a boat.

Shocking pictures reveal the size of a pile of junk accumulating in the infamous seaside resort of Jaywick, Essex

The sprawling waste pile spreads out across a residential area of over 50ft and even includes a stripped down car, sofas, fridge freezers and a boat

The sprawling waste pile spreads out across a residential area of over 50ft and even includes a stripped down car, sofas, fridge freezers and a boat

A fire pit can also be spotted among the debris and has been likened to the crater of a volcano.  

The emergence of the dump is a massive setback for Jaywick, which has seen £5million invested in the past two years with major improvements to local potholed roads.

New surfaces have been laid with better drainage to help reduce the risk of flooding in the streets.

But now angry residents in the town, which featured in Channel 5’s Benefits by the Sea, have branded the dump site ‘like a Third World rubbish tip’ and called for a clean-up.

One fumed: ‘It really is disgusting, it’s terrible. This has been going on for months and months now.

‘It is spreading out into our road – people bring their stuff down and it just collects and collects.

‘There is a chap who comes down and burns rubbish. He burns foam and everything.

‘The smoke gets into the air and it’s been effecting my neighbour’s breathing. We’ve had enough.’

The irate resident called for action to be taken to end the health hazard.

‘I have phoned the council and the environment agency. The chap who is doing this should be evicted.

‘It is scandalous – at first it was stuff people could not dispose of themselves but now there are black bin bags in there which could encourage rats.’

The town is one of the UK's most deprived, despite being just a few miles down the road from the affluent retirement area of Frinton-on-Sea

The town is one of the UK’s most deprived, despite being just a few miles down the road from the affluent retirement area of Frinton-on-Sea

The land in Brooklands Gardens where the rubbish is being dumped is privately owned, meaning it has not been straightforward for council bosses to get it cleared

The land in Brooklands Gardens where the rubbish is being dumped is privately owned, meaning it has not been straightforward for council bosses to get it cleared

Another resident said: ‘A lot of people here have lived in the area all their lives and are very proud of Jaywick and see the potential that is has to be a lovely place once again.

‘But right now this looks like a Third World rubbish tip – we’ll never lose the reputation of this place being a dump when things like this are happening.

‘It makes me so angry, it really does.’

The land in Brooklands Gardens where the rubbish is being dumped is privately owned, meaning it has not been straightforward for council bosses to get it cleared.

It is understood the owner of the bungalow next to the dumping ground is currently trying to evict his tenant.

A spokesman for Tendring District Council said: ‘We can appreciate people’s frustration that land has been used as an unofficial rubbish tip and we are working with other agencies to resolve the matter.

‘We understand the owner of one of the properties involved is taking action to evict a tenant and the council is looking to take action soon to ensure this area in Brooklands Gardens is cleared.

‘There is a vacant plot of land where some of the items have been burnt and the intention is to fence that off.’

The council said it is aiming to start its clear-up during the next few weeks.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk