Thomas Markle says he is considering a trip to the UK to repair relations with daughter Meghan

Meghan Markle’s father may fly to the UK to repair relations with his daughter as he fears he has been frozen out of her new life, it has been reported. 

Thomas Markle has faced a difficult relationship with the royal family since his daughter became engaged to Prince Harry, and did not attend the royal wedding in May. 

But the 73-year-old, who lives in Mexico, said he wanted to see the Duchess and said he did not care if she was ‘p***ed off’ at him.

He said he was considering a trip to England to see Meghan whether or not he is invited by Kensington Palace, The Sun reported. 

Meghan Markle’s father Thomas (pictured) may fly to the UK to heal relations with his daughter

Revealing he had not spoken to Meghan since shortly after the wedding, he said: ‘If I chose in a month, or couple of months, to go to En­g­land — I want to see my daughter. I’m thinking about it.

‘It’s sad that it’s got to this point. I’m sorry it’s come to this. 

‘Yes, some of it is my fault. But I’ve already made it clear that I’m paying for this for the rest of my life.’ 

The former lighting director said he would not ‘make a fool’ of himself on a visit to see his daughter but would stay in a hotel room. 

He also told the newspaper he would like to meet the Queen, saying that if Donald Trump could do so then he could too.  

Earlier Mr Markle claimed he was worried for Meghan as she adjusted to life in the royal family and said she had a ‘pained smile’. 

He told the Sun on Sunday that the Duchess was trying to mask her stress as she attends public events and was ‘terrified’ of the expectations placed on her shoulders by an ‘outdated’ and ‘asinine’ Royal Family.

Mr Markle, who had a heart attack six years ago, did not attend the Royal Wedding after being hospitalised for chest pains on the day he was supposed to fly to the UK.

Mr Markle, who had a heart attack six years ago, did not attend the Royal Wedding after being hospitalised for chest pains on the day he was supposed to fly to the UK

He was recovering from heart surgery at a £23-a-night pad when Meghan was walked down the aisle by Prince Charles at St George’s Chapel. 

It came after he had sold photos to the paparazzi which showed him posing in his hometown of Rosarito in Mexico in a bid to improve his public image before Meghan’s marriage.

In a controversial TV interview he said he warned Prince Harry never to beat Meghan and lamented he had become a ‘footnote’ in history after missing the wedding.  

Shedding a tear as he watched the magical ceremony from thousands of miles away, he said he texted his daughter to tell her how beautiful she looked.

But he has since bemoaned the lack of friends and wider family of Meghan’s at the wedding, while celebrities such as the Beckhams and Serena Williams were invited.