Thousands of green-clad protesters take part in Grenfell Solidarity March

More than 2000 people marched the streets of London to Downing Street today to demand justice for the victims of the Grenfell Tower.  

The Justice for Grenfell Solidarity March was organised to ask the current public enquiry into the disaster gets justice for the victims of it.

Survivors and supporters made their way from the Home Office to Downing Street holding ‘no justice no peace’ banners and wearing green to show solidarity for victims.

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In a post on Facebook, Justice4Grenfell, said: ‘Thanks to the 2000+ of you that joined us today for the ‘One Year On Protest’. They heard our call for  #justice4Grenfee #nojusticenopeace #ourstreets         

At the march, which was organised by the Fire Brigades Union and Justice for Grenfell, Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and MP for Kensington Emma Dent Coad gave heartfelt speeches.

Mr McDonnell said: ‘Like we have said in the slogan, no justice, no peace we want justice and truth from this enquiry.

‘Justice means, holding to account those that through their actions were responsible for the 72 deaths.’

He added that the housing crisis was responsible for the tragedy.  

Today’s event comes after Thursday’s Solidarity March on the streets of Grenfell Tower, to mark a year since the disaster. 

Thousands marched the streets of London to demand justice for the survivors of Grenfell

Demonstrators held 'Justice for Grenfell'  banners at the march in London today

Demonstrators held ‘Justice for Grenfell’  banners at the march in London today

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell made a speech outside Downing Street at the event

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell made a speech outside Downing Street at the event

The disaster claimed the lives of 72 people. Picture a group of men who attended the march

The disaster claimed the lives of 72 people. Picture a group of men who attended the march

Protesters at today's march held banners which read 'Justice for Grenfell'

Protesters at today’s march held banners which read ‘Justice for Grenfell’

Protesters voice their concerns over the Government and local council's management in the aftermath of the fire

Protesters voice their concerns over the Government and local council’s management in the aftermath of the fire


A year on from the tragedy 50% of displaced families and survivors still remain in emergency accommodation. Pictured protesters who want justice for the victims

A year on from the tragedy 50% of displaced families and survivors still remain in emergency accommodation. Pictured protesters who want justice for the victims


The Fire Brigades Union and Justice for Grenfell organised the march today in London

The Fire Brigades Union and Justice for Grenfell organised the march today in London

The FBU Fire Brigade Union members came out in force to support the march. Pictured a fire fighter who attended with other protesters

The FBU Fire Brigade Union members came out in force to support the march. Pictured a fire fighter who attended with other protesters


Protesters are demanding that the public inquiry into the disaster gets justice for victims

Protesters are demanding that the public inquiry into the disaster gets justice for victims

A protester who attended the Justice for Grenfell March

Survivors and supporters made their way from the Home Office to Downing Street holding ‘no justice no peace’ banners.  Pictured two of the protesters that attended

Labour shadow chancellor John Mccdonnel spoke at the rally as well as the local MP for Kensington. Pictured those who attended the event.

Labour shadow chancellor John Mccdonnel spoke at the rally as well as the local MP for Kensington. Pictured those who attended the event.

Angry: protesters held up signs in at the march on the streets of central London

Angry: protesters held up signs in at the march on the streets of central London

Among the more than 2000 people demanding justice today was this woman and child

Among the more than 2000 people demanding justice today was this woman and child