Three arrested after protests at Boston free speech rally

Three people have been arrested after a crowd of antifa and left-wing counterprotesters surrounded a conservative free speech rally in Boston.

A few dozen free speech advocates rallied peacefully during the ‘Rally For The Republic’ Saturday on Boston Commons, where they were outnumbered by a much larger crowd of counterprotesters. 

The rally was held by conservative groups Boston Free Speech and Resist Marxism, which has denounced racism repeatedly and publicly.

Rally speakers warned that free speech was under threat and accused Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups of being terrorist organizations.  

A few dozen free speech advocates rallied peacefully (background) during the ‘Rally For The Republic’ Saturday on Boston Commons, where they were outnumbered by a much larger crowd of counterprotesters (foreground)

Conservative demonstrator Jovi Val of New York City speaks to reporters during the free speech rally in Boston

Conservative demonstrator Jovi Val of New York City speaks to reporters during the free speech rally in Boston

A right wing speaker addresses small group of rally participants during the 'Rally For The Republic' on Saturday

A right wing speaker addresses small group of rally participants during the ‘Rally For The Republic’ on Saturday

A right-wing speaker identified only as Tammy was one of the speakers where a small group of right wing demonstrators held a rally and a much larger group of counter demonstrators gather for an unpermitted rally on Boston Common

A right-wing speaker identified only as Tammy was one of the speakers where a small group of right wing demonstrators held a rally and a much larger group of counter demonstrators gather for an unpermitted rally on Boston Common

Michael Bodnor of Wilmington, Massachussetts dressed as a Minuteman as he joined a group of right wing demonstrators

Michael Bodnor of Wilmington, Massachussetts dressed as a Minuteman as he joined a group of right wing demonstrators

At least 100 counterprotesters showed up to the Common. Boston police say two counterprotesters were arrested.

A third person was arrested, but it it not known if the individual was a counterprotester or attending the rally.

Photos from the event show one man being detained by police after attempting to snatch a Gadsden flag from one of the right-wing  

Police said two were charged with disorderly conduct and the third was charged with assault and battery on a police officer.

Although the event went forward after organizers failed to get a permit, cops were well prepared and maintained barricades separating the two crowds, preventing major violent clashes.

Cops were well prepared and maintained barricades separating the two crowds, preventing major violent clashes

Cops were well prepared and maintained barricades separating the two crowds, preventing major violent clashes

A group of masked antifa counterprotesters stand behind police lines looking on at the free speech rally in Boston

A group of masked antifa counterprotesters stand behind police lines looking on at the free speech rally in Boston

Vermin Supreme speaks to police through his megaphone next to counterprotesters at the free speech rally

Vermin Supreme speaks to police through his megaphone next to counterprotesters at the free speech rally

Right-wing demonstrators scuffle with left-wight counterprotestors over a Gadsden flag, a libertarian symbol

Right-wing demonstrators scuffle with left-wight counterprotestors over a Gadsden flag, a libertarian symbol

A man is seen encircled by police after scuffling with conterprotesters over his Gadsden flag

A man is seen encircled by police after scuffling with conterprotesters over his Gadsden flag

A man is seen being taken into police custody at the rally

A man is seen being taken into police custody at the rally

Two men are seen being taken into police custody during the free speech rally. Police said that the event went as well as could be expected and that there were no major incidents.

‘From a public safety perspective, today’s event on Boston Common couldn’t have gone much better and I certainly have my officers to thank for that,’ Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said in a statement. 

‘Their constant poise and professionalism never goes unnoticed and I thank them again for a job well done,’ the commissioner said.

Following the speeches on Boston Commons, the rally participants marched to the Massachusetts State House.

The event follows a similar rally in Boston, which drew massive crowds of counterprotesters who said they feared white nationalists might show up.  

At that event, some clashed with police and more than 30 were arrested.

Following the speeches on Boston Commons, the rally participants marched to the Massachusetts State House

Following the speeches on Boston Commons, the rally participants marched to the Massachusetts State House

Right-wing demonstrators are seen marching through the streets of Boston to the Massachusetts State House

Right-wing demonstrators are seen marching through the streets of Boston to the Massachusetts State House

Demonstrators react to a flag that was dropped on the ground during a right-wing rally on the Statehouse steps

Demonstrators react to a flag that was dropped on the ground during a right-wing rally on the Statehouse steps

The right-wing demonstrators ended the rally by speaking on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston

The right-wing demonstrators ended the rally by speaking on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston